DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia with a presence in 18 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank’s “AA-” and “Aa1” credit ratings are among the highest in the world.

Recognised for its global leadership, DBS has been named “Global Bank of the Year” by The Banker and “Best Bank in the World” by Global Finance. The bank is at the forefront of leveraging digital technology to shape the future of banking, having been named “World’s Best Digital Bank” by Euromoney. In addition, DBS has been accorded the “Safest Bank in Asia” award by Global Finance for ten consecutive years from 2009 to 2018.

DBS provides a full range of services in consumer, SME and corporate banking. As a bank born and bred in Asia, DBS understands the intricacies of doing business in the region’s most dynamic markets. DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, and positively impacting communities through supporting social enterprises, as it banks the Asian way. It has also established a SGD 50 million foundation to strengthen its corporate social responsibility efforts in Singapore and across Asia.

With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting career opportunities. The bank acknowledges the passion, commitment and can-do spirit in all of our 26,000 staff, representing over 40 nationalities.

Our vision is “We Make Banking Joyful” – embedding banking seamlessly in our customers’ lives and delivering service in a fast and intuitive manner in the digital age.

Our PRIDE! values shape the way we do business and work with each other:
Purpose-driven, Relationship-led, Innovative, Decisive, Everything Fun! Rooted in our DNA is a role beyond short-term profit maximisation: doing real things for real people to create social value in the long run, while ensuring that DBS is a joy to deal with.

At DBS, we made good progress, with many of our people embracing a spirit of experimentation and innovation through immersion programmes, experiential learning platforms and ecosystem partnerships. We drove the use of data and analytics, increased data resources embedded with the business and support units.

We expanded our JoySpace programme, investing in transforming spaces to build a start-up culture, foster collaboration and ideation, and enable the future way of working. The organisation is now on Office365, a cloud-based collaborative platform.

DBS devotes in sustainability with three principles: “Responsible banking”, “Responsible business practices”, and “Creating social impact”.

In responsible banking, DBS considers environmental conditions in credit decisions. We evaluate return against environmental costs and risks. For lending, we exclude industries such as coal, palm oil that creates impact to the environment; and on the contrary, we weigh on enterprises which supports sustainability.

In responsible business practices, DBS promotes reducing using paper in daily operations, also reducing electricity and water usage. To drive awareness of saving energy, DBS announced a 6-months electricity saving campaign, which attracted over 70 teams of employees to participate in, and all aiming at cutting 10% off the average usage!

In creating social impact, DBS has a track record in supporting social enterprises (SE), and learn from SE to introduce sustainability into the organisation. Employees are encouraged to volunteer a period in the SE and when they acquire the expertise in energy saving practices, they would bring back the best practices and apply it in work.

In such way DBS practices “Green Finance” and live by doing sustainable business.

DBS strives to stay ahead of the market especially in employee caring and benefits area. After prudent needs analysis and benchmarking market practices in designing benefits, we rolled out a brand-new suite of benefits package on 1st January, 2019. It consists of five pillars, which all stem from the principle of “More Benefits”:

  • Financial pillar, “More Savings”: We offer staff banking privileges as well as employee shares purchase plan, to help staff achieving their important goals in life easier.
  • Insurance pillar, “More Protection”: We support staff and extend protection to their families. Offer medical coverage for dependents, and a “Young Dependents Protection Plus” scheme which supports surviving dependents till grown up.
  • Work-Life balance pillar, “More Flexibility”: We give staff flexibility in managing their time for working and living. Innovative leave types are offered such as sabbatical leave and adoption leave, along with the well-received flexible working arrangements, all granting more autonomy to every employee.
  • Recognition pillar, “More Celebration”: A positive reinforcement goes a long way. We design peer-to-peer recognition program “iTQ (I Thank You)” and “WeTQ (We Thank You)”, which helps staff motivating each other publicly whenever there is an achievement, and sparks meaningful moments.
  • Health pillar, “More Health”: We create a comprehensive health program to support staff in cultivating a healthy life both physically and mentally. Through “iHealth” portal we offer staff a self-managing online tool and broadcast useful tips personalized to each employee. In offline, we held sports workshop and mental health seminar to engage staff and raise their health awareness.

Through the combination of established benefits and new benefits suite, we hope to craft a workplace that cater to real needs from employees, for aspects in both working and living.


  • iGrow@DBS
    iGrow@DBS game familiarises employees with our Triple E framework – experience, exposure and education – and provides self-directed help to empower them in their career planning.

We communicate with our employees using multiple channels to ensure they
are aligned with our strategic priorities. This also allows us to be up to date
with their concerns.

  • “DBS Open” – quarterly regional town-hall hosted by CEO Piyush Gupta
  • “Tell Piyush” – an online forum where employees can freely share their feedback and post their questions to the CEO
  • Annual employee engagement survey : DBS Taiwan has been recognised by Aon Hewitt as the Best Employer – Best of the Best for the consecutive year (2016 & 2017). In 2018 survey, employee engagement score is 8 percent higher than the average of best employer class in Asia Pacific.

DBS offers employees a platform for career development and live fulfilled, offering thoughtful and personalized benefits to every employee, altogether motivating and uniting employees to be the best, to drive changes and to pursue goals in line with the organization.

