Company details
B2/F, Olympia 66, 66 Wusi Road,
Xigang District, Dalian 116000, China
B2/F, Olympia 66, 66 Wusi Road, Xigang District, Dalian 116000, China
Real Estates
To create compelling spaces
that enrich lives
To create compelling spaces that enrich lives
Head Count
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Hang Lung Properties Limited (SEHK stock code: 00101) creates compelling spaces that enrich lives. Headquartered in Hong Kong, Hang Lung Properties develops and manages a diversified portfolio of world-class properties in Hong Kong and the nine Mainland cities of Shanghai, Shenyang, Jinan, Wuxi, Tianjin, Dalian, Kunming, Wuhan and Hangzhou. With its luxury positioning under the “66” brand, the company’s Mainland portfolio has established its leading position as the “Pulse of the City”. Hang Lung Properties is recognized for leading the way in enhanced sustainability initiatives in real estate as it pursues sustainable growth by connecting customers and communities.At Hang Lung Properties – We Do It Well.
For more information, please visit
Located at 66 Wusi Lu, a prominent avenue with a gross floor area of 222,000 square meters in the heart of Dalian’s commercial district, Olympia 66 prides itself as an unparalleled world-class lifestyle, shopping, dining and entertainment destination.The distinctive design of Olympia 66, which was inspired by the auspicious Tai Chi twin-carp pattern, stands as an exceptional example of integrating Chinese traditional culture with contemporary elements, and has been recognized by the international real estate industry with an array of architectural design awards. Thanks to the wealth of environmentally-friendly design features, Olympia 66 has also been given a Gold rating under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Core and Shell Development by the U.S. Green Building Council.
With its sought-after location, diverse tenant mix and iconic architecture, Olympia 66 delivers a sophisticated retail experience of international flair to the most discerning customers in Dalian. At the same time, our innovative approach to business management, talent development, community and environmental sustainability, as well as our adherence to the highest standards, have made us be one of the best employers.
To create compelling spaces that enrich lives
We pursue sustainable growth by connecting our customers and communities
Integrity Sustainability Excellence Openness
We Do It Well
We maintained effective communications with our employees through different platforms in the principle of openness, transparency and equality.Our staff receive timely updates on the corporate developments through different online and offline channels such as quarterly newsletter Connections and Connections Monthly Digest, corporate announcements, Intranet, and WeShare portal on WeChat. In 2021, we conducted our first Employee Engagement Survey to better understand the needs and aspirations of our people. Some of the practical suggestions collected have been adopted quickly. We have conducted the second Employee Engagement Survey in August 2022.
In addition, we have set up the General Manager mailbox to encourage employees to provide suggestions. They are evaluated and good suggestions will be adopted. Breakfast and lunch meetings are held regularly to allow our staff to express their ideas and concerns to the management freely and timely. A dedicated WeChat account through which messages are conveyed in a fun and interactive way, is also in place to facilitate instant exchanges with staff. Over 500 people are following the account.
We are committed to promoting both the physical and mental well-being of our employees. Realizing the importance to maintain a healthy body and mind, we arranged various activities to help our staff achieving work-life balance and personal growth.We hold birthday parties, food festivals and other well-received activities. We also organized health seminars and sports events, including soccer, badminton, rope skipping and other matches. These activities can help build health and wellness, while developing team spirit and a sense of belonging among our staff.
Not only caring about our people, we are equally concerned about their families. We host activities on Family Day to show our care for our staff’s family members.
To commemorate the important milestone of the 60th anniversary of the Hang Lung Group (parent company of Hang Lung Properties) in 2020, an additional paid leave in honor of "Founder’s Day " has been added to all employees’ leave entitlement since 2020
In 2020, flexible working arrangements were formalized. From March 2020, office workers can apply to start their work day up to an hour early or late, or work from home with the approval of their immediate supervisor. We have also introduced "Dress-down Fridays" to allow more flexible workplace wear for staff.
We encourage our staff to serve and contribute to the society. The Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team was established in 2012 and is committed to promoting youth development, elderly service and environmental protection. The local volunteer team in Dalian contributed a total of 1,000 hours to community service in 2021 through a wide range of volunteer activities to serve different vulnerable groups in our community, including COVID-19 relief programs, visit to frontline health workers and visit to children with hearing impairment. We also invited employees' families to join our volunteer activities together in order to promote a sustainable community.EMPHASIS ON STAFF DEVELOPMENT
Staff development is of vital importance to us as we firmly uphold a "people-oriented" approach to business. We carry out analysis to identify training needs of staff and organize training they need every year. We encourage and support our employees to pursue external learning opportunities and acquire professional qualifications to advance their career prospects. Through our talent plan that provides online assessment, result analysis and course matching, we help participants acquire new knowledge and skills for putting into practice in the workplace.Staff at all ranks at Olympia 66 can always find useful resources from our vast array of training opportunities, which help them deliver service excellence on the defined standards, achieve personal development, and make progress alongside Olympia 66.
