Which Is Better?: Netizens Compare RM4k Job With Freelancing For RM150 Per Day
The discourse surrounding having a full-time job or freelancing is one that many can never agree on. While some prioritise stability, others say they want the flexibility of being their own boss.
Recently, a journalist started another discussion about freelancing versus being employed by a company. In his tweet, Yon asked netizens, “RM4k salary under a company or freelance (for) RM150-RM300 per day. Which is better?” In a separate tweet, he added more context, saying that the options came from a company that would pay him RM150 as allowance for a freelance job but would pay him a salary of RM4,000 per month if he decided to join the company.
The question had many netizens sharing their choice and their reasons. On one side, some picked freelancing for the flexibility to maintain a work-life balance. A few claimed freelancing would keep their hiring options open, in case more income is needed. One netizen also said that freelancing can be good in the long run, as one can slowly build their own company. On the other hand, there were plenty of netizens who felt working under a company for the monthly income was good too. The majority who chose this option stated it had more job security and that the additional benefits, like medical insurance coverage, would add more value to the RM4,000 salary. Some also pointed out that a position in the company meant having an Employee’s Provident Fund (EPF) account and would make applying for bank loans or financing easier.