Awards and Recognition:

Company details

World Trade Center (WTC) 1 Building, 15th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 - 30, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia

Healthcare Service Provider

Making Healthcare More Accessible

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Winners' Profile


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PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari (APL) a member of Zuellig Pharma, has been successfully serving the Indonesian healthcare market and the community in all areas in Indonesia since 1985 by making high-quality healthcare products. Our clients, customers, and partners’ trust has brought us into what we are today, reaching the market needs in 34 provinces, covering 434 cities and delivering to more than 60,000 medical facilities and modern retail channels, and more to come.

Grow career with us to contribute your best in making healthcare more accessible

We encourage employees to achieve business excellence. We aim to create a culture in which our people can grow, where they drive their own development to increase their competencies and skills that ultimately lead to performance and fulfillment.
Our Corporate Value:
In APL, we live-out our mission of making healthcare more accessible and it has been embedded in our heart and corporate values of Collaboration, Passion for Excellence, Innovation, Personal Growth, and Integrity & Trust. We highly cherish our values as it is the fundamental of our identity that represents who we are, what we do, and how we do. These guiding values contribute to our culture and encourage our employees to strive for excellence.

Our Sustainability:
We also continually focus on our Sustainability programs to support, enhance, and strengthen the community in Indonesia. APL is committed to a sustainability vision of building a healthier future for Asia with our clients and customers through 4 key pillars: Improving Health Outcomes, Nurturing Talent, Respecting the Environment and Setting the Highest Standards of Integrity.

Improving health outcomes:
Continuing our main mission of making healthcare more accessible, APL actively initiates program as follows:
  • The distribution of more than one million doses of COVID-19 vaccine across Indonesia
  • Medical webinar “MedTalk” as an education platform to employees related to health issues with up to 1,015 participants
  • Having eZRx, as a B2B platform for customers to have a seamless order experience and has been integrated with the ordering system.

Nurturing Talent:
When the spike of COVID-19 happened, mental health became one of the global concerns. APL actively participates in nurturing talent by providing programs that focus on the well-being of the employees through wellness and mental health awareness programs. The programs include:
  • Fat to Fit Challenge, a 3-months program to improve employee’ lifestyle with a support from professional trainer, nutritionist, and mindfulness coach
  • Regular yoga and zumba with employees across branches.
  • Women in Leadership, APL supports gender equality and empowering women which is proven that 40% of leadership in APL is female. It is believed that female leaders assist in nurturing female employees through day-to-day activities

APL also contributes to developing youth through several programs:
  • Innovation competition that aims for university students and we successfully build partnership with 9 universities from Indonesia consisting of 78 students.
  • Internship program consisting of 25 students from Bina Nusantara and President University, helping them to get first-hand experience of professional working.
  • 8 Management Trainees from different backgrounds.
  • APL Mengajar that educated 1,000+ students in across A branches

Respecting the Environment:
Apart from focusing on health and talent, APL contributes to make a significant impact on the environment through:
  • Cleaning and trash-sorting on “Bebersih 30 Menit” to commemorate the World Environment Day, resulted 380 kgs of non-usable and usable waste were sorted and collected
  • Reduction in CO2 emissions by 23.7% through planting more than 100 plants
  • Monthly program with The Plastic Exchange, 942 kgs recyclable waste collected with 47 participants
  • A gardening project “Taman Apotek Hidup” was conducted, focusing on using organic waste to fertilize the soil
  • Solar panel groundbreaking with more than 1,500 panel were installed and expected to reduce 635 tons of Co2.
  • Electric Vehicle

Setting the Highest Standard of Integrity:
APL is high-principled on setting the highest standard of integrity and it successfully reflects on 100% quality assurance staffs have been certified as part of QA Competency Certification Program. In the effort to maintain and achieve the standard, more than 2,500 employees have been trained on business ethics issues, code of conduct, data privacy, and cybersecurity. Anti-corruption policies and procedures are conducted through employee training and communication effort. Thus, it results in 0 incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communication activities and 0 confirmed cases related to bribery and corruption of employees and the organization.

Through these 4 sustainability key pillars, APL has been supported and contributed to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is recognized as top 1% of all companies rated by EcoVadis in 2021 and become a member of Green Freight Asia and BSR Healthcare Working Group.

Our People Development Program:
We value the growth of our employee, and we constantly upskill our employees to equip them as a response in encountering challenges with development activities such as:
  • Training:
    Learning Management System (LMS): LMS is APL’s learning platform for employees to log on to attend courses and get acquainted with the internal policies and procedures.
  • Outbound
    APLympic: Table tennis match involving APL’s Head Office and 26 branches. The activity helps to engage with employees and to break the ice between different functions in APL.

APL Center of Excellence:
To drive innovation culture and pursue productivity of our operation, we launched APL Center of Excellence to develop new digital services and address solutions to the healthcare ecosystem in Indonesia. The developed technological innovations aim to equip and empower clients, customers, and stakeholders to help improve health outcomes for patients and innovative solutions to make healthcare more accessible. Since then, our teams have been focused on creating data, digital and disease management solutions. The efforts that have been undertaken by APL include infrastructure and security system, e-commerce and digital platform, data analytics as reporting system and business intelligence, and SAP that is responsible as the foundation of the system.