thyssenkrupp is one of the leading diversified industrial group in the world. thyssenkrupp Elevator (tkE), as the Elevator Technology Business Unit under thyssenkrupp AG, is one of the global top 4 leading elevator and escalator manufacturer and service provider. tkE entered the China market in 1995, and in the 24 years has grown into a giant enterprise with 3 manufacture plants, 5 operation regions and more than 60 branches with 10 thousand employees, which is 5 times larger than the average in the business. Safety Culture, Employee Development, Digitalized Service and High-efficient Transparent Communication, these are the footstones of tkE China’s business success. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and meet the challenges of tomorrow with our customers. Common Values leads tkers to succeed from generations to generations.

As one of the top employer, ensuring employees’ health and safety is always the top priority and a spontaneous requirement for thyssenkrupp’s senior leadership team. Not only in 3 levels safety orientation, safety e-learning requirements and random safety check but also in “We Care” safety awareness promotion program, all leaders from every level grab every opportunity to practice as Safety Culture goes deep into everyone’s heart.

tkE have multidimensional talent training and development systems to cope with the rapid changes in the market and the organization’s rapid development. All the talent development projects and e-learning platform play very important roles in ensuring the business growth and success. These include a series of talent development projects that aims to cultivate and enhance leadership for the management team, a decade-long technical leveling project to help front line technical backups to grow and a talent cultivation project to ensure the younger generation can take over the responsibilities.

tkE has already began its journey of internal digitalized service a decade ago. A series of digitalized employee service platforms and tools have been made on the basis of HRIS system by the HR Shared Service Center which have dramatically improved employees’ engagement. Meanwhile, AI technology has been adopted throughout the company step by step in order to keep the company on the cutting edge of the new technology era.

Endeavor to create transparent and high-efficient communication channel tkE endeavors to build transparent and high-efficient communication channels all the way, supported by the digitalized service platform, which forms distinctive communication ways between leadership team and staff. These include the “Face to face with management team” Forum where employees are free to express opinions and the leadership team promises to give its response within 48 hours. This helps the company to better understand the needs of employees while providing a highly effective way for employees to speak out.

Taking social responsibilities with high-spirited and enthusiastic employees tkE has made great achievements in the last 20 years in China. Countless social public welfare activities have been launched by the Sunshine 365 Foundation which is governed by tkE China under which thousands of tkers volunteer to participant to contribute to the community. tkers dare to be the first and have the courage to undertake the responsibilities, which has won the applause and recognition from all aspects of the community. Pursuing Excellence, Integrity and Credibility, Winning Together, Continuous Innovation, Engagement and Accountability, Customer Orientation, these are our core values that everyone of us are practicing. They are the commitment from thyssenkrupp as well as the spontaneous requirement from tkers.

Quote from CHRO
thyssenkrupp Elevator is a socially responsible employer and we are continually pushing the envelope to reinvent our industry. Most recently, we delivered an elevator that moves both vertically and horizontally. The MULTI helped earn us a spot on MIT Technology Review’s list of the 50 Smartest Companies. Encouraging and supporting our employees to develop continuously by sustaining learning is our consistent talent strategy, meanwhile on-going investment to the advanced technologies such as AI shows our ambitions to achieve reinventing the industry. This award that HR Asia grant us is the best recognition to all tkers for their efforts, which tell us all not to forget why we started and move forward bravely.
— Frank Chen, thyssenkrupp Elevator China CHRO


作为最佳雇主的自我要求,员工的健康与安全永远是蒂森克虏伯最高管理层的第一要务。从三级安全教育到“微课”在线安全学习课程,从区域突击安全检查到“We Care”安全系列活动,公司的各级领导抓住一切的场合、机会与员工就工作中的健康与安全进行交流互动。安全文化,深入人心。

应对快速变化的市场与高速发展的组织,蒂森克虏伯电梯拥有多方位的人才发展与培养体系。各类人才发展项目与“微课”员工自我学习平台各自发挥着重要的作用。在蒂森克虏伯电梯的人才发展体系中,一系列以提高管理团队领导力与战略决策能力为目标的人才发展项目为组织的壮大与高速发展保驾护航;与此同时,历经10 年有余的技术人员等级评定项目为蒂森克虏伯电梯一批又一批的一线技术骨干的成长提供源源不断的蓬勃助力。“菁英”、“菁才” 与“菁兵”计划,作为公司后备管理与技术力量的梯队培训计划, 经过多年的发展现已成为蒂森克虏伯电梯未来发展离不开的坚实后盾。



二十多年间,蒂森克虏伯电梯在中国取得了巨大的成功。作为勇于承担社会责任回馈社会的实际行动,以公司发起成立的阳光365基金会为载体,勇为表率,数年间发起了不计其数的社会公益活动, 数以千计的蒂森人牺牲休息时间志愿参与其中。蒂森人勇于承担、敢为人先、积极进取、意气风发,赢得了社会各界一致的赞誉与认可。

蒂森克虏伯电梯是一家拥有高度社会责任感的企业,我们不断推进行业重塑。可垂直和水平运行的电梯MULTI的成功研发使我们荣登麻省理工科技评论名单全球最具智慧企业五十强。鼓励支持我们的员工不断学习持续发展是我们一以贯之的战略。对人工智能等前沿科技的持续投入表现了我们重塑行业的雄心。HR Asia授予我们的此次奖项正是对全体蒂森人奋斗的认可与肯定,让我们不忘初心, 砥砺前行。
— 蒂森克虏伯电梯中国区首席人力资源官 陈敏
