World’s Most Overworked Cities

Hong Kong, Singapore and Bangkok have emerged as the top three cities with the most overworked populations in the world, Kisi's Global Work-Life Balance Index 2021 has...

Personality vs Skills

In today's competitive working environment, professional experience is a must within the recruitment sphere. Companies need individuals who excel in their job to bring...

Reducing Workplace Injuries with Automation

By James McKew The annual "World Day for Safety and Health at Work" on 28 April aims to raise awareness for the prevention of occupational...

Combatting Zoom Fatigue

No matter how tech-savvy you might be, constantly being forced to use communication platforms and software to conduct meetings every day will tire out...

Work From Home Experiences Driving Positive Change Across Asia

A report released by Steelcase shows employees in the Asia Pacific region have enjoyed some aspects of remote working including the lack of commute...

Learning & Development in Uncertain Times

Missed out on our latest webinar? Watch it again right here, as we take on how learning and development works in today's uncertain times. Featuring a...


Wage inequality has declined in two-thirds of countries worldwide

A new report from the International Labour Organization (ILO) reveals that wage inequality has decreased in about two-thirds of all countries since 2000. Despite...

Top News

Labour shortage may encourage some Dutch firms to go abroad

The Netherlands is at the bottom of a ranking of the world’s 89 most important economies when it comes to labour shortages, according to...


9th Malaysian Shared Services and Outsourcing Week

Venue:  Malaysia Date:    13-16 June 2022 The pandemic has proved the importance of Shared Services, and the demand for Shared Services is rising. Malaysia remains...

HR Tech Festival Asia 2022