While being crowned with the “Best Bank In The World” honor by external accolades, DBS bank reaffirms the belief in sustainability, and will devote to creating impacts to the society and practicing green finance. Our vision is to become the best bank, for a better world.




星展集團於 1983 年進入台灣市場,透過持續推出多元產品與服務,擴大在台業務與客戶規模,展現深耕台灣市場的決心。在 2008 年,星展集團收購寶華銀行的良好資產,有效擴大在台營運規模,此次投資有助於星展銀行落實大中華市場的發展策略,強化星展集團在亞洲金融市場及財富管理業務的領導地位。

星展集團在台子行 – 星展銀行(台灣)於2012年1月1日正式營運,具體展現星展集團對台灣這塊市場的長期承諾。星展銀行(台灣)於2017年12月完成原澳盛銀行於台灣個人金融及財富管理業務移轉,將進一步強化星展銀行在台灣消費金融市場的領先優勢, 貫徹持續服務台灣市場的承諾。

星展銀行(台灣)榮獲惠譽信評和穆迪投資者服務公司授予在台金融機構之高度信用評等。星展銀行(台灣)將會在此穩健基礎上, 提供在地且即時的金融服務,協助客戶掌握商機。


企業價值 : PRIDE!
星展銀行的企業價值PRIDE! 形塑了星展銀行的風格和與彼此合作的方式。將『崇高使命』、『團隊合作』、『勇於創新』、『果斷負責』與『樂在星展』等五項企業價值深植於同仁的行事指導原則裡,從個人到組織的目標一致追求業務成長。

在星展銀行,透過許多同仁以實驗與創新的精神,參與構建合作夥伴生態系的專案,讓星展的業務發展與合作風格中,帶有新創企業的色彩。透過改變我們的工作方式,更加靈活的辦公,提升了在工作上的效率和產出。星展銀行投入了大量的成本打造JoySpace 工作環境,在空間配置、促進團隊間和部門間的互動、有效開會及追求工作效率等等方面提供了絕佳的基礎。星展銀行已全面導入Office 365 工作模組,透過雲端平台的大量協作將新創文化引進辦公室。

在實踐責任金融方面,星展集團在進行授信決策時,納入環境條件相關潛在回報、風險和成本,實踐「綠色金融」;並且在融資對象上,星展選擇不再融資煤礦、棕梠油等具有環境衝擊的相關產業, 並加碼挹注環保永續信仰的企業。對於支持再生能源,星展台灣是




星展銀行希望在員工照顧和關懷的領域裡領先市場。我們經過縝密的需求研究,和持續關注市場上的動態及提供福利的內容;於2019年1月1日推出套裝新福利給予員工,包含以下五大面向,可以用五個”心”來代表 :

  • 財務面 – 讓理財更令人省心 : 提供銀行專屬員工優惠,及員工認購股票計畫;以協助員工在財務面更輕鬆達成生活中的重要目標。
  • 保障面 – 讓保障更令人安心 : 提供眷屬納入醫療保險計畫, 及未成年子女的保障計畫;以支持員工及保障家庭成員為目標。
  • 工作生活平衡面 – 讓生活更令人順心 : 創新的重定義工作彈性和自由時間,讓員工在需要的時候,更自由得運用假期,以便專注在員工生活中重要的事務上。創新的假別如充電留職停薪、領養假,以及持續推行的彈性工作時間安排,都是在理解員工的人生階段需求後,所設立的新增休假福利。
  • 讚揚肯定面 – 讓讚揚更令人暖心 : 受到同儕及主管、部屬表達的肯定,對每位員工來說都是莫大的鼓舞,可以激勵工作士氣以外,也能賦予自我工作中的價值感。我們設計iTQ (I Thank You) & WeTQ (We Thank You)星展獎勵活動機制,透過線上平台讓員工隨時、公開地表達對彼此的肯定,創造每個意義非凡的時刻。
  • 健康面 – 讓健康更令人開心 : 員工的健康與幸福對我們至關重要。透過線上平台iHealth我們提供員工自主健康管理的工具,以及推送實用的健康提醒。在線下活動面,分別透過舉辦身體健康講座及心靈健康講座提升員工對自我健康的認知,以全面性的協助員工打造和維持一個身心靈都平衡的生活。


職涯發展平台─ iGrow@DBS
iGrow@DBS是透過遊戲化的方式,帶領想要了解自身職涯發展的同仁透過3E架構 – Experience : 工作所需的專業職能, Educa¬tion : 數位金融科技知識訓練,Exposure : 集團與產業間的能見度 – 來規劃最適合自己的職涯發展路徑。


  • DBS Open – 集團CEO每季舉辦集團員工大會。
  • Tell Piyush – 同仁可自由地在線上詢問集團CEO問題與得到直接回饋。
  • 年度員工凝聚力調查 – 星展(台灣)於2016、2017年連續兩年獲得Aon Hewitt 最佳雇主 – 卓越雇主 (Best of the best)殊榮。在2018年的調查中,員工凝聚力分數高於亞太區最佳雇主的平均8個百分點。

星展銀行提供的多種職涯發展管道、面面俱到的各項個人化福利、以及型塑整個企業的PRIDE!文化,凝聚了所有員工的意識朝向組織發展的目標前進。另外在落實永續的理念時,星展兼顧長期、平衡、社會影響等三大原則,引領員工、供應商、客戶、社會大眾, 層層擴散影響力,落實永續的觀念與行動。

