Stressed about work while on holidays? Well you are not the only one!
A recent research from the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) revealed that almost three quarters (73%) of employees feel stressed ahead of taking annual leave. The fear of taking leave, specifically the aftermath of a vacation led to more than two-thirds (68%) of employees to work late a day before their holiday and almost one in five (18%) to return to work more stressed.
Instead of relaxing, reflecting and taking their mind off work, 61% of workers feel obligated to work while on holiday, with 64% keeping check on e-mails and 8% even returning to their workplace during their spare time.
As a result more than half (54%) of employees have their holiday entitlement remaining at the end of the year. One would point fingers to organizations for creating such a work environment but on the contrary the poll discovered that 42% of managers have needed to encourage and push their staff to take a break.
Finding and maintaining a balance between work and life can be quite the challenge. Charles Elvin, the chief executive of the ILM, in explaining the need for employees to go on holidays, said, “Finding work-life balance is easier said than done. But organizations can foster positive work environments by encouraging staff to use their full holiday allowance, handing over responsibilities to co-workers in the lead up to leave, and having face-to-face meetings on their return.”
“This allows them (employees) fresh perspective and energy to tackle their work on return from holiday,” he added. So relax and de-stress because that is what holidays are for!