THE WORLD AFTER COVID: How to Lead Adaptively Beyond the Crisis [Nov 16-21 Online]
Paralyzed by the crisis of a generation, we lack the vision and the playbook to confront the challenges before us. Leadership during this time means making the tough choices daily to ready our spirit, engage in reality checks, inspire with shared values, and take nimble action for a better future.
Throughout this six-day forum, world-leading speakers from Harvard and industry practitioners will share and discuss these topics:
• Adaptive leadership, Futures thinking, and other skills to confront uncertainty;
• Global technology, business, and social megatrends in the COVID era;
• Case studies and lessons on how societies have overcome crises;
• How to build organizations that adapt during times of crises;
• How to be a source of inspiration and mobilization through strategic communications;
• Self-leadership and resilience for a value-driven future.
This virtual event also provides the opportunity to join Live Q&A sessions with the speakers on each topic, as well as engage with local expert practitioners on carefully curated topics in the Practitioners’ Roundtable.
At this forum, participants can expect to:
• Build the mindsets and tools needed to better face disruption
• Explore new ideas and insights from thought leaders from Harvard University and seasoned practitioners
• Learn about future trends, advances, and disruptions in the COVID era
• Connect and collaborate with potential partners, mentors, and like-minded individuals
• Leave with actionable insights they can immediately practice in their teams and organizations
For more information:
• Visit our event website:
• Email: [email protected]
• Call: +60-3-7491-8716