
Awards and Recognition:

Company details


30F., No.100, Songren Rd.,
Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11073,

30F., No.100, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11073, Taiwan


Professional Services


"Champions for meaningful progress"

In good times and bad, we partner
with brands to achieve meaningful
progress as a force for growth and
good. Our teams of optimists,
entrepreneurs and first-movers
coalesce around the needs of our
clients, unlocking unique possibilities
for sustainable value and lasting change.

"Champions for meaningful progress"

In good times and bad, we partner with brands to achieve meaningful progress as
a force for growth and good. Our teams of optimists, entrepreneurs and first-movers
coalesce around the needs of our clients, unlocking unique possibilities for sustainable
value and lasting change.

Head Count



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Closing the gap on social distancing during COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has brought about a great impact on companies and prompted changes. Prevention measures and imminent challenges in business have also caused instability among employees; to assist and support our staff during these difficult times We have been actively developing actions and engaging our staff.

Looking back to the first half of 2020 when the global pandemic was just getting out of control creating a socio-economic crisis, dentsu Taiwan immediately adopted a proactive approach by not laying off employees, cutting salaries and hours to stabilize the team and supported our people to stay focused on epidemic prevention, physical and mental health, agile working and maintaining clients’ businesses.

In terms of "epidemic prevention", dentsu Taiwan prepares employees for pandemic and pays special attention to staff communications. Employees are handed medical masks as well as customized epidemic kits well before the coronavirus began to spread widely. In addition to the standard measures such as the measurement of body temperature and facemask wearing at work, employees are updated regularly with the development of COVID-19 cases within our community and reminded corresponding prevention measures. To communicate with colleagues in a more timely and transparent manner, dentsu Taiwan CEO publishes weekly epidemic reports and the management holds town hall meetings to emphasize the importance of epidemic prevention. The same measures are also extended to visitors; together with regular disinfection and sanitation in the office, dentsu creates a safe and secured workplace for all.

Regarding "physical & mental health", dentsu Taiwan has introduced online health consulting services so that employees with insomnia, stress, and other health concerns can get the needed support from dentsu in one click. Moreover, to understand employee wellbeing during the pandemic and collect input on future of work, we conducted the “Wellbeing Pulse Survey” in April last year. The result shows that the dentsu Taiwan’s pandemic measures provided robust support to employees and was awarded the best performing market in our Group. Toward the end of 2020, a staff town hall was held to share the results of joint efforts to fight COVID-19 and the transformation strategies, as well as dentsu’s commitment on wellbeing by granting each employee a wellness allowance.
Relating to "agile working", dentsu Taiwan has strengthened workplace agility during the time of pandemic. To put this concept into practice, dentsu develops "Work From Home 1-2-3 Checklist" and related polices and exercise "Work From Home", allowing employees to work remotely to fulfill the Company’s commitment to non-interrupted clients services. In helping our clients to maintain their business, dentsu mobilizes a team of various expertise to maximize the power of influence in the industry by releasing several industry reports such as "COVID-19 Pandemic Study & Insights of Brand Marketing", "Revitalization of Business Opportunity", and "Quick Service and Solutions of Communication Revitalization" for our clients supporting them to win their businesses in response to the pandemic. These publications and guides have helped our clients through the pandemic hardship and found solutions to their business challenges.

Check in regularly with employees to co-create a pleasant employee experience

We are in a people business; we value the voice of our employees and encourage them to openly express their opinions and needs through Check in, dentsu’s Employee Engagement Survey. With a 96% response rate in 2020, we have been able to effectively identify the key factors that influence employees’ work engagement. Our Human Resources and people managers have collaborated to discuss issues and develop appropriate action plans collectively for the teams to optimize their experience and to become more engaged at dentsu.

Year 2020 makes us realize that health is the most valuable asset in life. At dentsu we believe in our vision and value employee experience. Whether in good times or bad, we join hands with each other to achieve meaningful progress, drive continued growth, be a force for good and unlock unique possibilities for sustainable value and lasting change.


電通是台灣市占率和影響力最大的行銷傳播集團,隸屬於日本電通集團。在台灣擁有下列主要領導客戶行銷傳播品牌及中心:電通邁格瑞博恩 (dentsu mcgarrybowen,原台灣電通)、電通國華 (dentsu one)、貝立德 (dentsu X)、凱絡 (Carat)、偉視捷(Vizeum)、安布思沛 (iProspect)、安索帕 (Isobar),以及負責整合集團旗下所有供應段夥伴資源的安浦菲(Amplifi)與協助品牌客戶加速商業轉型之集團商業顧問中心及電通智能中心。

在行銷傳播的光譜中,電通打破各個垂直服務的界線並橫向串連,提供客戶從定義客戶生意/行銷課題(Business Design),到設計解決方案(Solution Design)與執行管理(Deliver Design);以客戶為中心的模式編制服務團隊,整合涵蓋顧問諮詢、客戶關係管理(CRM)、數據、廣告科技(AdTech) 、行銷科技(MarTech)、品牌傳播、創意、媒體、自有媒體與娛樂、製作等專業服務項目,為品牌解決生意上的課題與創造新的商機,是台灣唯一能夠真正提供具創意力、以數據與技術驅動的全方位行銷傳播解決方案的集團。

COVID-19 疫情拉開了社交距離,拉近了溝通界線

[COVID-19 疫情拉開了社交距離,拉近了溝通界線] 新冠肺炎疫情,對企業帶來很大的衝擊並促使變革,各項防疫措施及維運的嚴峻考驗帶給員工強烈地不安定感;電通也積極展開有效行動方案,協助員工面對挑戰。





在幫助「客戶維護生意」上,我們主動集結同仁的專業與影響力,完成「新冠肺炎疫情研究 & 品牌行銷觀點報告」、「振興消費潮商機報告」,及各種因應疫情提供給客戶的「快服務與傳播振興方案」,由員工提案協助客戶突破疫情困境與找到解決生意挑戰的方法。

與員工定期Check in是關鍵,共創良好的工作體驗

[與員工定期Check in是關鍵,共創良好的工作體驗] 處在以人為本的行銷傳播產業,我們相當重視員工的心聲,藉由持續調整的員工溝通管道,鼓勵員工於每年的Check in員工投入度問卷調查表達自己的意見及需求。在2020的調查中,高達96%的員工填答率使我們能有效深入辨識左右員工投入度的關鍵因子,由HR與主管們協作針對問題點進行討論,為團隊制定適宜的行動計畫,優化員工在電通的工作體驗,使員工投入度每年都有穩定的成長。
