Pasona Group forms strategic partnership with SHRI to improve the skills...

Japan’s Pasona Group and Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) signed a memorandum of understanding for a strategic partnership on Wednesday, July 24th. In recent years,...

Japan wants more graduates for workforce

This coming 2024 spring, over 30% of major Japanese firms plan to hire more new graduates according to a Jiji Press survey. As concerns...

Paternity leave averages less than three months says 87% of firms...

More than 80% of major firms saw male employees take childcare leave of less than three months over the past year while female employees...

Japan to Call for Employment Until Age 70

Japan’s Labour Ministry is seeking to urge companies to ensure jobs for workers until the age of 70 years from April 2021. The Ministry...

Japan plans guidelines for AI-savvy human resources

The Japanese economy, trade and industry ministry has compiled new guidelines for businesses to develop human resources proficient in the use of generative artificial...

Newly privatised Toshiba to cut 6% of its workforce as part...

Toshiba’s privatisation had been expected to lay the groundwork for sweeping changes, and the company duly made them this week in the form of...

Female Financial Analysts Urge Change in Male-Dominated Profession

With the gender gap still large among financial analysts in Japan, women who have blazed a trail in the male-dominated profession are calling for...

New “Women in the Workplace: Asia” survey – generational divide in...

Transparent visibility of opportunities, workplace flexibility and access to opportunities rank as the three most pressing actions companies need to take to empower a...

Japan’s ‘lost generation’ faces slow pay growth and lack of promotion

The plight of Japan's "lost generation" mainly comprising people in their 40s or early 50s is persisting, as they struggle to keep pace with...

Japan looking into solving its labor shortage

Japan may face a shortage of more than 11 million workers by 2040, a study has found, underscoring the economic challenges the nation faces...


Chinese money fuels hiring spree among private banks in Hong Kong

Wealth managers are ramping up hiring in Hong Kong to cater to an inflow of mainland Chinese money. UBS Group is adding staff as...

Top News

Indonesia plans to build 100 training centres for migrant workers

Indonesia’s Ministry of Migrant Workers' Protection is planning to establish 100 vocational training centres to enhance the skills of migrant workers, ensuring they are...


9th Malaysian Shared Services and Outsourcing Week

Venue:  Malaysia Date:    13-16 June 2022 The pandemic has proved the importance of Shared Services, and the demand for Shared Services is rising. Malaysia remains...

HR Tech Festival Asia 2022