Company details
Floor 29,No.93 Huaihai Middle Road,
Huangpu District, Shanghai,200000
Floor 29,No.93 Huaihai Middle Road,Huangpu District, Shanghai,200000
Food Products
"Everything we do at FrieslandCampina
is guided by our purpose: nourishing by
nature. With our purpose we strive for:
Providing better nutrition for the world;
Offering a good living for our farmers;
Now and for generations to come."
"Everything we do at FrieslandCampina is guided by our purpose: nourishing by nature.
With our purpose we strive for: Providing better nutrition for the world; Offering a good
living for our farmers; Now and for generations to come."
Head Count
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Friesland Campina is truly ‘a caring company’ and we are a company that help unleash the nature. We encourage every employee to stay true to their nature as who they are in the workplace. We have a collaborative spirit and work together in a divers and dynamic work environment. There are four strategic pillars to illustrate our high performance and inclusive culture.
Examples: Speaking to the product quality, the new China-for-China (C4C) development team took-off in June 2021. The team has one focus: to launch new products with true “Chinese speed”; When it comes to sustainability, our Shenyang Factory’s application on energy consumption from Coal to LNG leading to 85% decrease on CO2 emissions. Moreover, FrieslandCampina also push hard on corporate social responsibility to impact the future generations. We encourages our employees to “give back”. Our employees are allowed to take time off to volunteer. By the year 2020, about 633 employees and their family members have taken part in the related activities nationwide.
Contribute to the Community
We are a caring company with inspiring purpose – nourishing by nature. Our quest is to improve the world’s nutrition today, and for generations to come. While we develop affordable nutrition for the many, we push quality, sustainability and ethical standards hard in order to impact the future of the planet and people in a positive way.Examples: Speaking to the product quality, the new China-for-China (C4C) development team took-off in June 2021. The team has one focus: to launch new products with true “Chinese speed”; When it comes to sustainability, our Shenyang Factory’s application on energy consumption from Coal to LNG leading to 85% decrease on CO2 emissions. Moreover, FrieslandCampina also push hard on corporate social responsibility to impact the future generations. We encourages our employees to “give back”. Our employees are allowed to take time off to volunteer. By the year 2020, about 633 employees and their family members have taken part in the related activities nationwide.
The power of “We”
Our company has an inclusive culture that reflects our heritage. As a Dutch - heritage multinational company, we embrace inclusive culture and we celebrate the diversity in workplace. Our RFC China office was immersed in the ocean of orange on Koningsdag’s Day, the King’s Day in Netherlands. As we always do, we are committed to unleash the nature of our employees through creating the best work environment.In addition, our team players are always seeking collaborations built on trust and respect – and that spirit fuels the power of “We”. This year in June, Frieslandcampina walked into a historic moment as we stride into the 150th anniversary together with our RFC family. The essence of RFC growing from a small group to one of the biggest dairy companies can be ascribed to the collaboration throughout the history.
Furthermore, we also believe in a flat organizational structure. At Frieslandcampina, employees are encouraged to call the name directly of their line managers, or China management team, rather than address them as ‘boss’. Leaders here are excel the environment to be open, tolerant and even vulnerable.
Last but not least,Frieslandcampina seeks to provide challenges and opportunities to our employees, channeling their skills and fostering their creativity and individuality. We achieve so by creating a diverse work environment where employees can work enthusiastically and productively. At the beginning of the hiring stage, we provide opportunities to diverse candidates regardless of their gender, age, nationality, and career background. By doing these, we allow our employees from different background to bring about their best practices in the industry for exchange and learning, eventually grow together with each other and the company. Moreover, Frieslandcampina is continuously committed to accelerating the representation of and opportunities for women at all levels across our company. We are prioritizing the gender equality and women constitute half of our workforce. The norm has been applied to our senior management succession plan, all of which serve to unlock the full potential of our female employees. Lastly, healthy workplace dynamics are one of company important quests for profits and productivity, as they imply lasting effect on our employees’ well-being and career trajectory. Whether it’s the weekly Yoga session, the Ping-Pong table, the football club, or the fitness corner in SH HQ office.
Passion for Results
What truly makes us Frieslandcampina stand out are our remarkable employees, passionate about delivering results and driving change. These go-getters are always prepared to challenge each other and the way we get things done today. They are entrusted with a great level of responsibility and backed by leaders that unleash the power of the many and recognize performance.Examples: The monthly drum beat session in Frieslandcampina China allows each function to share and celebrate the win. It welcomes engagement and support, the opportunity to share the passion and to further influence and empower others to strive for the winning culture.
