In Singapore, the pandemic has affected how the younger generation feel about relocation, with 51 per cent of workers aged between 18–24, and 43 per cent between the ages of 24–34, planning or considering relocation for their jobs, the ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2022: A Global Workforce View reveals.

In comparison, the Singapore average found that only 3 in 10 workers in Singapore plan to relocate to another country for work.

Has the pandemic affected any thoughts you may have about relocating to work abroad?


The People at Work 2022 report explores employees’ attitudes towards the current world of work and what they expect and hope for from the workplace of the future, with almost 33,000 workers in 17 countries surveyed. In Singapore, over 1900 workers above the age of 18 were surveyed.

These findings suggest that younger workers in Singapore, who began their careers in the middle of a pandemic marked by disruptions, reduced opportunities, and uncertainty about their future, may consider relocation the gateway to greener pastures and a fresh start for their careers. In comparison, older workers with established careers and families are less likely to want major changes in their lives.

In light of the labor crunch that Singapore is currently facing, it is paramount for companies to consider how to best engage and retain their young employees to combat a potential brain drain.

Yvonne Teo, Vice President of Human Resources, Asia Pacific, ADP, comments, “The finding that over five in 10 Gen Z workers have plans to relocate may be surprising at first, but it is worth noting that these employees began their careers during the pandemic and saw reduced opportunities and disruptions. This is in addition to those who might already be looking for overseas opportunities—with or without the pandemic—for their own exposure and life experience.

“Companies should consider how to retain talent by providing opportunities for growth and career advancement. For employees thinking of relocation, companies can consider exchange programs in overseas offices, stretch assignments, and department rotation. This not only benefits the company from a retention standpoint, but also encourages new and different ideas from the cross-culture young talent posted overseas.”


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