CPA Australia: Taiwanese small businesses resilient and digital breakthrough expected
Taiwanese small businesses were less impacted by COVID-19 than other Asia-Pacific markets.Fifty-six per cent of Taiwan's small businesses expect to grow in 2021,...
CPA Australia: Tech spurs V-shaped rebound for Vietnam’s small businesses
Vietnam's small businesses recovered faster from COVID-19 than the Asia-Pacific average.Technology investment, digitalisation and external financing supported business rebound.Most of Vietnam's small...
CPA Australia: Mainland Chinese small businesses show strong confidence in growth
Most Mainland Chinese small businesses have or expect to recover from COVID-19 in 2021.Sixty-four per cent of small businesses expect their revenue...
CPA Australia: Dynamic Filipino small businesses may be weighed down by...
Filipino small businesses made greater use of digital technologies in 2020.Difficulty accessing finance may act as a brake on small business growth in 2021.A...
CPA Australia: One-third of Indian small businesses turn to technology to...
Indian small businesses are more confident than their Asia-Pacific counterparts.Investment in technology helped combat the impact of COVID-19 and increase profitability.Nearly two-thirds...