Nourishing Growth
Our employees have ambitions of growing fast. We encourage our people to constantly develop themselves by either taking on more responsibility in their present role or by pursuing our clear path for advancement.Example: We believe everyone has talent and that all talent is valued. As part of belief, we want to enable and empower every employee to truly own and drive their own development, and to do so in a way that suits each employee ‘s individual needs best.
In Frieslandcampina, we have POTENTIAL DIAMOND which is a core framework underlying our new approach to evaluate potential. The potential diamond displays the five potential evaluations in the shape of a diamond as opposed to in a linear, one-dimensional way. Through its different potential evaluation types, the Potential Diamond facilitates an inclusive, positive and differentiated approach to evaluate potential. The five potential evaluations as defined under the diamond are core Talent, Expert Talent, Growth Potential, Top Leadership Potential (TLP) and Concern.
示例如下: 在产品质量方面,新的“中国研发团队 (简称C4C)”于2021年6月正式成立。团队的核心任务是:以真正的“中国速度”研发并推出新产品;在可持续性方面,沈阳工厂从煤炭到液化天然气的耗能转变,已减少碳排放85%。此外,菲仕兰还大力提倡企业的社会责任,以造福子孙后代。我们积极鼓励员工“回馈”社会。员工可以请假,去参与到志愿者活动中。至2020年,全国范围内,已约有633名员工及其家属参加了相关的志愿者活动。
我们是一家充满爱心,以“自然滋养”为理念的企业。我们的理想是改善当今世界以及子孙后代的营养状况。为多数人开发负担得起的营养品的同时,我们还致力于大力提升质量、可持续性和道德标准,从而造福于地球和世世代代人类。示例如下: 在产品质量方面,新的“中国研发团队 (简称C4C)”于2021年6月正式成立。团队的核心任务是:以真正的“中国速度”研发并推出新产品;在可持续性方面,沈阳工厂从煤炭到液化天然气的耗能转变,已减少碳排放85%。此外,菲仕兰还大力提倡企业的社会责任,以造福子孙后代。我们积极鼓励员工“回馈”社会。员工可以请假,去参与到志愿者活动中。至2020年,全国范围内,已约有633名员工及其家属参加了相关的志愿者活动。
包容性是我们公司的文化传承。作为一家秉承荷兰传统的跨国公司,我们在工作中始终秉承包容性的文化,鼓励多样性。在荷兰的国王节(Koningsdag's Day),我们菲仕兰中国办事处沉浸在橙色的海洋中。我们一如既往地通过创造最佳的工作环境,以释放员工的天性。此外,我们团队的成员总能在信任和尊重的基础上,寻求合作,这种精神激发了“我们”的力量。今年6月,菲仕兰迎来了150周年华诞,作为一个大家庭,我们共同庆祝了这一历史性的时刻。菲仕兰由一家小型集团,成长为了最大的乳制品公司之一,这主要归功于150年来的所有员工间的竭诚合作与付出。
菲仕兰的成就取决于我们优秀的员工,他们对交付成果和推动变革始终充满着热情。这些锐意进取的员工总是乐于挑战彼此,以及挑战当下做事的方式。我们的领导者注重员工激励和效绩认可,因此会对这些员工委以重任并大力支持。示例如下: 在菲仕兰中国公司,每月一次的击鼓会议使每个职能部门都能够分享和庆祝企业所取得的成功。击鼓会议欢迎所有员工的参与和支持,并为员工提供了分享激情、互相影响、彼此赋能、共享成功文化的机会。
我们的员工都希望能够快速成长。通过在现有岗位上承担更多的责任,或者遵循明确的提升途径,我们鼓励员工不断地发展自我。示例如下: 我们相信每个人都有自己的才华,而且每个人的才华都应该得到重视。我们希望每位员工都能够真正掌控并推动自身发展,也希望他们都能够找到最适合自己的方式以实现自身发展。
菲仕兰公司的“潜力钻石”(POTENTIAL DIAMOND)是一个新的员工潜力评估方法的核心框架。这一核心框架以钻石形,而非线性、一维的方式展示了五大潜能类别。通过不同的潜力评估类别,“潜力钻石”创造了一种包容、积极、差异化的潜力评估方法。这五大潜力评估类别包括:核心人才潜力、专家人才潜力、成长潜力、最高领导潜力(TLP)和关注型潜力。