KPMG China and ASIFMA Release Joint Report on Opportunities for Global...
KPMG China and ASIFMA launched their joint report "China Pensions Reform: Winning Strategies for global asset managers amid evolution in retirement market", which provides...
Hong Kong’s ICSD launches CEPAR 5-step methodology to assist enterprises in...
Hong Kong’s ICSD launches CEPAR 5-step methodology to assist enterprises in addressing the ESG challenges
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has become a global hot...
Benefits are the key to keeping employees happy and motivated
Monetary returns alone may no longer keep employees working at their peak. An attractive package that provides for a more wholesome career is the...
Hong Kong Sprints Towards Normalcy
Hong Kong has been found to be among the trailblazers to normalcy after it scored 96 percent in The Economist’s normalcy index that measured...
Hong Kong employees enjoyed biggest pay rise among Greater Bay Area...
A study by the Baptist University has found that workers in Hong Kong enjoyed an average pay hike of between 3.2 and 3.8% in...
One-third of Hong Kong firms expect to hire more staff but...
More than one-third of Hong Kong employers expect to hire more workers in the next three months but economic pressures and the trend of...
Women hold top management jobs in Malaysia civil service
As high as 35% of top policy-making positions are held by women in Malaysia’s public sector.
The latest figures – 1,419 women holding top positions...
How better skills can boost recognition of domestic work
An ILO training course gives Indonesian domestic workers the opportunity to gain a nationally recognized certificate and aims to raise the status of the...
Up in the Air: The Current State of Business Travel in...
In the ever-shifting COVID-19 landscape, multinational employers face many questions, challenges, and opportunities when considering how to resume global business travel. Global law firm...
Increased demand for Southeast Asian startup talent from Hong Kong and...
The Southeast Asia Startup Talent Report 2024, providing the latest insights on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on hiring and team building and...