Awards and Recognition:

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Menara BCA, Grand Indonesia, Jl. MH Thamrin No.1, Jakarta 10310


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BCA committed to support all employees by providing a conducive work environment, in line with the belief that mental & physical wellbeing, career wellbeing, social/community wellbeing, and financial well-being are aligned with higher employee productivity and engagement. BCA has some activities to support employee wellbeing, such as Counseling BCA, Loans for employees, a scholarship program, a retirement program, etc. The bond between employees, leaders and their team members also plays a crucial role in their daily work life.

A great work environment should be an aspect provided by the company to support productivity employee. We always instill the “One BCA” work spirit, applying the motto ‘One Goal, One Soul, One Joy’ to foster employee productivity within a good engagement.

Lianawaty Suwono, Director of BCA
BCA prioritizes a conducive work environment to support employee well-being, offering agile work policies, diverse enriching opportunities, and flexible benefits through the MySaku application. BCA also focusing on team engagement program alignment with the One BCA spirit. In 2023 BCA did a new survey, that was wellbeing survey and happiness survey for employees.

The well-being survey is a tool designed to assess the level of well-being among employees and to identify their specific well-being needs. Employees on average rated it around 4.35 out of 5, indicating that the existing well-being support is quite satisfactory at this point to support them, the happiness survey is designed to assess the level of happiness among BCA employees, recognizing that their role extends beyond the workplace to include responsibilities within their families or specific communities.

The happiness survey allows BCA to gauge how effectively the company maintains employee happiness levels despite their diverse roles. BCA received a score of 8.03 out of 10, indicating that the level of happiness among BCA employees can still be maintained.

An initiative to provide work flexibility to employees, BCA now has working area as an alternative work location, called BCA Touchpoint. Employees can easily access BCA Touchpoint application, register, submit, and approve seat reservations, work plan information, arrange collaboration days, and schedule information for team members.

Looking ahead, BCA envisions continuous monitoring of employee performance, ongoing HR competency development, and digitalization of HR processes to enhance efficiency. Leadership, innovation, team collaboration, and an agile mindset will remain focal points, supported by upskilling and reskilling initiatives.