
Awards and Recognition:

Company details


89, Sec. 6, Zhongshan N. Rd.,
Taipei City 11155, Taiwan, R.O.C.

89, Sec. 6, Zhongshan N. Rd., Taipei City 11155, Taiwan, R.O.C.




The Most Reliable Global
Engineering Services Provider

The Most Reliable Global Engineering Services Provider

Head Count




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CTCI strives to create the best and safest work environment because employees are the strongest pillars supporting our engineering services worldwide and the foundation to enrich engineering ability to compete on the international stage. They have always been CTCI’s most treasured and precious assets.

CTCI actively invests resources in talent cultivation. We established "CTCI University" in 2020, all group colleagues are students. There are 6 colleges, 32 departments and programs to provide our employees with a comprehensive career path. Colleagues and supervisors jointly formulate tailored individual development plan and mandatory courses. In the face of COVID-19, more than 600 online courses were quickly recorded, to allow colleagues to continue learning and growing, as well as further identifying with CTCI's corporate culture and legacies.

In addition to professional growth, CTCI continues to invest resources in the management capability development. Nearly 60 employees who have been selected to take EMBA programs have graduated by the end of 2019, all were sponsored by the Company. To pass down the legacy and develop sustainability, we identified the key positions and built elite training program through leadership training and sharing of workplace coaches and mentors, fully understand the employees own strengths and weaknesses, and boost their competitiveness in diverse ways such as joining project task force and implementing rapid job rotation. This will enhance the competitiveness of our employees and the Company, a win-win result. Among them, a total of 15 Young Talents were selected to be cultivated as international management professionals within the next 10 years. The Group Chairman acted as the "Group Mentor" to pass on his management experience and life experience through face-to-face communication with those Young Talents.

CTCI is committed to creating a healthy, safe and secure work environment. In addition to setting up health centers and employing a full number of nursing staffs, we also signed collaboration agreements with medical institutions to care for and improve employee’s health. In terms of employee mental health care, we set up 24-hour EAPs (Employee assistance programs) dedicated line and online consulting services to help colleagues deal with workplace troubles so they can enjoy a safe and secure workplace.

CTCI Group has more than 300 people stationed overseas. Group Coronavirus Prevention Center(GCPC) was established at the beginning of COVID-19 to initiate pandemic-controlling mechanisms and organize Business Continuity Plans (BCP). In order to minimize the impact of the pandemic on project executions and group operations work from home policy was carried out. The GCPC not only holds daily international virtual meeting to strictly monitor the situations in different locations, it also comprehensively reviews whether the supply measures such as medical insurance, hardship allowance, SOS medical consulting services, and epidemic prevention materials are adequate to strengthen employees' health and safety. For overseas colleagues who are unable to return to Taiwan, the Company takes the initiative to take care of their families in Taiwan, and distribute gift boxes and thank-you letters from the Group Chairman on new year holidays.
CTCI listens to the voices of employees, cherishes the valuable opinions of each employee, and provide an open and transparent communication channel. With suppliers, CTCI also creates a highly participatory working environment by providing third-party platforms to create two-way communication. In compensation and benefits, CTCI conducts market salary surveys every year to ensure employees living welfare, provides fully covered medical group insurance for employees, offers a system of leave without pay that is superior to the law, and employee stock options to create long-term retention system. There is also a “Four-Year Retention Plan” and restricted stocks to retain talents. Lastly, CTCI established a shareholding trust mechanism to boost morale, retain talent, and increase colleagues’ sense of participation in the Company's operations and make them willing to grow with the Company. Based on the sum of fixed salary and annual bonuses, employees are free to choose the desired contribution rate and the Company allocates another 50% as a reward to the employee’s account so that every colleague becomes a shareholder of the Company thereby contributing to the sustainable development of the Company
In order to enhance employee experience, CTCI conducts Group global engagement survey once every two years. The survey is led by executive managers develop improvement plans for delayed issues. Each time, we make more progress. It is to make CTCI employees, coming from 11 different countries, grow together with diversity, tolerance, and affirm themselves on the international stage.

除了專業成長,更持續投注資源在管理能力養成,至2019年底,公司推派進修EMBA畢業近60人,費用由公司全額負擔。而為了傳承與永續,自2017年起,訂定關鍵職位與菁英人才培訓計畫,藉由職場教練與導師的帶領和分享,充分了解自身優劣勢,以專案歷練及快速輪調等多元發展方式,提升競爭力,達到同仁及公司雙贏結果。其中更遴選出15位傳承Young Talents,期望在10年內培養成海外經營管理人才,由集團總裁擔任Mentor角色,總裁更是傾囊相授將其寶貴經營管理經驗與人生閱歷面對面傳授給年輕高潛力人才,無論在工作上或者人生道路做為借鏡。

為提供員工穩固安心的工作環境,除設有健康中心及聘有足額護理師外,更簽訂特約醫生/診所,關懷及提升集團員工健康,在員工心理關懷上,設置24小時EAPs(Employee assistance programs)專線與線上諮詢服務,全面關注同仁身心靈。CTCI集團有近300多人派駐在海外,於疫情嚴峻之初即成立集團防疫中心,迅速啟動防疫機制,擬定企業持續營運計畫(Business Continuity Planning; BCP)供集團全球據點(含工地)在疫情期間所面對的挑戰及因應等提供一個SOP 有所遵循;例如實施居家上班(Work From Home),輪流施行A/B上班制度規劃,期將疫情對集團營運管理的衝擊和影響降至最低。除了定期(每天、每周)召開全球防疫會議,嚴密監控各地疫情外,更全面檢視醫療保險、艱困津貼、SOS 線上醫療諮詢服務、防疫物資等供應措施是否足夠,強化員工的健康安全。針對無法返台之海外同仁,主動照顧其在台眷屬,於年節發放禮盒與集團總裁親筆簽名感謝信。

