GoCar Malaysia, a car-sharing company, welcomes Ham Yon Han as the company’s new Chief Operating Officer (COO) on 15 October 2019. This position was held by Alan Cheah, GoCar Malaysia’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), from April 2017 to September 2017 and Han will be joining as the company’s second COO. Starting from today, Han will be managing GoCar’s day-to-day operations and switching between strategy and execution. His responsibilities include strengthening the company’s customer experience, finance, fleet management, reporting structure, and also internal projects.
“I am excited about the vision and long-term goals the company has set to achieve. Based on my understanding, GoCar has established quite a number of growth initiatives for the next 6 to 12 months and my immediate goals are to help execute them. I also plan to look into areas that can be optimised, be it financial elements such as revenue and cost, or customer-facing and back-end processes,” said Han.
Having 10 years of working experience, he specialises in strategising and optimising processes to enhance business operations while improving their customer experience. Alan Cheah, CEO of GoCar Malaysia added, “It is stated that Sparta used to have two Kings, one to wage war and conquer lands and one to manage and grow the country. Even with GoCar’s continuing expansion, we still have so much to do and more lands to conquer.”
“I have worked with Han previously, and we trust each other to get things done; his keen eye for detail, project management acumen, and strict focus on achieving objectives make him an excellent choice as the second King. As we continue to expand GoCar, we look forward to seeing where Han can contribute to our growth and success,” continued Cheah.