Unilever Philippines: Purpose-led, Future-fit
Unilever in the Philippines was known until the early 1990s as Philippine Refining Company (PRC), a coconut oil milling factory. At that time, there was increasing demand for coconut oil, which was used as a raw ingredient in the production of margarine and soaps. PRC was backed by a main investor, Lever Brothers, Ltd. (founders of Unilever), then the largest manufacturer of soap and consumers of coconut oil in the world. PRC would later be acknowledged as the “largest producer of coconut oil in the world.”

For over 90 years, Unilever has grown with the Filipino people. A company that served generations, a heritage built on Sama-Sama, Tulong-Tulong, and Malasakit. With our products present in 9 out of 10 homes, ranging from home and personal care, to food and refreshment, we transform the lives of almost every Filipino. From our humble beginnings, we are now one of the strongest Unilever companies around the world.

We are built on our belief that Brands with Purpose Grow, Companies with Purpose Last, and People with Purpose Thrive.

Brands with Purpose Grow
With our brands that combine superior experiences, bold innovation, and a strong sustainable living purpose, we improve Filipinos’ health, confidence and well-being.

With brands that build a future where everyone can be #FreeToLove; and champion a society that recognizes #RealBeauty as universal, we contribute to a fairer and more socially inclusive world.

Companies with Purpose Last
We seek to manage and grow our business sustainably, focusing on the three pillars of our Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (USLP)—help more than a billion people to improve their health and wellbeing, halve the environmental footprint of our products, and source 100% of our agricultural raw materials sustainably and enhance the livelihoods of people across value chain.

Our sachet recovery programs, sustainable manufacturing practices, and all our renewable energy-ran manufacturing sites in Manila, Pasig, and Cavite are all geared towards reducing our environmental footprint.

Through our Kabisig Super Store Program, we enhance the livelihood of microentrepreneurs by teaching them business management skills needed to run their stores.

People with Purpose Thrive
In Unilever, we believe that putting people first leads to success. Recognized annually amongst the top Tax Payers in the country, Unilever Philippines employs over 2,000 people directly, as well as provides jobs for 10,000 indirectly (i.e. distributors and suppliers), as a result of its business presence in the country.

Pioneering a more inclusive and productive workplace, we implemented new policies to address the needs of the diverse workforce, which include expanded paternity benefits; recognition of same-sex partners as eligible beneficiaries; and the introduction of the adoption leave.

All these are underpinned by the ambition to improve the lives of 100 million Filipinos, and to serve the Philippines for more generations to come.
