RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE: RNG) is a leading provider of global enterprise cloud communications, collaboration, and contact center solutions. More flexible and cost-effective than legacy on-premises systems, the RingCentral platform empowers employees to Work as One™ from any location, on any device, and via any mode to better serve customers, improving business efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The company provides unified voice, video meetings, team messaging, digital customer engagement, and integrated contact center solutions for enterprises globally. RingCentral’s open platform integrates with leading business apps and enables customers to easily customize business workflows.

Business Focus :
Employee Engagement: Enable purposeful collaboration that engages employees and drives business efficiency.
Customer Engagement: Enable customer engagement on their channel of choice, improving customer satisfaction.

RingCentral is headquartered in Belmont, California, and has offices around the world.
RingCentral provides service to 350,000 companies worldwide, and has established long-term partnerships with AT&T, the largest telecom operator in the United States; TELUS, the leading telecom operator in Canada; and BT, the British telecommunications company.

RingCentral went public in 2013. For past 3 years, the stock price has increased nearly 700%. From 2015 to 2019, RingCentral is a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications as a Service, worldwide.

RingCentral drive the company’s success through innovation. We work with our customers to reimagine the world of business communications and collaboration. This relentless passion to innovate has made us the #1 cloud communications provider worldwide, and we don’t plan on stopping there.

RingCentral Xiamen
Founded in 2011, the RingCentral Xiamen office is the primary research and development (R&D) office to support global business growth. Attracting talented people is the key to our long-term success, so we actively recruit great people, nearly 50% of whom come from 1st tier cities. And we must be doing something right, our attrition is less than 10%, well below the industry average.

Happiness Matters!
At RingCentral we believe Happiness at Work Matters. We know that if people are happy at work they are more productive, more efficient, and, well, happier. Visit our offices in Xiamen and you’ll see what we mean. The challenge from work is constant, however, you’ll see people passionately engaged in their projects, learning from each other, collaborating effectively and genuinely enjoying themselves.

RingCentral strives to help its employees stay healthy and balanced
How else do we keep our people happy? At RingCentral we provide competitive compensation, generous benefits and personalized careers. Employees are encouraged to find a healthy balance between work and life. We know a career is more like a marathon than a sprint, so we encourage our people to balance and stay at their best. This approach doesn’t just make people better employees, it makes them happier in all phases of their lives.

We invest in professional development
Another way we look after our talented people, is through training and mentorship programs. Our programs cover entry-level learning, technical growth, English language education, soft skills and more. RingCentral dedicates incredible amounts of time, energy, and money to the personal and professional development of its employees. From training courses and performance reviews to employee engagement activities and job satisfaction surveys, the organization stays on top of growing its people in ways that create long and successful careers. RingCentral also offer internal transfer opportunities within China as well as to other countries where RingCentral has offices.

We contribute to the Tech ecosystem
The RingCentral Xiamen office does more than investing in its people; we are also committed to growing the internet industry. We organize and sponsor high tech events open to the entire community; our employees frequently speak at external technical summits and we also support knowledge sharing by publishing technical articles written by our employees.

We have a passion for corporate social responsibilities
We are also proud of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. RingCentral is a member of the Xiamen Nest Program which is dedicated to building libraries for local children in the surrounding villages. We also have an internal giving organization called RCause, that matches employee’s charitable donations. RingCentral believes being a part of the community starts with giving back and helping to make our local communities successful.

Employees say RingCentral is
·Caring ·Collaborative ·Challenging ·Innovative ·Rewarding

RingCentral (NYSE:RNG)是全球领先的企业云通信协作解决方案提供商,总部位于美国硅谷。




目前,RingCentral已为全球350,000家企业提供服务,客户遍布世界各地,并与美国最大的电信运营商AT&T,加拿大著名的电信运营商TELUS及英国电信集团British Telecom等建立了长期合作伙伴关系。



RingCentral不仅提供具有市场竞争力的薪酬,授予优秀员工RSU,还面向全公司开放员工购股计划, 随着公司股票的显著增值,全员都会享受股价增长带来的丰厚收益。我们的福利贴心地照顾到员工的日常,从补充商业险、充分的年假、五花八门的俱乐部、丰富的文体活动和节日庆祝,到个体化的员工关怀,如入职周年、生日或者晋升为人父人母,我们致力于让员工获得幸福的工作体验。

RingCentral崇尚工作和生活的平衡,不赞成996的极端工作强度。软件开发是个脑力工作而不是体力劳动。 没有适当的休息和充电,很难对工作长期怀有热情并持续创新。工作不是快跑比赛,而是场马拉松。跑得快和跑得长久之间我们认为找一个平衡点才是更好的选择。

我们在招募优秀人才加入的同时,很注重用人所长,并充分地去培养让其优势得以最佳发挥。我们有着成熟的培训体制,这包括一对一配置的导师,技术培训,英语和软技能培训,并有机会与硅谷的技术大牛协作交流。 我们要构建的是学习型文化,让人才在技能输出的时候可以持续成长,更具备竞争力和创造力。为了让大家可以充分挖掘和发挥所长,我们不仅开放了内部转岗机制,还提供机会让优秀人才可以转到硅谷工作。


