Awards and Recognition:

Company details

GIA Tower, 31st Floor, Sopheak Mongkul Street, Phum 14, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh, the Kingdom of Cambodia


To be the world’s pre-eminent life insurance provider.

Head Count

Winners' Profile


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AIA (Cambodia) is one of the rapidly growing insurance companies in Cambodia. We provide world-class customer experience and constantly driving the business through various initiatives, including digital transformation. We strive to succeed in every implementation to ensure that our solutions meet the business's needs. Our talents are also experiencing new learning methods, growth opportunities, and robust career development. We have an excellent culture that boosts productivity, solid team collaboration, creativity, ideas, and more. We have implemented a digital employee service that makes it easy for employees to manage their personal information, get business information, access e-learning, and much more.

Our journey to digital transformation and our goal to provide great customer service:

We believe that our talents are the backbone of our business, and we are committed to securing and attracting the best talent pool both within and outside the organization and we encourage everyone to apply to AIA (Cambodia) or consider us as their employer of choice. However, we have faced several challenges during the process, which we have overcome with the exceptional talents of our organization. At AIA (Cambodia), we always focus on delivering crucial outcomes for every project or plan. We firmly believe in the initiatives we have created and the expected results.

Digital transformation plays a significant role in supporting our business growth. It makes the working flow, customer usage, sales process, and information management easier and more efficient. To enhance the sales process and customer experience, we have introduced a new software application, AIA+. It is specifically developed to provide a world-class stage where all the features are integrated into one.

In addition, we are still pursuing substantial digital transformation development to become a remarkable role model in the insurance industry. We have delivered what we promised to our customers, exposing them to a digital platform that provides a convenient process to serve their demands. Moreover, with customer centricity being a crucial procedure for businesses, digital platforms help produce more engagements. Therefore, we ensure that every employee aligns with our digital transformation initiatives, and we are committed to providing a better digital platform for everyone, especially our precious customers.