Founded in 1981, Sinyi Realty Inc. provides innovative and comprehensive real estate services, and builds on its mission of upholding and promoting the security of real estate transactions. Headquartered in Taiwan, it is the only listed real estate corporate in Taiwan Stock Exchange. Sinyi Realty has branched out worldwide into Mainland China, Japan, and Southeast Asia with nearly 2000 branches, providing consumers with the most cordial and reliable services. The Sinyi Group is vertically structured into different business units that encompass the primary business of real estate, including real estate services and construction across international markets, and a special unit for culture and public welfare.

In line with its motto: “Sinyi begins with trust and ends with perfection”, Sinyi has reshaped the structure of the real estate industry in Taiwan, by constantly initiating high-quality services that surpass the industry average, as evidenced in customer satisfaction rates. Sinyi has distinguished itself as a role model for responsible business by embedding ethical business behavior into its core organizational strategy. Having remained the largest Taiwanese real estate company by revenue for 24 years in a row, Sinyi is the perfect example of how profitability and responsible business conduct can go hand in hand.

“People first” is the business principle at Sinyi Realty Inc. In its one-of-a-kind approach to ethical business, our latest GOLD Community member draws on the traditional Chinese philosophy of Confucianism. Drawing on the traditional Chinese philosophy of Confucianism, Sinyi has developed its own unique approach to incorporating ethical business behavior into its business operations, to develop initiatives that target long-term sustainability. Grounded in Confucianism, Sinyi’s business operations and strategy give prime importance to their societal obligation and address the needs and concerns of various stakeholders. Sinyi’s successful integration of traditional philosophy into modern business ethics and practices has also been studied by researchers.

Sinyi regarded human resource as the key to Sinyi’s success as well as its sustainable development. Chou’s philosophy of human resource is respect to human dignity, that means treat employees as ends not means, and employees stood for the quality and reputation of Sinyi.

Sinyi has realized a fundamental guideline –Putting people first: Not just staff, the partner also in fulfilling our strategies. We have created a well-functional workplace by identified two essential pillars:

Pillar 1: attract and cultivate talent
Talent innovative recruitment policies:

  • Talent innovative recruitment policies:
    1. We have operated 30-day Work Appraisal Program since 2015 that Sinyi provided one extra month salary for outgoing employees. It was different from usual not only created competitive compensation also decreased the opposition between labor-employer relationships.
    2. Diverse recruitments and development opportunities resulted from we ensured gender balanced candidate shortlists as interview panels and applied for equal pay and promotion. Moreover, Sinyi operates diversely that staff can choose appropriate career path respectively.
    3. Sowing Seeds on Campus Program implemented in universities with real estate practice course, Industry-Academia cooperation, Full-time Internships, Sales Specialist Class, and Sinyi School Scholarships to encourage youth to learn professional skills.
  • Transformed Belief-oriented Talent Cultivation System which was put in place at each level. Sinyi took a long-term perspective on offering courses in the skills and knowledge needed.
  • Diversity and inclusion demonstrated on a female and male ratio, hiring people with disabilities, post-retirement re-employment.
  • Positive labor-employer relations showcased between transparent complaints channel, reasonable remuneration and promotion. Forinstance, we distribute the annual-end bonus from the yearly after-tax operating profit in the long run so that employees are able to share 1/3 of the operating performance.

Pillar 2: Ensure a safe and healthy workplace

  • We established the Happy Health Management Center with the largest employee health screening program in the industry, launched new Sinyi Health Program, and provided timely care to our staff. Most important of all, we also improved our safety data by recording potential accidents.

Due to continual endeavor to implement health promotion, tobacco control policy, and procedures which represented excellence and achievement of building a comprehensive workplace, we were awarded Taipei City Government Department of Labor’s Three-star Happy Businesses Award, Ministry of Labor’s Work-Life Balance Award, Taiwan iSports certification from the Ministry of Education Sports Administration, and Badge of Accredited Healthy Workplace by Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Sinyi made a substantial adjustment to salaries in 2018- raising wages by 7.6 % on average for employees and salespeople are to receive a maximum wage hike of almost 11 %, it would be the highest in Taiwan real estate industry. We still invested NT$130 million per year for talents regardless of Taiwan economics recession at a time. To these ends, we employ a policy of high salaries, high development, and high care. We are committed to corporate social responsibility, raising staff awareness, motivation, and drive for creativity and innovation.

In 2018, Sinyi decided to raise wages by 7.6 % on average for employees and salespeople are to receive a maximum wage hike of almost 11 %, it would be the highest in Taiwan real estate industry. We still invested NT$130 million per year for talents regardless of Taiwan economics recession at a time. To these ends, we employ a policy of high salaries, high development, and high care. We are committed to corporate social responsibility, raising staff awareness, motivation, and drive for creativity and innovation.

A regulation of flexible benefit has been operated from the beginning of 2019 for all staff can choose each item of benefits depends on different life stages.

In the foreseeable future, Sinyi expects itself to be the property market leader among Chinese communities across the world. For the long term, it will work toward win-win growth with the whole society and the entire humanity.0




2015年推出「30天工作鑑賞期,5萬保障薪+5萬轉職金」計畫, 邀請求職者了解不動產業並探索個人職涯發展方向,即使選擇離開也能帶走工作技能和轉職金。





企業的永續關鍵來自同仁的幸福,而幸福首重健康的身心。信義2015年成立照顧同仁身心健康專責單位「幸福健康管理中心」, 聘請專職職業衛生護理師強化既有的健康管理平台。提供同仁優於法規的健康檢查,健康諮詢與追蹤改善、疫苗施打、同仁協助方案(EAP)等服務,並擬定實施預防計畫及促進健康方案,為同仁的健康把關。重視同仁身心靈健康的信義房屋,這幾年陸續獲得台北市政府勞工局的幸福企業三星級獎、勞動部工作與生活平衡獎 ,2017年更順利通過教育部體育署「運動企業認證」。

信義於2018年4月進行年度調薪作業,全體調薪幅度約為7.6%, 而屬於業務性質的經紀人平均調幅亦接近11%,整體而言,相當於年增新台幣1.3億投資人才;並於2019年1月1日實施彈性福利制度,發送每人1萬枚「信福幣」,可以用來支付學習成長、身體健康、家庭照顧等三大構面的福利項目,包括健身房、運動中心、子女托育、眷屬健檢及非工作相關的學習成長課程等,最高使用額度等同於新台幣15,000元,預估集團全年在彈性福利制度上將投入1.05億的預算。

信義將同仁視為公司最重要的事業夥伴,招募優秀人才,提供良好的工作環境,公平對待所有同仁。實踐高薪資、高發展、高關懷的「三高」政策。堅持企業社會責任,能夠提升同仁的認知、動機, 刺激同仁想法並創新,塑造特有的組織文化,增加公司於人力市場的價值,吸引與留住優秀人才,提升競爭力。
