
Swarovski delivers a diverse portfolio of unmatched quality, craftsmanship, and creativity. Founded in 1895 in Austria, the company designs, manufactures and markets high-quality crystals, genuine gemstones and created stones as well as finished products such as jewelry, accessories and lighting. The Swarovski Crystal Business is run by the fifth generation of family members and has a global reach with approximately 2,800 stores in around 170 countries, more than 27,000 employees, and revenue of about 2.6 billion euros in 2016.

Together with its sister companies Swarovski Optik (optical devices) and Tyrolit (abrasives), Swarovski Crystal Business forms the Swarovski Group. In 2016, the Group generated revenue of about 3.37 billion euros and employed more than 32,000 people.

A responsible relationship with people and the planet is an integral part of Swarovski’s heritage. The global Swarovski Waterschool education program has reached 461,000 children on the world’s greatest rivers, and the Swarovski Foundation, set up in 2013, works to support culture and creativity, promote wellbeing, and conserve natural resources to achieve positive social impact.
Swarovski started the journey in mainland China in 1991, and has set up two companies: Swarovski (Guangzhou) Trading Co., Ltd. and Swarovski (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd., with subsidiaries in Beijing, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Qingdao and Yiwu. Swarovski China now has over 1000 employees.

Swarovski China include two major business units and one functional unit: CGB (Consumer Goods Business), SP (Swarovski Professional), and F&A (Finance and Administration). Other businesses include: LB (Lightening Business), and GB (GEMSTONE Business), etc.

Swarovski retail brand entered China market in the mid -90s and the brand has become the premium fashion brand. Swarovski China business extends to more than 90 cities and over 300 retail stores, and has also started e-commerce through Swarovski Tmall Official Store and Swarovski.com. SP brings endless inspiration to designers by a superb collection of color, shape and size. All designs express the glamour with crystal elements. At the same time, Swarovski China F&A provides professional advice and services in the area of procurement, finance, controlling, human resources, administration, IT and legal.

The first Swarovski water school was established by the Austria River in 2000. Today in China, it is active in the area of Yangtze River, helping more people to realize the importance of water, promote sustainable management, and provide clean drinking water and sanitation facilities to water school.

In 2016, Swarovski China launched the Employer Brand project – “One Swarovski One Family”. Each Swarovski family member will care for each other, respect each other and support each other. Let us work together to feel the warmth of each other. We recognize, reward and celebrate results, from small everyday contributions to big achievements.


施华洛世奇集团由施华洛世奇水晶业务、施华洛世奇光学公司(光学设备) 和泰利莱公司(研磨产品)组成,2016年营业额约为33.7亿欧元,员工人数超过32,000人。

施华洛世奇的其中一项重要传统,是以负责任的态度对待地球和人。全球教育计划——施华洛世奇爱护水源学校,至今已令居于世界多条伟大河流附近的461,000名儿童受惠。而成立于2013年的施华洛世奇基金(Swarovski Foundation),则通过支持文创产业发展、关怀社会及保护自然资源,为社会带来积极影响。


施华洛世奇中国主要包括两大业务单元和一个职能单元:水晶精品部(Consumer Goods Business,简称CGB);施华洛世奇专业部(Swarovski Professional,简称SP),以及财务行政部(Finance & Administration,简称F&A)。其他业务还包括:灯具业务(Lightening Business,简称LB),和施华洛世奇宝石部(GEMSTONE Business,简称,GB)等。

施华洛世奇零售品牌于90年代中期进入中国市场,已成为世人深入人心的高端时尚品牌,目前在中国的业务规模遍及90多个城市,门店300多家, 并开设了施华洛世奇官方商城和天猫官方旗舰店等电子商务渠道;施华洛世奇专业部通过琳琅满目的色彩、效果、形状和尺寸为设计师带来源源不绝的灵感,所有设计作品均能在水晶元素的点缀下增添细致迷人的魅力;同时,施华洛世奇财务行政部目前拥有采购、财务、财务管控、人力资源、行政、IT和法务众多功能部门,每个功能部门都在不同领域为我们的客户提供专业的意见和服务。


施华洛世奇中国于2016年开始实施雇主品牌项目,主题是”One Swarovski, One Family” 。在施华洛世奇大家庭中的每一位成员,相互关爱,相互尊重并相互支持。对我们而言,公司的每一位伙伴都如同家人般存在,我们携手彼此,一起成长,为个人的收获而欣喜,更为共同的成就而自豪。
