ATEN International Co., Ltd. has been making every endeavor towards the implementation of “Corporate Social Responsibility” and is always attentive to topics that stakeholders are concerned about. We hope to bring a positive impact to the environment, society and governance with the company’s power, and aim to achieve a better future by working together with all our stakeholders.

We carry the spirit of our four core corporate values of “Integrity”, “Caring”, “Ambition” and “Novelty” in daily business operations and management. In addition to our efforts of maintaining reasonable profits, we also continue to practice and promote the positive beliefs of Corporate Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, and a mutually beneficial and prosperous relationship between the company and its stakeholders. With the annual issue of CSR report, we effectively establish a bridge for interactive communication with our stakeholders.

Since its establishment in 1979, ATEN is entering its 40th year. While striving to shape the industry and achieve good economic performance, we have not forgotten to practice the concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. On August 2018, the Common Wealth Corporate Citizenship Awards announced the results for the 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Award, and ATEN stood out from more than 200 companies, winning first place in the medium-sized enterprise category.

We hope that the company’s growth and employee development can move forward together and complement each other, and at the same time, create a friendly workplace where employees enjoy a healthy and balanced work life.

  • Competitive Employee Benefits
    We provide market-competitive salaries and benefits such as health insurance plan (cover employee’s parents), gym, social clubs, fertility allowance, employee welfare committee and understand that only stable operation and profitability can ensure long-term success. Under the performance system of merit-based rewards and incentives, we expect our employees to grow together with the company and jointly encourage employment and economic growth.
  • Personal Growth and Development
    We welcome fresh graduates and sincerely invite experienced talents to contribute value to the company. Systematic and well-planned training courses are provided to new employees as well as employees that are already in service to ensure inclusive and equal quality education that encourages lifelong learning opportunities for all employees. Now ATEN is running its “ATEN Bullpen” project for junior employees with potentials. In the bullpen courses, these young talents are provided by a supportive environment for employee growth through continuous on-the-job training.”ATEN Private School” was officially established in 2016. It is an exclusive platform for ATEN’s internal lecturers and aims for three principles – internal circulation and spreading of knowledge, creating an atmosphere of a learning organization, and developing a team of internal lecturers. These principles remain uncompromised from the beginning until now. A total of 7 courses were held in 2018, with 503 attendances, 1003 total hours and an average satisfaction of 93.96. These are all results created together. In the future, we will continue to develop valuable internal lecturers and courses to encourage the passing on and sharing of knowledge and experiences inside the organization.Whether it is internal or external training, physical or online courses, all the digital learning footprints of ATEN’s employees are recorded on the internal e-learning platform, “e-College”. Since its introduction in 2014, it has been managed with care and undergone stability tests for three years. We have decided to extend this service to subsidiaries worldwide, and together with the ACS (ATEN Certified Specialist) professional product training course led by the Global Customer Service Department, ATEN’s unique product knowledge and solutions can be successfully communicated to staff who must be familiar with it, through a digital method that is not limited by time and distance.
  • Creating a Friendly Workplace
    We place great importance on the physical and mental health of our employees. Physicians are stationed in the company every week, and employee health examinations are performed every year. In addition, we also cooperate with third-party organizations to provide Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) whose purpose is to help employees put their minds at ease during stressful situations and focus on work and life with a peace of mind.We have specially planned the “ATENer Freshman Monopoly” to help speed up new employees’ adaptation to ATEN. On the first day of joining the company, new employees will receive an ATENer Kit which contains a “Newcomer Must Know Monopoly Obstacle Map” to help them familiarize themselves with the company’s internal processes, systems, forms, and corresponding service windows. In addition, we also pair an exclusive mentor for each new employee that can serve as a means to seek advice if problems arise. At the same time, we also ask mentors to provide two to four weeks of systematic learning journey for newcomers, and to have regular chats with them on a weekly basis. Mentors have the right and obligation to participate in the new employees’ probation period assessment.In addition, we have included the “New Employees’ Adaptation Questionnaire” into new employees’ compulsory digital courses. If we discover excess levels of stress in physical and mental health, we will refer the information to Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), provided by a third-party psychological counseling company, who will contact and care about the employees’ adaptation situation or other areas that may require professional assistance.