We Do It Well is our motto that extends beyond our core business and embraces the initiatives we undertake on behalf of our staff, the community and the environment. We believe this is fundamental to our success and helps us win the trust of the public.
It’s the 4th time for Dalian Hang Lung Properties Ltd. to get “Best Companies to Work For”, and the 2nd time to get “WeCare” awards. It’s a great honor for us getting the awards. These awards brought us honor and responsibility, encourage us to do more for our employees. The honor is a good way for us to keep the talents in the future.
Sean Ang, General Manager of Olympia 66
Talent is the core competitiveness of enterprises. We will insist on the value of “integrity, sustainability, excellence, openness” and remember the motto “we do it well”, create more values for our customers and employees.
这是大连恒隆地产有限公司第四次荣获亚洲最佳雇主奖项、第二次获得We Care奖项;它们不仅带给我们荣誉而且赋予了我们更多的责任。未来我们要为我们的雇员做得更多更好,让大家能够继续以在此工作为荣。
大连恒隆广场总经理 洪建山
恒隆地产有限公司(香港联交所股份代号:00101)致力缔造优享生活空间。总部设于香港,恒隆地产发展及管理多元化的国际级物业组合,覆盖香港及九个内地城市,包括上海、沈阳、济南、无锡、天津、大连、昆明、武汉和杭州。公司在内地的物业组合均以恒隆广场“66”品牌命名、定位高端,成功在内地奠定作为“城市脉动”的领导地位。恒隆地产在地产行业以引领优化的可持续发展方案见称,致力联系顾客、社群、伙伴,以实现可持续增长。恒隆地产 —“只选好的 只做对的”。
诚信 永续 卓越 开明
只选好的 只做对的
员工沟通:同心同德 沟通渠道多样化
我们鼓励开放、透明、平等、共赢的多方向沟通平台,确保与员工保持有效沟通。 我们利用线上线下不同的媒介,如季刊《连系恒隆》及《连系恒隆》每月快讯 、内联网、企业公告及WeShare微信平台等,实时发布公司动态,以让员工及时了解公司资讯。2021年,我们推出首个由第三方进行的员工敬业度调查,从而更了解员工的需求和抱负,当中一些可行的建议已迅速得到落实。第二次员工敬业度调查已于2022年8月进行 。另外,我们公开设立了总经理信箱,鼓励员工提供建议,评估并落实优质的改善建议;定期举办的早餐会、午餐会,让各部门员工能够与管理层畅所欲言、及时表达自己的想法。同时,我们开通了微信订阅号“六六的筒子溜溜地说” ,用生动有趣的形式播报各种精彩活动,并通过此渠道与员工进行线上沟通,关注人数已超500人。
我们致力于促进员工身心健康,并以“平衡工作和生活”为目标,坚持“既要保持健康体魄 又要拥有健康心理”的理念,为员工提供了多样化的关爱活动,如生日会、美食节、雇员健康讲座和足球、羽毛球、跳绳等体育比赛,让大家在锻炼身体的同时既增加了企业归属感也丰富了大家的业余生活。我们积极推行家庭友善政策,通过家庭日、亲子日的活动,让员工的家属也体验到恒隆大家庭的温暖。
于2020 年,我们把弹性工作安排正规化。自 2020 年 3月起,办公室员工可申请把正常上班时间提早或延迟最多一小时,或获直属上司批准 后在家工作。我们亦推出“便装星期五”,让员工可以轻装上班。
我们鼓励员工要积极地服务社会、奉献社会,并于2012年成立“恒隆一心义工队” ,按照当地社区的需要,重点开展多元共融、关顾长者、青少年教育与发展,以及环境保护等各类义工服务。大连恒隆广场拥有自己的义工队,我们在2021年组织了多场义工活动,包括抗疫活动、慰问医护、关爱残疾人士、关爱儿童等,在不同层面服务社会,年累计奉献时数超1000小时。我们还邀请员工家属共同参加义工活动,使得恒隆关爱儿童长者、低碳环保及可持续发展的理念深入社区中。职业发展:注重个人能力提升
我们的业务贯彻一个理念﹕“只选好的 只做对的”。这不仅是我们的核心业务所系,也是我们对员工、社会和环境的关顾准备。我们相信,这是我们的成功基石,有助我们赢得各界的信心。