Titansoft started in 2005 with a team of 5 and a goal not just to be any software development house in Singapore providing custom-made and innovative software solutions, but to build a close-knitted community bringing together passionate, like-minded people who believe in delivering valuable products to customers. More than 100 live projects are in operation currently, serving over 5,000,000 active users from 150+ countries. With extensive experience in software engineering, we offer a wide range of consulting services including market research, server and network development and management, network infrastructure, and cloud deployment. Our product lines are diversified, best known for our Project Management Systems, System Performance Monitoring Centres, Subscriber Accounting Systems, and Business Intelligence Management Systems.
“We are Agile”
There was Titansoft. And there is Titansoft post-2014- after Agile practices were adopted company-wide. A “values and mindset shift” replacing traditional waterfall project management with an iterative approach for progressive development, it is an instrumental approach capable of rendering transformative and specific business outcomes such as increased revenue or process efficiencies. Agile is not confined to methodologies incorporated into a business model, but instead, a mindset defined by values, guided by principles and manifested through many different practices, for both software development and functional teams.
In applying Agile practices across departments, our human resource policies have evolved to be progressive and inclusive of internal feedback from our staff. Backed by a solid ideology emphasising the cultivation of a passionate workforce through an innovative mindset, Titansoft believes that our people are our greatest strength. Our vision and mission, to be globally recognised as producers of fun providing the most enjoyable software products through challenging conventions, is embodied in our 6 core values.
Core Values
- Value Driven – We focus on the impact of what we deliver. We are committed to and prioritize bringing value to our shareholders, customers and employees.
- Continuous Learning – Learning is a part of life. In Titansoft, we fail early and fail often. On our journey of new experiences, we embrace the inevitability of failure, as continuous learning is a prerequisite of success.
- Emergent Leadership – Roles do not define who we are and what we do in the organisation. See a need, do the deed. Leadership is not a position here, it is an action.
- Practical – We solve real problems. Plans and actions reflect practicality and we make sure they are worth doing to achieve desirable results. We make decisions based on facts and data.
- Being Adaptive – We welcome changes and respond in a timely manner. In the world of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguous), we survive and thrive by adapting quickly to changes because we understand that change is the only constant.
- Transparency – We pledge to be open and candid in all our endeavours. Transparency is important in self-organizing environments. We believe making information available and accessible to the people who need it will help us make knowledgeable decisions and to detect potential problems.
Titansoft’s employee-centric approach revolves around the 6 core values, driven by a motto to “Never Stop Improving”. Unconventional human resource practices have played as support to create a continuously learning environment where employees are encouraged to focus on improving, innovating, and moving consistently forward with their ideas and work.
With flexible and no minimum required working hours, staff are encouraged to self-manage, to take personal accountability and practice ownership. A sustainable work life pace and agility on meeting business demands are able to be achieved. Trust is placed on staff’s commitment to getting their work done and autonomy afforded to teams to aid in productivity.
Annual salary reviews based on market data ensure fair compensation for staff, and for us to remain competitive in the industry to attract the best talents. Our self-nominated promotion policy for software developers works to recognize talents, as a transparent promotion guideline encourages employees to take on ownership for personal growth and gives them a full understanding with regards to their career progression opportunities.
Company sponsored trainings, both internal and external, are conducted throughout the year and open to suggestions from staff, allowing them to develop their professional expertise. Staying relevant in the fast-changing world of technology is essential to remain competitive. On a company level, Titansoft actively participates and share our experiences in trainings, meetups, and conferences. Our continued presence in Agile, UXSG and Data Science conferences allows us to gain valuable insights for developing impactful products that are user-focused and experience-driven, to keep abreast of industry trends and to be at the forefront of recruitment.
With a strong culture of ownership and mutual respect, a safe and open work environment is created in Titansoft, where employees feel a personal stake in the company’s performance and embrace our core values which in turn guides their behaviour rather than meaningless rules. Together, we #NeverStopImproving!
鈦坦科技是一間軟體開發公司,致力於線上軟體平台的開發與維護,2005年,由5名工程師建立,隨著業務快速擴展,我們大舉擴編,在台灣設立分公司。我們專注在迅速佈署高品質的軟體程式和網頁應用程式,目標是快速、靈活地應對客戶和市場需求的變化,採用敏捷開發(Agile software development),提供優質的產品與服務給我們的客戶。我們認同敏捷式管理精神, 不再實施個人績效評量、實施彈性工時、實行自主申請升遷和薪資透明化,實踐扁平化組織重視透明度和開放性,使鈦坦科技的團隊能夠通過持續改善來交付高品質的商業價值。
Agile 敏捷式管理
- 價值導向:和團隊與客戶協作,做有價值的事;提供最有價值的服務給客戶。
- 持續學習:學習是生活的一部分,在鈦坦,我們不怕失敗, 接受失敗,嘗試新事物的路上,失敗是永不缺席的風景,然後用不斷學習,戰勝失敗。
- 自發領導:我們崇尚自組織,在團隊裡不用先有頭銜,才能帶領大家前進,發現不對勁,無須先申請許可,可直接捲起袖子,做就對了。
- 戮力務實:發現問題很重要,能解決問題才是重點,我們根據事實和數據做出決策,確保它們值得做,並努力取得結果。
- 隨機應變:VUCA 時代,外在環境在變,科技與技術在變,組織也因業務發展而改變,改變是這世上唯一不變的事物, 我們擁抱改變,培養短期(Sprint)檢視與調適能力。
- 坦率透明:我們提供安全的環境,分享想法、表達感覺,在鈦坦,不分階級,坦誠相待才能成就可能,討論前,可盡情表達意見,討論後,一起朝共同目標奮鬥。
鈦坦以員工為本全面打造學習型組織環境,展出6個核心價值觀, 並以 “NEVER STOP IMPROVING 超越自我” 為座右銘, 鼓勵員工不斷學習、累積不斷創新和進步的能量。在鈦坦學習就是生活的一部分,因為我們深信:「Develop your people before making your products」公司的成長,來自夥伴的成長。