Date: 17th August 2017
Venue: Connexion@Vertical

Have millennials changed their perception on retention, benefits, promotions, hiring, and mentorship? The topic about a multi-generational workforce is not a new topic anymore. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about. In fact, now is a great time to talk about it. Why? Because over the years we have tried many best practices to manage a multi-generational workforce, but we still face challenges in our efforts. Talent Ecosystem Conference (TEC) 2017 on 17 August, will steer this discussion with success stories or obstables from HR practitioners and industry experts. TEC delegates will also get be part of Who Wants to Be the HR Boss that will empower, equip, and enable them with the tools for organisational transformation. Complete your TEC experience with our Digital Learning workshops to enhance your development process of your multi-generational workforce.

Click HERE for more information!


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