Company details
Address9F, No. 61, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104411, Taiwan
Core Philosophy: People-Service-Profit (P-S-P). “The People-Service-Profit philosophy (P-S-P) is based on the belief that by creating a positive working environment for employees, they will provide better service quality to customers, which would then lead to customers using FedEx products and services.”
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A driving force behind FedEx success is its culture of perpetual innovation and the emphasis on open communication channels to gather and act on employee feedback, which in turn fuels business growth. Beyond facilitating self-learning at the workplace, FedEx encourages its team members to contribute to their local communities through FedEx Cares, the company’s volunteer initiative. This program supports various community projects including the FedEx Cares Purple Tote Campaign, which collects essential supplies for nonprofits; river cleanups in collaboration with the Society of Wilderness; and road safety workshops for students in rural elementary schools, conducted in partnership with the World Peace Foundation. These efforts enable FedEx team members to make meaningful contributions to their communities.