As a leading brand, Yung-Ching Realty Group has been pursuing industry innovation and enhancing the quality of customer service to protect consumer’s interest. We believe in two concepts: “Happy employees make the great customers satisfaction!” and “The level of employee happiness determines company’s competitiveness.” We introduced the Yung-Ching Well-being Trilogy to establish a friendly working environment. In 2018, we upgraded Yung-Ching Well-being Trilogy into Yung-Ching Well-being Three Arrows, aimed at supporting employees’ career development and forging a happy and sustainable workplace.
(1) Construct open and effective communication in the organization.
- Sectoral meetings to reach consensus, communicate, and nurture organizational culture.
- Merit-based promotion, reward based on ability and not seniority, cultivating the future workforce and finding the best talent.
- Horizontal organization, building a rapid response capability.
- Encourage employees to participate in decision making and propose improvement plans to optimize work procedures. Openly award and honor outstanding proposals quarterly.
- Promote logistic administrative teams with proactive and reliable attitude to provide prompt service and strategy support for front line agents and clients. The administrative team is honored quarterly to promote the team’s sharing and customer-driven culture.
(2) “Work smartly, Live healthily” philosophy
- Create “I-plus intelligent agent”, the mobile service platform offering precise matching functionality. This improves agent’s efficiency significantly, and realizes the promise of “work smartly.”
- The policies of “Flexible eight working hours’ shift” and “Humanized shift arrangement” allow agents to find work-life balance based on their own situation and needs.
- Organize 3 sports games annually. We are the first realty company to receive a “sports loving corporation certification” issued by the Taiwan government.
(3) Innovation in talent management. Creating a working system that employee can actually enjoy in work. Introduce gamification in the workplace. It makes employee feel that completing the task is just like clearing a stage in the video game. The employees can also be rewarded with restaurants or accommodation coupons, or computers, and communication and consumer electronics.
(1) Provide a well-planned career development plan and vision to all employees: We offer professional and management positions for each employee at every career stage, employees can make career choices based on their personal career plan.
(2) Job rotation program across departments and functions. It enables the employees to gain exposure to different parts of the business while growing and expanding skill sets, management experience and capability in particular.
(3) Comprehensive career training and development program: The programs include online EMBA /mobile learning course/On-job-training program.
(1) Market competitive compensation and bonus
- Guaranteed NTD 50K monthly salary in the first 9 months for new agents. Provide renting compensation for agents from other towns. Provide an over 360 hrs’ realtor training courses for new agents to help them establish a solid professional foundation.
- Provide up to NTD 2.5 million “Happy home building fund” for each agent annually, helping high-performance agents to become homeowners.
- Monthly promotion policy for sales unit. Evaluate and assess employee performance monthly. Every agent has the opportunity to be promoted monthly.
- Despite the recession in the industry, the employees in logistic administrative units received a pay raise three times in four years.
- Great employee benefits, including overseas travel, quarterly department banquet fund, three Chinese festival grants payment, etc.
- Offer annual vacations and volunteer vacations better than government regulations.
(2) Employee and family happy together
- Caring Phone interview for the family of every new employee.
- Year-end party, company retreat, and charter bus during lunar New Year for all the employees and their families.
- Welcome employees’ family to join company’s honoring ceremony and banquet.
- Encourage employees to find partners for life within the company. Since the company was established, there are over 300 couples who met their spouses in the company.
We commit to realize the belief of “work smartly, live healthily.” Apart from decent compensation and bonus, Yung-Ching also creates a joyful working environment with teamwork spirit. All the efforts are aimed at providing employees a well-round life through strategy, system, teamwork, and sharing growth.
1. 第一箭【管理彈性化】
- 開放溝通、快速應變的組織環境
- 各級會議凝聚共識、交流工作並塑造文化。
- 績效、能力決定晉升,不受年資限制,快速培養人才。
- 組織扁平化,建構快速應變的環境。
- 鼓勵員工參與決策,主動提案改善作業流程,每季獎 勵優秀提案者
- 後勤行政團隊,以「主動積極、行動穩準」態度,即 時提供第一線及客戶有感的服務,每季舉行服務滿意 度頒獎,促進團隊合作、客戶滿意的文化
- 「聰明工作、健康生活」的理念
- 打造「i+智慧經紀人」服務平台,提供精準配對,提 升效率,讓員工聰明工作。
- 率先推動『彈性工作8小時』及『人性化排班』,經 紀人可依需求彈性選擇上班時間,讓工作與生活平衡。
- 每年舉辦三大員工運動賽事,是首家獲教育部體育署 「運動企業認證標章」的房仲。
- 創新人才管理,打造樂在工作的體驗模式
推動工作遊戲化,將工作項目轉換成一道道關卡,讓工作像 遊戲闖關般有樂趣,完成任務能額外獲得禮券、住宿券或3C 產品等。
2. 第二箭【發展多元化】
- 提供員工明確的晉升發展途徑與職涯願景
專業與管理雙軌制,讓人員在每個階段依意願進行職涯選 擇, 並給予適當的培訓與歷練。 - 集團間、跨機能輪調歷練,提升員工職涯廣度,培育經理人才
- 完備的教育訓練發展藍圖
3. 第三箭【幸福最大化】
- 幸福的薪獎福利
- 保障新進業務前9個月每月5萬元,提供外縣市同仁租 屋補助,規劃360小時教育訓練,扎實基本功。
- 提供績優業務同仁最高250萬元的「幸福成家基金」,助員工實現成家夢
- 業務單位實施月月晉升,公開透明的晉升制度,晉 升、加薪速度自己掌握。
- 行政單位在房市不景氣下,仍四年三度調薪,引領業 界。
- 多元福利,如部門聚餐基金、三節禮券及各項津貼、 福利補助。
- 優於法令的旅遊假與志工假。
- 員工幸福,也要家屬幸福
- 新進人員家庭電訪關懷
- 邀請員工及眷屬參與尾牙、員工旅遊及海外獎勵旅 遊,並安排過年返鄉專車。
- 重要表揚場合,邀請眷屬參與分享成就。
- 鼓勵員工於企業內尋找人生伴侶,企業班對已突破 300對。