As a leader in global cyber security, Trend Micro focuses on the security of digital information exchange between enterprises and individuals. Since its establishment in California in 1988, Trend Micro has established an organization structure without boundaries of nationalities and has set up headquarters in different countries. Our financial headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan; marketing headquarters in Dallas, USA; R&D center headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan; and Global Customer Service Center and Global Virus Control Center (TrendLabs) in Manila, Philippines. There are 55 offices worldwide, including members from Greater China, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Philippines, India, New Zealand and Australia, and the United States. The number of employees worldwide has exceeded 6,000.
Taiwan is the R&D center of Trend Micro with 1,600 employees. We believe that the source of creativity comes from the well-being of employees with our core belief “Be The Best Part of Yourself”. Our principles: “BEST – Beloved, Enjoyment, Self-realization and Take-calculated Risk” describes Trender’s comprehensive happiness rules.
We don’t just provide attractive salaries or free afternoon tea, in the era of constant threats and technology changes, Trend Micro also support employees’ new technology learning with practical actions. For example, we don’t set a limit for training budget, provide technical sharing, organize global technology competitions every year, provide numerous awards to encourage everyone to upgrade their technology in global AI contests. We also value the opinions and feelings of employees, the founders or supervisors. Employees can voice their opinions and feedbacks via the hi-comm or emails and their opinions would be addressed.
Trend Micro is committed to create a working environment where employees can enjoy work and life. We hold inspiring competitions or camps to enhance their professional skills, and also encourage employees to participate in various clubs. Currently we have 46 sports and social clubs that allows Trenders to switch between work and life.
To build a global stage for potential Trenders! Trend Micro implements multinational projects, technical competitions and job rotations to boost Trender’s technical skills, cross-cultural communications, interpersonal skills and business insights to the market and customers. Trend Micro also encourages employees to give back to the community. Trend Micro’s Global Citizenship Program provides employees 3-days volunteer leave each year to support Trenders on join in Home Building in the Philippines and Program the World in Taiwan. The company and the employees become a global citizen together and pursue the self-realization.
Trend Micro’s Co-founder and CEO – Eva Chen has always advocated the corporate culture of Take-calculated Risk, and she has also led the Trend management team to resolve the business crisis caused by the trial of innovative practices by first-line employees. This has driven the pioneering spirit of Trender’s dare to fail on work.
Human capital is the most important asset of Trend Micro. We are committed to create a high quality working environment and hope that every Trender can explore their potential and demonstrate self-realization in the position, then they could grow with Trend Micro together to achieve a vision of sharing a good future with the society.
作為雲端安全的全球領導者,趨勢科技專注於確保企業和個人數位資訊交換的安全性。自1988 年於美國加州成立後,趨勢科技便以超越國界限制的工作團隊為目標制定組織架構,並將各部門陸續設置於不同國家。財務總部設立在日本東京,營銷總部在美國達拉斯,研發中心總部設立在台灣台北,而全球客戶服務中心及全球病毒防治中心(TrendLabs) 則設於菲律賓馬尼拉。全球共有55處辦事處,其成員來自包括大中華地區、日本、德國、英國、加拿大、菲律賓、印度、紐澳與美國等,全球員工人數至今超過6,000人。
台灣為趨勢科技的研發中心,員工達1,600位。我們深信創意的泉源來自於身心靈富足的員工,讓員工做最好的自己 (Be The Best Part of Yourself) 也是一直以來的核心信念。在此也用『BEST – Beloved, Enjoyment, Self-realization and Take-calculated Risk』來闡述趨勢科技全方位的幸福法則。
趨勢科技對員工的寵愛不只是薪水或免費的會議點心下午茶,在資安威脅與技術不斷改變的時代,趨勢以實際行動支持員工新技術的學習,不設限的訓練預算,內部聽不完的技術分享,每年舉辦全球技術競賽,提供高額獎金,讓大家在遊戲與互助的氛圍下技術升級! 我們重視同仁的意見與感受,創辦人或各階主管,對同仁意見與問責的高度重視與有效反饋,透過員工大會或是電子信箱,每一位員工都有機會被看見與聽見。
趨勢科技致力創造一個讓員工可以樂在工作、享受生活的工作環境,透過激勵人心的競賽或營隊提升專業技能,也鼓勵員工參與各式社團舒展身心。目前同仁自組的運動及交誼性社團多達46個, 讓趨勢人怡然自得切換於工作與娛樂。
持續打造讓趨勢人充分發揮潛能與創造力的舞台!趨勢科技立足台灣著眼世界,經由跨國專案、技術競賽與職務輪調,淬鍊出趨勢人精湛的技術力、跨文化所需的語言力、人際影響力以及對市場客戶的洞悉力,讓台灣囝仔在國際舞台發光發熱。趨勢科技也鼓勵員工與公司一起回饋社會,趨勢全球公民計畫每年提供員工3天志工假,支持同仁親身參與菲律賓蓋房子計劃(Home Building)與台灣偏鄉程式教育營隊(Program the World),共創企業與個人成為全球公民與追求自我實現。
企業追求成長創新,最怕多做多錯、不做不錯的風氣,趨勢科技執行長暨共同創辦人陳怡樺一直以來倡導Take-calculated Risk的企業文化,也曾義無反顧的帶領趨勢管理團隊共同扛起第一線同仁因嘗試創新作法引發的業務危機,帶動了趨勢人勇於任事、敢於創新的開創精神。