Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited is a global, values-based, R&D-driven biopharmaceutical leader headquartered in Japan, committed to bringing Better Health and a Brighter Future to patients by translating science into highly-innovative medicines. Takeda focuses its R&D efforts on four therapeutic areas: Oncology, Gastroenterology (GI), Neuroscience, and Rare Diseases. We also make targeted R&D investments in Plasma- Derived Therapies and Vaccines. We are focusing on developing highly innovative medicines that contribute to making a difference in people’s lives by advancing the frontier of new treatment options and leveraging our enhanced collaborative R&D engine and capabilities to create a robust, modality-diverse pipeline. Our employees are committed to improving quality of life for patients and to working with our partners in health care in approximately 80 countries and regions.
Empowering Our People to Shine
Takeda is building a patient-centric and customer-centric organization. Our local organizations are empowered to respond in the best way to customer needs. Our employees have the possibility to develop and thrive in a diverse and agile organization. Takeda leaders demonstrate strategic thinking, find innovative ways to serve patients, build trust with society, reinforce our reputation, and grow the business. They create an environment that inspires and enables people to collaborate and move the organization forward. They focus on our few designated priorities and deliver superior results. And they elevate the capabilities of our organization now and for the future.
What We Do in Taiwan
As the first oversea branch of Takeda Pharmaceutical in 1962, Takeda Taiwan is now heading towards its 57th year in Taiwan. “One Takeda, Leading the Future“ is the key theme for Takeda Taiwan in 2019. We aspire to be the Top 5 MNC in Taiwan and a global, value-based, R&D driven, Biopharmaceutical Leader. In terms of people strategy, we also aspire to be the Best-in-Class Employer in Taiwan Healthcare Industry. The four key pillars below support our peoples’ aspiration with innovative initiatives.
- Solid HR Foundation to Support Business
Takeda Taiwan has strong HR foundations with well-designed HR policies, which are periodically updated. At the same time, we leverage technology to make the execution more efficient and effective. For example, we have one integrated internal HR system available for employees to manage their career development on-line, and they are able to search and apply other job opportunities across Takeda global via the portal. In addition, “Quality Conversations” programs with a series of training was launched across organization for all managers and employees since FY2017. - Optimized Learning & Development Resources for All Levels Learning Plan
People’s learning & development opportunities are the hallmarks of Takeda’s success. We focus on developing employees in each level by different learning resources. Employees will be provided learning resources starting from Day 1 of New Hire Orientation and extending to leadership training, personal excellence, lunch & learn, and functional trainings depending on the needs and the conversation between employees and their line managers. In FY2018, 60 learning activities were executed and the satisfaction rate by employees are up to 92% for the learning resources they participated in.Talent Development
Takeda Taiwan is committed to develop talents to future pipeline by different best practices. The management team has diligently conducted the talent review twice a year, and we provide identified talents to be developed by leveraging Takeda Global/Regional/Local talent development programs. In FY2018, we also launched the “STAR Program” which was a cross-border developmental program for 25 selective talents. Through the program and continuous on-the-job learning, we hope to develop future Strategic, Transformational, Agile and Result-Oriented leaders. - Rewarding Practices in Compensation & Benefits
Takeda Taiwan strives for making our workplace a great environment to work. We provide a total rewards system to build a 100% pay-by-performance compensation structure and this is tightly linked to our direction to drive for a high performing organization. Our benefits programs covers three main categories:
A) Work-life balance: In 2018, we launched FlexiWoW program to provide employees with options to arrange flexible working time, working place and holidays.
B) Health & wellbeing: Additional commercial group insurance, annual health checks, and influenza vaccine subsidy are eligible for all employees. In addition, we have a series of health & wellbeing events, such as Lunch & Learn Sessions (Sleep Management, Stress Management, Resilience, and Disease Awareness topics), Top Program (to encourage employee to do outdoor activities), Cheer for Farma (to provide healthy and fresh foods for employees to share with family) were launched as part of the program.
D) Other rewards: Long-term service award to recognize long-service employees, and President’s award to recognize those outstanding performers of the year. - A Trustworthy Company with CSR in place
Takeda’s CSR approach is rooted in our patient-centricity and the creation of outstanding treatments that change people’s lives. Building upon a foundation of sustainability, we are committed to contributing to the long-term health of people through various CSR activities.In FY2017, we have an innovative program combining our employee health program with CSR activity initiated by employees. We donated the funds to Huashan Social Welfare Foundation based on how many steps employees had walked. In 2018, extended from the concept of “Light Up Silver” program, Takeda Taiwan invited employees to work as volunteers to help disadvantaged elders. The volunteering services included home visits and caring call services. There were more than half of employees voluntarily signed up for being volunteers of sending care to elders, and over three hundred man hours have been devoted to bringing companion and care to the elderly who live alone, suffer from dementia or lose self-care ability. Lately in May 2019, Takeda Taiwan partnered with Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation. Nearly 200 employees divided into groups to assemble the wheelchairs by hand, and together total donated 15 specialized wheelchair to the organization. People-in-need locally could leverage the rental service and improve life quality with the equipment. This is to echo our corporate philosophy to help people towards Better Health and a Brighter Future.Takeda Taiwan has been deeply rooted to Taiwan society by providing employees a great place to work and our patients and customers the quality medicine for treatment. At Takeda, “People First” is one of the key strategies to drive innovation. In return, employees are able to contribute even more innovative ideas back to Takeda Taiwan and to the society in the long run and help Taiwanese people live a better life, brighter future!
