Ogilvy has been producing iconic, culture-changing marketing campaigns since the day its founder David Ogilvy opened up shop in 1948. Today, Ogilvy is an award-winning integrated creative network that makes brands matter for Fortune Global 500 companies as well as local businesses across 131 offices in 83 countries. The company creates experiences, design and communications that shape every aspect of a brand’s needs through six core capabilities: Brand Strategy, Advertising, Customer Engagement and Commerce, PR and Influence, Digital Transformation, and Partnerships.

Our Vision
We are in the business of building strong and lasting brands, allowing our clients – a network of powerful international and Chinese companies – to sell their products. In short, we make brands matter in an increasingly fragmented and cluttered digital world. Ogilvy’s ‘Twin Peaks’ strategy puts emphasis on both creativity and effectiveness in every campaign strategy. Rooted in China since 1992, we have more than 2,000 professionals across a range of expertise to ensure we have an intimate knowledge of the industries we serve and the people our companies are selling to.

Our Value
From the first day Ogilvy entered China, Ogilvy has always adhered to the philosophy of “Respect People, Respect Knowledge and Respect Creativity.” We put this first, believing that providing the best, most exciting work for our clients depends on the high morale and constant growth of our colleagues.

To inspire staff to work towards Ogilvy China’s vision and goals, Ogilvy has strongly emphasized 5 key values as below:

  • Divine Discontent
    We are wary of being overly satisfied with ourselves or our performance. We believe this is the antidote to smugness. Can it be better? Can we do more? Go further? We want to be “people who will always aim for the remarkable, never settle for the routine.”
  • Pervasive Creativity
    We are all created equally creative; it just comes out in different ways. David said that “a good idea can come from anywhere.” Well, you are that anywhere. Creativity isn’t about a department or a business card. It’s about respect for good ideas and the people who have them. You. Me. Our client. Anyone. Anywhere.
  • Eternal Craft
    We care about our craft and the people we do it with. We make the assets that make brands more valuable. A film. A design. A line of code. An experience. To do all this demands a scrum of disparate souls plying a world of skills. Love this world. Let it bring out the best in you. Never stop improving your craft.
  • Adaptive
    Connection We believe becoming “one agency indivisible” around the world comes when people connect their unique backgrounds, skills, and viewpoints into a fluid team. We were founded by a creative person who was also a farmer, salesman, spy, and chef. He resisted compartments. Shouldn’t we?
  • Relentless Curiosity
    “We pursue knowledge like a pig pursues truffles.” We mercilessly dig into our clients’ brands, their data, their products, and their world. In the nicest of ways, we keep asking “why?” to unearth insights we can ruthlessly deploy. We also love the next question after “why?” – “what if?”

Ogilvy’s strength relies on the collective skills and talents of the individuals we hire. Additionally, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace here at Ogilvy. Our employees hail from over 18 countries and regions, including China, and women account for nearly 70% of our workforce. Furthermore, 56% of the management team in China are women. This is proof of our adherence to the words of Ogilvy Group founder David Ogilvy, that “We are free of prejudice of every kind. The way up the ladder is open to everybody, regardless of religion, race, gender, or sexual preference.”

We appreciate each and every individual and nurture their development within Ogilvy. To this end, we have initiated a series of projects to help our employees grow and to generate a sense of belonging within the organization.

Ogilvy’s attention to training is well known throughout the industry. The effort, labor, and material we have invested is proof of Ogilvy’s determination to cultivate talented individuals within this industry. Whether employees view Ogilvy as a lifelong home, or simply an important step in the development of their careers, they will always be able to learn and grow at Ogilvy.

In designing training programs, we also integrate individualization, diversification and self-enrichment to achieve improved results. Accompanying market trends of integrated business, Ogilvy developed a multidimensional training program based on our areas of six expertise. At the same time, we also ensure regular sharing from internal and external master practitioners so that employees are able to gain access to cutting-edge knowledge and experience as they embrace new challenges. An MBTI workshop was also introduced in 2018 to improve employee self-awareness and collaboration.

Career Conversations have given us a real opportunity to receive input from staff on their own personal development plans. This initiative also offers the opportunity for team leaders to assist team members in clarifying their career goals and harnessing their internal motivation. We also support internal transfers to nurture the diverse competencies of our staff, and expanding the well-rounded capabilities or our employees that will serve them throughout their careers. In addition, Ogilvy launched the “Future Leader” project. Nominated employees will have the opportunity to participate in comprehensive leadership training in the global network both within Ogilvy and the WPP group, along with receiving one-on-one executive coaching from professionals to promote personal growth.

