Talent with skills in short supply can rise above the conservative...
Talent with niche skills in Malaysia can expect to profit in 2018 with many employers willing to pay more to secure these candidates in...
Malaysia’s workforce want to leverage demand for their skills to win...
Salary expectations amongst Malaysia’s employees are on the rise, yet most employers are planning to award only modest increases this year, according to recruiting...
CA Technologies Lauches New Parent Leave Policy
CA Technologies today announced a new parent leave policy to promote greater work-life-balance for parents, as well as gender diversity across the organization. The...
LBS joins 30% Club to offer women’s scholarship on flagship programme
The 30% Club and London Business School have joined forces to give more women the tools to achieve CEO and C-Suite positions by offering a scholarship...
Live Budget 2019 updates via WhatsApp & Fb
Budget 2019, to be presented by Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng at the Dewan Rakyat at 4 pm today will be streamed live by...
Nestlé launches Workplace by Facebook
Nestlé has adopted Workplace by Facebook as its global internal communication tool, to connect its workforce and better serve consumers. The announcement comes as...
AI to augment, not displace jobs
67% of business leaders and 64% of workers in Malaysia believe that artificial intelligence (AI) will augment their jobs and not displace them, allowing...
How AI and AR will impact future workplaces
To the pessimist, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is associated with terrifying and dystopian scenarios, where machines replace (and eventually overtake) humans. To the optimist, AI...
Vietnamese Government to Discuss Setting Minimum Wage
Vietnam urged to increase minimum wages
Employer and labour groups in Vietnam are on a collision course, with each calling for different-sized increases to the...
Strong Management a Pull Factor for Malaysians
More than two in five (44 per cent) Malaysia-based workers have ranked “strong management‟ as the most important EVP (employee value proposition) factor from...