Awards and Recognition:

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Menara BCA, Grand Indonesia, Jl. MH Thamrin No.1, Jakarta 10310


To be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesian economy

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BCA recognizes that quality human resources (HR) are valuable assets that need to be maintained. BCA is committed to developing human resources with digital capabilities while keep instilling BCA values and culture.

BCA continues to prepare human resources, technology, processes, and customer education in an integrated manner, so that digital transformation can be adopted efficiently and optimally. BCA explores collaboration opportunities with various ecosystems, to ensure integration, connectivity, and ease of customer transactions and also for the employees. Digital development should growing tandem with strong human resources, thus talent capacity should be continuously developed in order to support technological development and evolve with the Bank’s dynamic business model.

Currently, 50% of BCA’s employees are millennial and generation Z that have a capability to use digital technology. BCA must execute recruitment strategy and implement appropriate development to be able to manage best talents. In addition, BCA uses a tracking system and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to manage the recruitment, selection, and interview processes. BCA has implemented 63 automated recruitment processes through RPA.

BCA optimized the use of digital learning for various human resource learning and development programs. This digital learning approach includes e-learning that had been developed before the pandemic, webinars, online learning, collaborative learning, and hybrid learning. All of the programs are available in the form of independent learning or through mentoring/buddy learning in the work unit that is known as a blended learning concept. The learning community continues to operate online as a form of Bank’s knowledge management.

Online learning requires adequate technology and infrastructure to be effective. Therefore, BCA has developed a mini studio that can be used by facilitators, moderators, and speakers to deliver learning materials virtually, including for producing and recording videos. BCA also ensures the readiness of facilitators to deliver the online trainings.

BCA consistently implements digital transformation initiatives through various applications that can be accessed via mobile applications and websites. Through MyGrowth application, employees are able to manage their performance; MyXperience facilitates positive interactions and recognition; and MyDevelopment is a web-based and mobile-based application for BCA learning, development, and internal communication media. BCA released HC Inspire, an HR One Stop Solution for personnel administration such as time management, health details, and loans. HC Inspire has a chatbot feature called EViA which can answer questions about HR policies and procedures. The employees can also do learning through MyWiki to learn various terms used across BCA.

HR development and management policies will continue to be updated to align with employee needs, business developments, and regulations. In line with the development of digital technology, HCM will support and improve employee capabilities and adaptability to new work patterns. Digitalization and the migration to online services will improve HCM processes and operational efficiency. The recognition of the HR Asia Digital Transformation Awards 2023 motivates BCA to push further and confront digital challenges with confidence.