CPA Australia: Mainland Chinese small businesses show strong confidence in growth
Most Mainland Chinese small businesses have or expect to recover from COVID-19 in 2021.Sixty-four per cent of small businesses expect their revenue...
CPA Australia: Malaysian small businesses increase use of digital technologies due...
Forty per cent of surveyed small businesses increased their focus on online sales.More could be done to encourage uptake of mobile and digital payment...
CPA Australia: Dynamic Filipino small businesses may be weighed down by...
Filipino small businesses made greater use of digital technologies in 2020.Difficulty accessing finance may act as a brake on small business growth in 2021.A...
CPA Australia: One-third of Indian small businesses turn to technology to...
Indian small businesses are more confident than their Asia-Pacific counterparts.Investment in technology helped combat the impact of COVID-19 and increase profitability.Nearly two-thirds...
CPA Australia: Taiwanese small businesses resilient and digital breakthrough expected
Taiwanese small businesses were less impacted by COVID-19 than other Asia-Pacific markets.Fifty-six per cent of Taiwan's small businesses expect to grow in 2021,...