SAP is the market leader in enterprise application software, helping companies in the “experience economy” to achieve simplicity and excellence in business operations, so they are equipped to face any challenges that may arise in the future. SAP Taiwan has been a dedicated company in the local market for more than 20 years. With a global vision and solid knowledge of the local industry, SAP Taiwan provides business advice to solve operating pain points for companies of all sizes and in all industries, assisting customers to transform into intelligent enterprises, which lead to upgrading industries.
For SAP Taiwan, “experience economy” is not just customers’ experience with our solutions, but also our employees’ experience within the company. Therefore, we listen carefully to our employees to provide excellent working experience for them. We create a great working environment with four pillars: diversified corporate culture, comprehensive career and growth plan, employees’ health physically and psychologically, also corporate social responsibility.
SAP Taiwan believes that only companies with diversity and inclusion can foster innovation. We embrace and encourage different perspectives and believe that we are stronger with our unique combination of gender, age and culture. This culture of inclusion not only makes us a great place to work, but also drives the success of our business. When people feel free to express their opinions and accept each other’s differences, the result is greater engagement, better working environment and creativity.
SAP’s efforts to create a workforce with diversity and inclusion have earned us EDGE (Economic Dividends for Gender Equality) certification. One example is the SAP Business Women’s Network, which aims to help women advance their careers by building strong relationships, sharing professional insights and explore other possibilities. For example, we have invited experts such as well-known make-up artists, fitness instructors and dietitians to provide professional advice from different areas, so that every woman in SAP Taiwan can enjoy their work and life.
At SAP Taiwan, we aim to help our employees build the capability and mindset required to succeed in today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. Therefore, we leverage our global resources and provide a comprehensive career development and growth plan, so that employees can learn their options at SAP Taiwan and carry out their career planning from their first day. Moreover, our Mentoring Program provides individual assistance to employees when they encounter difficulties in everyday work.
To encourage our employees to demonstrate their strength and ensure their outstanding performance are valued, we regularly recognize outstanding colleagues locally and globally. In addition, we encourage employees to expand their interests outside of the workplace and drive more creativity into our corporate culture and achieve the concept of an intelligent enterprise.
SAP Taiwan believes that it is our responsibility to create a healthy workplace, so that employees can be free of worries at work. A healthy workplace includes employees’ physical and psychological health and the care of their families. In addition to the annual health examination, SAP Taiwan this year launched the 10,000- step program with Fit@SAP APP, which was developed by SAP. Employees can monitor their progress towards the goal of 10,000 steps and be reminded daily to pay attention to their physical health in their busy work life from the APP.
In terms of caring for employees and their families, SAP Taiwan provides EAP (Employee Assistance Program) to assist employees and their families. Employees and their family members can reach out to professional counselling for any difficult situations, including psychological consultations and legal advice. In addition, SAP Taiwan organizes activities such as family day and family trips regularly to thank the employees’ family members for their support and encouragement and strengthen the connection between the company and employees’ families.
Our enduring vision is to make the world a better place and improve people’s lives, hence we actively lead our employees to engage in charity events. Every year, we select a group of people that needs help and offer our contribution. For example, in the past, we have held blood donations and book donations, in which our employees can participate in helping those in need.
This May, SAP teamed up with the Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation to hold Wings for Life World Run 2019, a charity event set to take place simultaneously in Munich, Germany; Sunrise, U.S.; and Taichung, Taiwan to raise money for spinal cord research and help those who need to depend on wheelchairs for the rest of their lives. SAP Taiwan also calls on our colleagues to participate and run for those who can’t. We believe that giving back to the society, we can bring positive impact to the society.
SAP在打造多元包容文化上的努力,更讓我們獲得全球EDGE 性別平等認證。舉例而言,為鼓勵女性員工在職場上有更好的發展,我們舉行SAP大中華區商業女性網路 (Business Women’s Network),不定期舉辦交流活動,期望幫助女性員工在工作之餘,能調整身心。例如,我們曾邀請知名彩妝師、健身教練及營養師等專家提供女性員工不同面向的專業建議,讓每位女性同仁都能在職場及生活中盡情綻放。
不論現在還是未來,在SAP台灣,我們的目標是幫助員工建立成功所需的能力和思維。因此,我們透過SAP豐富的國際資源,提供完整的職涯發展及個人成長計劃,讓員工從第一天起就能妥善進行自己的職涯規劃,瞭解未來向上發展的目標。同時,我們也在內部推廣「導師制」(Mentoring Program),可以針對員工在職場上遇到的瓶頸給予個別協助。
SAP台灣認為,打造健康的職場環境,讓員工在工作之餘可以無後顧之憂是企業的責任,而健康的職場環境包括員工個人健康,以及對其家人的照顧。在員工個人健康方面,除了固定年度的健康檢查外,SAP台灣今年更透過SAP開發的Fit@SAP APP,發起萬步健走活動,鼓勵員工每天達成走一萬步的目標,並可透過APP檢視每天的達成率,提醒大家在忙碌的工作中也要注重身體健康。
在員工及其家人照顧方面,SAP台灣提供員工幫助計劃 (Employ¬ee Assistance Program),協助員工及其家人包括心理諮商、法律需求的專業協助,維護員工的身心靈健康。除此之外,SAP台灣更定期舉辦如家庭日及家庭旅遊等活動,以感謝員工家人對同事們的支持與鼓勵,提升向心力的同時,亦加強公司與員工家庭的連結度。
SAP台灣秉持讓世界運轉更卓越,讓人們生活更美好的企業願景, 積極帶領全體員工從事社會公益活動。我們每年都會挑選需要幫助的對象,來舉行捐血或捐書等活動,讓員工實際參與付出幫助需要幫助的人。
除此之外,今年5月SAP與Wings for Life脊椎研究基金會攜手合作,共同舉行Wings for Life 全球路跑 2019活動,在德國慕尼黑市、美國黎明市和台灣台中市同步舉行,而賽事募集款項將全部 投入脊椎損傷研究,為那些需要倚賴輪椅維生的人們盡一份心力。SAP台灣也熱情號召同事一同參與,以行動為公益付出一份心力。因為我們相信只要保持著回饋社會的信念,絕對能帶來積沙成塔的正向影響。