The Ministry of Human Resources, through its agency Talent Corporation Malaysia (TalentCorp) continues to empower Malaysia’s talents through the mynext initiative. mynext is an on-going joint effort by TalentCorp and the Ministry to drive strategic collaborations among stakeholders, including ministries and government agencies to further nurture Malaysian talents. Human Resources Minister, Datuk Seri M. Saravanan said that the mynext initiative is in line with the government’s goal to produce knowledgeable, high quality and highly skilled employees that will be well-suited for today’s economic landscape and job market. “This effort will also raise the availability and marketability of Malaysia’s talent, and better equip them to face the challenges of a more competitive job market in this post-pandemic period,” he said during the launch ceremony in Kuala Lumpur.

mynext in its core is an all-in-one, easy-to-use system that brings students, companies, and universities together on an integrated talent solution and analytics platform. It comprises of three main components:

1. mynext Talent – mynext Talent aims to support talents, including students and individuals in the workforce in navigating their career path. Registered talents will have access to five profiling tools that will enable them to discover their work values, interests, most employable traits, and connect them directly to prominent industry players. There is also an English competency assessment module.

2. mynext University – mynext University supports institutes of higher learning with data and information that will enable the development of training programmes and curricula that are in line with current industry demands, whilst addressing the needs of individual students.

Education institutions will get access to talent-related data and analytics through the Analytical Dashboard, which will help them to develop programmes that are evidence-based and focused on a talent’s individual needs. The dashboard also includes a function that helps the institution facilitate and monitor their students’ industrial training programmes.

3. mynext Company – mynext Company supports the national workforce by integrating talent solutions and analytics onto one platform, with a focus on connecting Malaysia’s talent supply to future jobs. Here, employers are encouraged to actively offer more structured industrial training opportunities to the country’s young talent. Companies that do so will benefit from tax deductions under the implementation of TalentCorp’s National Structured Internship Programme (MySIP).

The data obtained from the mynext initiative will also help ministries and agencies to strategically map out the country’s demand and supply of talent, and develop a human resource policy that is demand-driven and future-ready.

As of July 2022, more than 170,000 talents across various education institutions have registered on mynext, and this will facilitate the channelling of talent in a more structured, effective and sustainable manner. Talent can now be identified earlier, and given the chance to hone their skills through structured industrial training. Through this collaboration, MOHR also hopes to assist the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) in increasing the marketability of local graduates. The mynext initiative is also part of the MOHE’s Graduate Employability Strategic Plan 2021-2025. MOHR welcomes the active participation of graduates, the workforce, companies as well as Higher Education Institutions and Skill Training Institutes under the supervision of the MOHE to make this initiative a success.


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