
Awards and Recognition:

Company details


21F China Overseas International Center,
No.838, South Huangpi Road,
Huangpu, Shanghai

21F China Overseas International Center, No.838, South Huangpi Road, Huangpu, Shanghai




To be the global economic
infrastructure to empower
businesses of all sizes to
grow without borders.

To be the global economic infrastructure to empower businesses of all sizes to grow without borders.

Head Count




Explore opportunities with us!

Airwallex is the leading financial technology platform for modern businesses growing beyond borders. Our technology empowers businesses of all sizes to accept payments, move money globally, and simplify their financial operations in a single platform.

Airwallex was inspired by real-life experiences of running our own business and expert knowledge of how money moves.

Out of their love for good coffee, engineering-banking friends Jack Zhang and Max Li started Tukk & Co, a café in Melbourne. As small business owners, they recognised first-hand the impact of high FX fees and banking costs on their profit margins, and sought out to build a better solution for businesses operating cross-border, improving on the constraints of the current global financial system. Airwallex was founded by Jack and Max, together with friends from the University of Melbourne, Lucy Liu and Xijing Dai.

Established in 2015 in Melbourne, our purpose is to connect entrepreneurs, business builders, makers and creators with opportunities in every corner of the world. Today, Airwallex has a global footprint across Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America, and has grown to over 1,200 employees across 19 global locations.

Company Core Values

The world as we know it is no longer the same. Changes now occur in days and months, not years. Airwallex's core values play a huge part in making sure we always keep the aspiration and forge ahead as a fintech company. The reason why employees and customers choose Airwallex comes from their recognition of our mission and company values.

Airwallex firmly believes that what we do today will determine our future tomorrow, which means we need to clearly understand the impact of our actions on individuals, the society and the world. When we need to make decisions, our company values become our guidance, ensuring that we are always doing the right thing in the right direction.

Customers First
Our customers are why we are here. Knowing them, keeping them and consistently delivering a superior experience is the only way we can fulfill our mission.

Intellectual Honesty
We want to constantly seek the truth, to be open, constructive and transparent, approaching every problem with data and facts, not conjecture and opinion.

Obsessive Curiosity
We always start by asking why and seek to understand. We have a hunger for knowledge, seek challenges that are insatiably interesting and always consider if there are better ideas.

We create products and solutions with passion, finesse and meticulous attention-to-detail. We strive for the highest quality, design, and security without compromising commercial objectives.

Inspire and Be Inspired
We are a melting pot of cultures and ideas, and we recognise that happy, healthy and highly-functioning teams are inclusive and diverse. We celebrate success, share knowledge, learn and grow together.

Make Impact
The reason we show up every day is our desire to make an impact and create a better world with what we do. We have one purpose in mind - to empower businesses of all sizes to grow without borders and scale the digital economy.

Drive Exponential Growth

From the very beginning, Airwallex’s development came together with continuous innovation, where people and talents played an important part. We value the importance of talent density as we always try to "find the people to move the needle". While looking for more outstanding talents, we also continue to provide broader career opportunities for our internal colleagues in order to encourage everyone to learn and grow together.
  • Orientation Plan
  • Knowledge House & Online Learning Platform
  • Development Courses & Management Essentials Training
  • Internal Sharing Sessions
  • Airstars - a growth program dedicated to campus hires and summer interns
  • Global Mobility Policy - opportunity for employees to explore the possibility of working in a country different to that in which they are employed
  • Global Women’s Network - A global network to connect, support and inspire the women of Airwallex

Dynamic Working Environment & Great Employee Experience

  • Welcome pack for new hires
  • Offices equipped with premium computers, height adjustable desks, pantry and pool tables
  • Unlimited serve of free fruit, snacks and hand-made coffee
  • Conduct regular eNPS surveys to hear our employees’ voice

Share Success

  • Conduct monthly Global Town Halls / quarterly Global All Hands to connect our global teams
  • Established the awx-thankyou channel - encouraging everyone to publicly show appreciation and be thankful
  • Monthly office happy hours & anniversary gifts
  • Office festival celebrations
  • Team building

We’re honoured and thankful to be named as one of the Best Companies to Work for in Asia. From the very beginning, Airwallex’s development came together with innovation, where people and talents played an important part. We will continue to work hard in creating a better working environment to facilitate exponential growth for our employees around the world.

Linda Di, VP, People & Talent, GC & SEA, Airwallex

很荣幸能获得HR Asia 2022年中国区最佳雇主奖。Airwallex空中云汇的发展始终以创新为基石,而人才是创新必不可少的重要组成部分。此次获奖也体现出建立文化方面的努力。我们将不断努力,持续打造更好的职场环境,帮助我们的全球人才团队实现卓越成长。

Linda Di, Airwallex空中云汇大中华区及东南亚人才副总裁

Airwallex空中云汇的创立灵感来自企业运营的切身体会,以及对资金流动方式的专业认知。因为喜爱咖啡,Jack Zhang和Max Li在墨尔本开了一家名为Tukk & Co的咖啡店。在进口咖啡原料时,他们感受到了外汇费用和银行支付成本的高昂——这也是众多小型企业的共同困境。于是,他们联合另外两位墨尔本大学校友Lucy Liu和Xijing Dai,共同开发了一系列产品,希望搭建更精简、透明,更具成本效益的跨境支付解决方案,改善企业的跨境支付体验。



我们所处的世界日新月异,变化来得比以往更快而猛烈。作为一家金融科技公司,Airwallex空中云汇能始终保持初心,砥砺前行,在这个过程中,企业价值观发挥着巨大的积极作用。人才和客户选择Airwallex空中云汇来源于对我们使命的认同,同时包含对Airwallex空中云汇的价值观所指导的行为方式的认同。 Airwallex空中云汇坚信,我们现在所做的,将决定我们拥有怎样的未来。这意味着我们需要了解我们所做的事情对个人,对社会和对这个世界所会产生的影响。当我们需要做出决策时,企业价值观能成为我们心中的依据,确保我们始终在正确的方向上做正确的事。

Customers First

Intellectual Honesty

Obsessive Curiosity


Inspire and Be Inspired

Make Impact


从创立之初起,Airwallex空中云汇的发展就以创新为基石,而人才则是创新必不可少的重要组成部分。我们始终强调人才密度的重要性,即我们常说的 “Find the people to move the needle.” 在吸引更多优秀人才加入的同时,我们也不断地给内部的同事开放更丰富而广阔的职业机会,激励大家共同成长,共同进步。
  • 新员工入职培训
  • 知识库和在线学习平台
  • 训练营和领导力发展培训课程
  • 内部分享会
  • Airstars新生训练营 - 为校招生和暑期实习生量身定制的成长项目
  • Global Mobility Policy - Airwallex空中云汇的员工可以有机会申请海外的工作机会
  • Global Women’s Network 全球女性网络 - 为女性同事提供支持与分享的平台


  • 新员工专属入职大礼包
  • 顶配电脑、升降桌、餐吧、台球桌一应俱全
  • 水果零食,手磨咖啡不限量供应
  • 定期组织eNPS员工调查,倾听员工反馈与心声


  • 每月/每季度举办Global Town Hall / All Hands,连接全球团队
  • 建立awx-thankyou频道,鼓励员工对同事表达公开感谢
  • 每月员工生日会,入职纪念日礼品
  • 节日办公室庆祝活动
  • 丰富多彩的团建活动