Bringing the Holiday Cheer to Stranded Staff
With Covid-19 lockdowns being extended throughout the world, borders remain closed; leaving us with two very distinct groups of employees in need of very...
Companies Look to Skills over Qualifications
More Malaysian companies look to hire candidates with skills, over qualifications like education or experience: LinkedIn Future of Talent Report
Professional network, LinkedIn, has launched...
Leadership In Plain Language
By Lim Kee Yeong
Leadership is a humongous topic where debates, questions and opinions have been continuing for ages and will likely to be so...
Malaysia needs more all-round talent
Malaysia’s New Employment Landscape Needs All-round Talent
The 2021/22 Malaysia Salary & Employment Outlook by PERSOLKELLY Malaysia was published Friday, providing definitive salary benchmarks across...
A Word of Advice on Leadership
By Cynthia Woon Cheng Yee
In any organisation, there is always the need of great leadership. In my personal opinion, I believe that having diverse...
Employer’s Quota Cancelled if Worker’s Wage is Cut – Saravanan
Employers face the risk of having their quota for foreign workers cancelled if they resort to cutting the latter’s salary in order to cover...
Shopee’s Retrenchment Wave Hits Malaysian Ops
Ecommerce titan Shopee has slashed jobs in Malaysia following a retrenchment round in three other countries. People familiar with the matter told Tech in...
Malaysia to relook mechanism for hiring foreign workers
Malaysia to look for better mechanism for hiring foreign workers
Malaysia’s Human Resources Minister, V. Sivakumar said the government is looking for the best mechanism...
Malaysia drafting social security policy for gig workers
Malaysia is drafting a policy to provide social security for gig economy workers involved in e-hailing services so that they are not discriminated against...
Netizens Compare RM4k Job With Freelancing For RM150 Per Day
Which Is Better?: Netizens Compare RM4k Job With Freelancing For RM150 Per Day
The discourse surrounding having a full-time job or freelancing is one that...