武田藥品工業股份有限公司乃是立足日本、全球營運、價值導向、研發驅動的製藥領導者,其宗旨在於將科學轉化為高度創新的藥品,協助病患改善健康並創造更光明的未來。武田的研發工作聚焦於四大醫療領域:腫瘤、胃腸 (GI)、神經科學及罕見疾病。本公司亦針對血漿衍生療法與疫苗進行目標明確的研發相關投資。目前本公司正全力開發極為創新的藥品,這類藥品能提供創新醫療選項, 運用更加強大的研發引擎與能力打造健全、多元化的研發組織,藉以改變民眾的生活。本公司的員工皆致力於提升病患生活品質,並與將近 80 個國家及地區的醫療健康夥伴合作。
身為第一個武田公司的海外分公司,台灣武田於1962年成立至今已邁入了第57個年頭。 台灣武田持續為當地病患和消費者帶來更優質的產品,並推動提供醫療資源以滿足當地市場所缺乏的需求。 2019年台灣武田的年度主題是“齊心武田,共創未來”。我們目標成為台灣前五大跨國製藥公司,並且是一個以病患為中心,值得信賴的企業。在人才策略方面,我們也立志成為台灣醫療保健產業最佳雇主。因此,透過以下四個關鍵項目的支持將推動我們的創新願景。
- 強健的人力資源基礎支持業務
台灣武田成立於57年前,我們擁有強大的人力資源基礎和設計完善的人力資源政策,並定期更新以跟上組織發展的腳步。與此同時,我們運用科技來提高執行效率。例如,我們擁有一套內部人力資源系統,讓員工在網路線上管理他們的職涯發展,他們可以透過相關網站在全球武田公司搜尋和申請其他工作機會。此外,在2017年,武田內部推出“高品質對話”計劃給所有主管和一般同仁,並在2018年推展“高品質對話進階系列課程”。該計劃有助於建立公開交流的文化,並強化人與人之間的信任。所有主管和職員都通過人力資源部門建立的平台開展“高品質對話”的溝通文化,為如何在武田建立成功的職業生涯提供更紮實的技能和知識。 - 優化各層級的學習和發展資源
人才是我們值得信賴的寶貴資產,我們相信員工能幫助武田向病患提供可靠的、創新的高品質產品。台灣武田致力於通過不同的最佳管道發掘潛在人才。管理團隊每年會進行兩次嚴謹地人才發展審查,我們通過利用武田全球/區域/本地人才發展計劃提供適合的人才。2018年,我們規劃並執行”STAR Program”,協助台灣武田25位菁英人才,赴海外參與人才發展計畫。透過正式課堂學習、企業參訪、異業交流、商業專題簡報…等等不同活動,培養成為Strategic(具有策略觀)、Transformational(引領變革)、Agile(敏捷的) 以及Result-Oriented(成果導向)的未來領袖。 - 具獎勵性的薪資福利措施
台灣武田努力讓我們的工作場所成為一個良好的工作環境。我們特此提供一個全面的獎酬制度,以建立一個100%以績效導向為依歸的薪酬結構,這與我們推動高績效組織發展的方向有密切相關。我們的福利計劃主要包括以下三類:A)工作與生活之間的平衡: 2018年,我們推出FlexiWoW 計畫,讓員工可以根據個人需求安排彈性的工作地點、工作時間以及假期彈性的假期和靈活的工作時間,以便員工能兼顧自己的健康和家庭。B)健康和福利:額外的團體保險、年度健康檢查和流感疫苗補貼,適用於所有員工。2018年,員工參加由公司資助的年度健康檢查參與率高達97%。此外,2018年為了強化員工身心靈健康,展開一系列健康福利促進計畫。包含:舉辦午餐學習講座(主題:睡眠管理、壓力管理、復原力、疾病知識) 、TOP計畫 (鼓勵員工組團走出戶外增進健康)、益起下午茶 ( 提供員工健康食品與家人分享)等。
- 一個重視社會企業責任、值得信賴的公司
以病患為中心的宗旨、致力於創造可以改變人類生命的傑出治療方式,是武田投入社會企業責任的起點。 在可長期發展的基礎上,我們致力於透過各種CSR活動為人類的長期健康做出貢獻。在2017年,我們制定了一項創新計劃,結合了員工健康計劃與員工發起的CSR活動。我們將員工步行累積的捐款,協助華山社會福利基金會。2018年台灣武田進一步延伸「點亮銀光」的概念,除了捐贈外,更希望員工能身體力行幫助台灣銀髮族,邀請員工參與華山基金會的到宅訪視和電話問安服務, 幫助需要的長者。超過一半的員工自願投入訪視的行列,服務時數合計超過三百個小時,為獨居老人、患有癡呆症或失去自理能力的老人帶來陪伴和照顧。在2019年五月,台灣武田與門諾基金會合作,藉由全體近200 位員工的力量,共同組裝15台特殊輪椅,並捐贈門諾基金會之愛心輔具銀行,讓需要的民眾可以租借返家,提升生活品質。在幫助更多的人同時也體現了我們的企業理念:Better Health, Brighter Future。