
Awards and Recognition:

Company details


8F, No.187, Kang Chien Rd.,
Nei Hu Dist., Taipei

8F, No.187, Kang Chien Rd., Nei Hu Dist., Taipei




Based on consumer needs, we have
been developing high-performance
products with the exclusive IBD
(Integrated Bioscience Design)
methodology to
“Join & Delight Consumer’s Life!”

Based on consumer needs, we have been developing high-performance products
with the exclusive IBD (Integrated Bioscience Design) methodology to
“Join & Delight Consumer’s Life!”

Head Count



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TCI Co., Ltd, one of the top-notch biotechnology companies in Taiwan, takes sustainable talent development as one of its essential business goals. At TCI, we are committed to creating the most friendly and advanced working environment in Taiwan. With two core values, "diversity and inclusion" and "capability-based talent management," we aim to establish a workplace of integrity, health, equality, and safety.

Pursuing a fair and inclusive workplace culture, we have been making efforts to promote female leadership and developed a gender-balanced workplace with a gender ratio of 1:1 in the management. In terms of employee engagement, we value every single employee and have built unimpeded internal communication channels. To ensure that employees' questions and concerns are answered in a timely manner, we have launched the TCI Service, an immediate Q&A platform, where all colleagues can freely ask any question about the company, and their questions will always be answered in a short time. With staff meetings and the president's monthly speeches, we would like to ensure every colleague is attuned to the company's ultimate goal to "join and delight consumer's life" and that every colleague is heard, encouraged, and supported.

At TCI, we attach great importance to employee recruitment and development. We have introduced an AI-powered interview platform to enable effective and efficient recruitment of employees that fit into TCI's culture with the AI-analyzed data of candidates. And in terms of new employee orientation, we assign a mentor from different departments from his/her for each new colleague. Through the mentoring relationship, the new colleague can quickly understand the company's culture and familiarize with the company's operations during the communication with the mentor, and quickly integrate into TCI. For development and training, we strongly encourage continuous learning among our employees. Therefore, we provide scholarships and grants to colleagues for graduate programs. We also offer considerable amounts of certification allowances to motivate colleagues to learn new skills. We believe that when colleagues obtain work skills-related certification, colleagues will win a salary increase opportunity for themselves and bring more possibilities for innovation and progress to the company, which would help build up a positive cycle for the company's development.

As for talent retention, we are committed to the highest salary on average in the industry and a broad variety of benefits. There is no frequent restriction on salary increases and promotions at TCI. We encourage colleagues to pursue outstanding performance and provide corresponding salaries. In addition to competitive salaries, we offer various types of employee benefits based on the corporate culture of diversity and vitality. With the all-day online meal ordering service, the colleagues are free to enjoy meals when they are too busy getting for themselves. We also offer healthy snacks, coffee, self-produced dietary supplements, and organic products from the company's farm to support our employees' wellness. Moreover, we provide free accommodation for three months to employees from other counties and cities. Also, we have prepared villas with various themes for employees taking business trips to our factory to get quality rest. We also provide outstanding employees and outstanding leaders with opportunities to take a private charter flight to travel abroad together with the president.

Besides, we have developed TCI's unique incentive mechanism-"TCI Coin Award Program" to issue rewards to employees in the form of virtual currency to foster their development and motivation. Apart from getting a number of TCI Coins every month based on seniority, each employee will also receive additional TCI Coins as a reward when making extraordinary contributions. Colleagues can redeem their TCI Coins for a wide variety of benefits, such as free taxi rides and opera tickets. Moreover, by redeeming TCI Coins, colleagues can participate in TCI-held recreation activities for free, such as movies at the theater, feasts at Michelin star restaurants, private yacht tours, and overseas trips. We encourage colleagues to "work hard but rest and play harder", and by holding TCI Coin-redeemable activities, we hope to strengthen connections among colleagues from different departments and build a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among them.

TCI Co., Ltd, one of the top-notch biotechnology companies in Taiwan, takes sustainable talent development as our essential business goal. We provide our employees with meticulous care, including but not limited to, free COVID-19 anti-epidemic supplies. Moreover, with our unique talent development mechanism, we promise to give every outstanding TCI colleague an excellent opportunity to show themselves. We will uphold the core concept of developing of talents, continuing in innovate, moving forward and making history.

Further, we put employee health and safety first and foremost. Thus, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020, we take strict measures to keep our employees safe. We offer free shuttles, allowing employees to avoid public transportation associated with a higher risk of infection. We provide free anti-epidemic supplies as well, medical-grade masks, and alcohol. In addition to colleagues, we try our best to protect the family of colleagues against the pandemic, so colleagues can also get the anti-epidemic supplies for their families. We also allow employees to choose to work from home. With our comprehensive remote meeting system, all colleagues around the world can conduct cross-regional real-time meetings without restriction anytime and anywhere. With our anti-pandemic measures, we are proud to say we have successfully protected our employees worldwide with 0 COVID-19 cases reported.
At TCI, we provide our employees with meticulous care. Not only is it an inclusive, equal, and convenient working environment, we also offer many TCI unique employee benefits. With the reward system and talent development mechanism, we promise to give every outstanding TCI colleague an excellent opportunity to show themselves. We will uphold the core concept of sustainable development of talents, continue to innovate, go forward and make history.



我們的企業文化多元且有活力,並以此作為員工福利的發展核心,為大江生醫員工量身訂作專屬的福利措施。在食宿上,我們提供全天的線上餐點訂購服務,讓同仁可以隨時便利地享用餐點,我們除了零食櫃與咖啡飲品外,更提供了第一手的保健保養品與公司農場的有機蔬果,讓我們的同仁可以隨時保持充沛的精力與工作動力。為體諒外縣市同仁初來乍到陌生縣市任職,大江生醫更給予外縣市同仁三個月的免費短期住宿,此外,我們為至工廠出差的同仁準備了一棟棟各具主題風采的別墅型渡假旅舍,提供給他們高質量的居住與休憩環境。在硬體設備上的投資我們更是不遺餘力,最先進科技設備與系統的導入, 一直是我們向前邁進的原動力,諸如於面試流程中導入AI面試系統,讓我們的求職者可以方便快速的進行應徵,並藉由AI的微表情模型,為我們的人力資源流程提供了更客觀的數據,我們每間會議室均架設最完善的遠距離會議系統,讓同仁的會議可以跨越地域的限制,實現全球化零距離溝通環境。



我們秉持員工第一的理念,於2020疫情期間提供了多項的服務守護同仁的健康安全,我們提供免費的上下班交通接送服務,讓同仁們避免於疫情期間搭乘較有風險的公共交通,並每日提供源源不斷的防疫包, 諸如醫療級口罩及酒精,除了同仁本身外, 家人也是我們守護的對象, 因此同仁亦可為家人拿取防疫備品。此外,我們非常重視員工的問題與疑慮是否獲得即時的解答,「馬上辦」線上詢問平台因應而生,隨時隨地回覆同仁的所有疑問。我們致力於提供業界中最高的薪水,於大江生醫中加薪與升遷並無時間或是次數上的限制,我們鼓勵同仁追求卓越的表現,並給予相對應的薪酬福利,每年我們更是提供年度優秀員工及優秀主管與董事長一同搭乘私人包機到國外旅遊出差的考察機會。