We are committed to building a culture that listens at Ogilvy. In order to ensure we listen and respond to employee feedback on specific issues, in 2017 we have introduced the quarterly HundredX survey. With the same goal, Ogilvy has been conducting an even more comprehensive annual global talent survey for many years. The information provided enables us to constantly improve the organization and our internal behavior by analyzing data and formulating effective action plans.

We devote ourselves to creating direct and transparent communication channels and a pleasant work environment. Our “Mentor” program was established to guide new employees as they transition into the Ogilvy family. The program helps new hires smoothly acclimate to their new working environment, make lasting friendships and truly become a part of the Ogilvy culture. At the end of each quarter, our president distributes emails sharing industry trends and how the business has progressed, so that every Ogilvyer has an understanding of recent achievements and challenges. In addition, we have also launched different talent projects to tie in with business integration trends. “Speed Dating” promotes understanding in one-on-one casual conversations, and “Red Team” further encourages everyone to fully integrate their daily work, using Ogilvy’s brand values to promote the integration and development of the business.

We believe that experience is critical to the company’s development. Ogilvy established the “Gold Coin” to express appreciation of efforts and contributions of our long-term employees, by awarding them with real gold coins for each five years they have spent with Ogilvy. Ogilvy also has an employee-organized “Welfare Committee”, which is staffed on a voluntarily basis. The committee organizes year-end parties, staff discounts, holiday activities, a company trip, Ogilvy souvenirs, and much more. In regard to employee health and safety, there is an additional annual physical examination made available, and Ogilvy employees are allowed to work from home in cases of extreme weather or severe pollution.

Ogilvy is committed to making brands matter as an integrated creative network, and it all starts with getting the most out of our people. Ogilvy China has always pursued a “people-oriented” corporate culture and diverse values. We insist on creating an open and transparent working environment with all Ogilvyers working together. Along with the changing needs of employees, Ogilvy will continue to focus on the growth of individuals and make efforts to fully realize their potential and talent.

“Some of our people spend their entire working lives in our agency. We do our damnedest to make it a happy experience.”
—David Ogilvy

自1948年大卫·奥格威创立以来,奥美始终致力于为客户的品牌,打造极具影响力及代表性的营销传播作品。时至今日,奥美作为屡获殊荣的整合创意网络, 其遍布83个国家的131个办公室秉持“让品牌更有意义”的宗旨,为众多财富五百强公司及本土企业效力。通过为品牌运筹帷幄、创造体验、树立名声,奥美以六项核心专长:品牌策略、广告、消费者互动及销售、公关及影响力、数字化转型、战略合作,在每个维度里提供服务,满足品牌的需求。

奥美致力于建设优势品牌,并使之传承百世。我们帮助国内外的客户销售他们的产品,在日益碎片化和愈加喧闹的数字化世界中,让其品牌有所作为。同时,奥美对于创意和实效“双峰”的坚持, 确保了每一场营销战的创造力和有效性。自从1992年进入中国市场,28年中奥美帮助了许多本土、国际客户在中国市场取得成功。

奥美自进入中国市场的初始,就一直坚守着“尊重人,尊重知识, 尊重创意”的信条。我们将此视为第一要务。奥美相信:只有员工时刻保持高涨的士气并精益求精,才能保证给予客户最优质的服务。


  • 永不自满
  • 全民创意
  • 精益求精
  • 灵活协作
  • 探求不止




奥美在制定培训计划时,会考虑因材施教、多元化和自我充实,以期得到更好的培训效果。在业务趋于整合的新格局下,奥美以六大业务专长为基础,设计开发了多维度的培训课程,并定期邀请行业内外资深人士进行嘉宾分享,使员工能从中获得前沿资讯和经验, 从而更好地迎接新的挑战。与此同时,自2018年起,奥美引入了MBTI工作坊帮助员工提高自我认知,增进团队沟通与协作。



奥美注重建立直接透明的沟通渠道,营造愉快开放的工作环境。奥美 “学长制”,是为辅导刚进入奥美的新人而设立的,目的是借由学长对环境的熟悉和文化的理解,使新人能更顺利地融入奥美, 结交朋友。同时,每季度公司领导人会发布全员邮件,分享行业动态及业务进展,使每一个奥美人都能了解到当下的成绩与挑战。此外,我们也推出了不同的人才项目以配合业务整合的趋势。“团队速配” 以轻松趣味的一对一交谈形式促进彼此了解;“奥美红队”则进一步鼓励大家在实际作业中充分融合,并运用奥美的品牌核心价值观,推动业务的整合发展。



— 大卫.奥格威