關於宏正 – 「誠信務實」、「尊重關懷」、「樂觀積極」、「價值創新」
宏正自動科技長期以來對「企業社會責任」之履行不遺餘力,對所有利害關係人所關切之議題亦念茲在茲。我們期望能以企業之力量,對環境、社會與治理 (ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance) 帶來正面之影響,進一步希望能藉由與所有利害關係人的攜手努力,共同來成就一個更美好的未來。


宏正自1979 年成立至今,已邁入第 40 個年頭,在致力耕耘本業以獲取良好營運績效的同時,也不忘「企業社會責任」CSR 之履行,以及「企業永續發展」理念之實踐。2018年 8 月,國內最具公信力的企業社會責任獎項 ~『天下企業公民獎』公布得獎結果,宏正從超過 200 多家企業中脫穎而出,繼2015年後再度榮獲 2018 年「天下企業公民獎」中堅企業【第一名】。這不僅代表ATEN為社會與環境所創造的價值受到肯定,更是ATEN成為世界企業公民的里程碑。展望未來,ATEN將更積極為客戶、員工、股東、環境、社區、社會貢獻心力,扮演積極的社會公民角色,並且期望這份影響力能逐步擴展,成就美好的社會。




2016年『宏正私塾堂』正式成立,是宏正內部講師的專屬平台, 以三個原則為目標:內部知識的流通與擴散、營造學習型組織的氛圍與打造宏正內部講師團隊,一路走來始終如一。2018年共開辦了7門課程,總人次503、總時數1003、平均滿意度93.96,都是共同創造的成果。未來也將持續開發具有價值之內部講師與課程, 以促進組織內部的知識傳承與經驗分享。

舉凡內外部訓練、實體課程或數位課程,宏正同仁的所有數位學習足跡我們都留存在『人資e學院』這個內部的數位學習平台上。自2014年中導入『人資e學院』系統,經過3年的悉心經營與穩定測試,我們決定擴展服務版圖至全球個各子公司,搭配全球客服處主導的ACS(ATEN Certified Specialist)專業產品訓練課程,成功將宏正特有的產品知識與解決方案,以數位課程形式、不受限於時間、距離的影響,同步一致地傳達給必須熟悉與了解的同仁。

我們格外重視員工的身心健康,每週醫師固定駐點,每年均會執行員工健康檢查;也率先與第三方機構合作提供EAPs服務,目的就是希望同仁能夠安心、放心與專心地工作與生活。同時,為使新人加速適應宏正,我們特別規畫了『ATENer,新鮮人大富翁』, 在加入宏正的第一天,新人就會收到『ATENer錦囊妙計包』,裡頭包含了一張新人須知的大富翁闖關圖,可按圖索驥地熟悉與摸索公司內部的現有流程/制度/表單與各項服務的對應窗口;另外,我們也在新人報到前配對專屬的Mentor(導師),使其在碰到問題或有所迷惘時,能有個安心諮詢的管道。同時,我們也要求Mentor 在新人報到後,要提供2-4周有架構有系統的學習旅程並且每周定期與新人簡單聊,並且賦予Mentor參與新人試用期考核的權利與義務。此外,在新人的必修數位課程當中,我們也加入『新進同仁適應性問卷』調查,若發現身心健康壓力指數過大的新人,我們也會將資料轉介給第三方合作的EAPs (Employee Assistance Programs) 專業心理諮詢公司,主動連繫關心其適應狀況或有何需要專業協助的地方。

宏正自動科技成立於1979年,以ATEN品牌行銷全球,為全球資訊(IT)暨專業影音(Professional AV) 設備連接管理方案領導廠商。ATEN提供整合性的KVM多電腦切換器、專業級影音產品、節能感測電源分配器等解決方案,其超過500項的產品組合可輕鬆控制與連接不同的電子設備,並廣泛應用於不同領域,包含廣播及媒體、公司、政府、教育、運輸與工業製造等多元環境。ATEN在台灣(台北、台南)、中國及加拿大設有研發中心,每年均持續開發創新解決方案,至今已獲得超過570件的全球專利。宏正總部設於台灣,同時在中國、日本、韓國、比利時、美國、英國、俄羅斯、澳洲、土耳其、羅馬尼亞與印度設有子公司與辦事處,透過全球銷售網絡將產品行銷各地以滿足客戶的多元需求。如需進一步資料, 請造訪宏正自動科技網站 : http://www.aten.com。
