Malaysian retail giant Mr DIY Group has launched its 65,000-square-feet robotic e-commerce warehouse in Seri Kembangan, Selangor. In a statement, Mr DIY said the RM5 million warehouse equipped with programmable robots is able to fulfill online purchases faster with 200-per cent increase in operational efficiency compared to manual system.
“Online shopping has been gaining traction in recent years. In anticipation of this trend and the adoption of Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) technologies, Mr DIY had started the design and building of this warehouse in 2019. “With the pandemic and resulting movement control orders, online shopping grew in quantum leaps and is here to stay,” said its group vice president of marketing Andy Chin.
He stated that the warehouse enables the retail company to process online orders at triple the previous rate, which means customers can look forward to receiving their orders faster. He added that its automated selection functions reduce the possibility of human error, and its innovative design enables the warehouse to stock a wider variety of products, giving customers the choice of more than 20,000 products online.
“The higher level of automated tasks also reduces the need for physical labour for repetitive processes and give us the opportunity to upskill our warehouse employees in robotics and automation, leading to opportunities in supervisory and management roles. “All in, it is about driving growth, delivering value and growing talent,” Chin concluded.