AIA Taiwan markets a wide range of life insurance products and services including retirement plans, life insurance, accident and medical insurance to satisfy customers’ needs for protection, savings, investment, medical and accidents. AIA Taiwan demonstrates high creativity by providing convenient insurance services to our customers through multi-channel strategies which include telemarketing, bancassurance and brokerage.
AIA Taiwan also provides employee benefits, credit life and pension services to corporate clients, which range from small and medium sized local enterprises to multinational companies. We aim to be customers’ most trusted insurance partner and continue to expand operations in Taiwan to provide customers with quality products and services.
- Vision
To be the world’s pre-eminent life insurance provider…That is our service to our customers and our stakeholders - Purpose
To play a leadership role in driving economic and social development across the region…That is our service to societies and their people - Operation Principle
Do the Right Thing. In the Right Way. With the Right People …and the Right Results will come - Operation Target
Growth of New Business Value. Organizational Effectiveness. Service Leadership
- Corporate Culture Embedded with Global Vision and Local Resilience
AIA Group and its subsidiaries comprise the largest independent publicly listed pan-Asian life insurance group. Our business spans 18 markets in Asia-Pacific region including Taiwan. We have a profound global view and a comprehensive local strategy. In addition, we target and focus in Asia, so we value our employees’ voices, develop a unique service culture, and emphasize a target operation model - Drive HR strategies of ‘Creating a High Performing Team’ and ‘Fostering Customer Centric Culture’
Initiatives we implemented in AIA Taiwan aim to ensure both high productivity and efficiency of the team. We launched Target Selection Process, Performance Driven Compensation Schemes, Performance Development Dialog with Coaching, Organization People Review, Retention Program, and Effective Meeting Management which enable us to hire the right people with the right caliber and develop them along the way. We keep on driving Trigger the Learner and Mentoring Programme so we get to set up the foundation for empowerment within framework.In order to deeply embed service into our organization culture, we encourage staff to proactively provide their service KPI in the vertical relationship. Besides, we formed the Sircle (Service + Circle) Team crossing the horizontal functions. Service Champions, from all functions, will gather and discuss how to execute Attitude, Accuracy and Acceleration (Fast and Efficient 3A service). We make our service commitment come true. - Integrated with innovation elements and create Employee Value Proposition as ‘Bring Your Ambition to Life’
We strive to establish an energetic and caring corporate culture and working environment. We hope all staff can make their dream come true and present their best in the working environment. Therefore, with the combination of Ambitions with Challenge, Growth, Empowerment, and Vitality, we anticipate that our employees feel connected and proud of AIA; grow professionally and personally; as well as respect and learn from leaders; and live a healthier, longer, better live.
AIA友邦人壽(前身為美國人壽,民國98年6月更名為友邦人壽) 成立於1990年11月,早期以電話行銷和銀行保險業務為主,之後結合電話行銷和大眾媒體的直效行銷,以醫療和意外等保障型和老年保障型商品為主,是國內大眾媒體直效行銷新業務型態的領導品牌。
結合友邦保險豐沛的資源與在地經驗,AIA友邦人壽以優質的保險商品及服務,提供客戶保障和長期儲蓄的保險規劃,致力落實「健康長久好生活」品牌承諾。截至2018年12月底,AIA友邦人壽為業界唯一連續十三年獲得金管會「提高國人保險保障方案」績效優良獎勵之保險公司。深耕台灣,連續六年獲保險信望愛獎之『最佳商品創意獎』、2018年獲HR Asia 『台灣最佳企業雇主獎」、2017 年台灣保險卓越獎『人才培訓卓越獎』、2015年『人才培訓專案企劃卓越獎』與『公益關懷專案企劃卓越獎』、2014年獲得現代保險雜誌『保險品質獎』、第68屆全國商業總會『優良外商』金商獎、2013年7月台灣保險卓越獎之『外商保險分公司卓越獎』。
- 願景
成為世界級壽險業的翹楚…這是我們對顧客和股東所提供的服務。 - 目的
致力成為帶動整個區域經濟和社會發展的領袖企業…這是我們對社會和人民所提供的服務。 - 營運理念
做正確的事、以正確的方式、用對的人,結果就會來到。 - 營運目標
- 企業文化兼擁遠大的國際視野與堅毅的在地韌性
友邦集團擁有近百年歷史基業,是泛亞地區最大的獨立上市人壽保險集團,我們擁有遠大的國際視野,與完整的內部發展架構; 此外,因獨特的深耕亞洲策略,重視基層員工的聲音,全力發展在地專屬的服務文化,與由下往上的服務領導的TOM (Target Operation Model) - 「創造高績效團隊」及「建立服務文化」的人力資源管理策略
我們透過目標選才(Target Selection)與績效連結的薪資獎金制度,以延攬對的人才上車,再落實以教練式輔導技能進行績效發展對話(PDD 2.0)、建立各層級接班人計劃(OPR)等達到產能效能雙提升。而持續推動’啟動學習樂’營造學習氛圍、’曼陀羅計劃’ 傳承經驗,讓我們得以建構授權的基礎環境,最後透過留才計劃及有效的會議管理機制,在TOM架構裡運作團隊,達致高績效目標。為了將服務文化拓展並深耕於於組織文化中,除了在縱向的直屬團隊關係上,由基層員工主動提出獨特的服務KPI之外,在橫向的跨部門團隊關係上,也成立Sircle (Service+Circle) 團隊,由部門推派服務代表,定期聚集一同討論如何執行領袖服務的3A服務指標:Attitude態度、Accuracy正確、Acceleration快速,以深耕並落實服務文化。 - 人才發展重視整合與創新的「樂展雄心」價值主張
我們致力於建立一個充滿支持力量的企業文化與工作環境,期望所有同仁都能在公司實踐自己的職涯夢想,展現最好的自己,因此結合樂進(Challenge)、樂學(Growth)、樂群(Empowerment)、樂活(Vitality),讓員工都能樂於和公司一起進步、在專業與個人領域都相互學習、合群成就彼此,同時我們也對內提倡健康文化,打造健康職場, 以實踐AIA的品牌承諾「健康長久好生活」,讓員工和公司一同往更美好的生活前行。