Tokio Marine Life Malaysia Corporate Solutions: Employee Benefits are Redefining the...
In the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of recruitment, finding the right talent has become an art as much as it is a science. In this...
Are LGBT employees being left behind?
Despite the global shift towards a more inclusive community embracing diversity, only over half of organisations tailored their policies to specifically accommodate lesbian gay,...
Work From Home or Quit?
Now that workers around the globe have had a taste of flexible work benefits, more than half (54 percent) of employees surveyed from around...
Today’s Top 3 Challenges for HR Professionals
From a shortage of talent to a constant evolution of skills necessary for complex positions, HR professionals face ongoing challenges. Simply managing day-to-day obligations...
HR Asia Announces China’s Best Companies to Work for in Asia
In a year marked by a pandemic and continued global uncertainty, 32 companies across China have been named among HR Asia’s Best Companies to...
Making the Most out of Introverted Employees
The workplace is filled with a myriad of colourful characters and personalities. With various personality types and characteristics on a team, all employees offer...
New employment dispute centres to cover Singapore workers
With the recent launch of two new dispute management offices, workers in Singapore now have access to a “cheaper, better, faster way” to resolve...
The Future of HR: Human and Digital
The Covid-19 pandemic has ushered a new normal in the global economy, with enterprises embarking on a journey of rapid digital transformation. Businesses are...
Mercer Outlines a Safe Return to the Office
As many countries around the world slowly lifts their restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers are quickly learning that returning to the...
Japan Facing ‘Telework Fatigue’
The proportion of people in Japan who are working fully remotely fell from the rate in April, a survey by the Japan Productivity Center...