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Celebrating Life, every day, everywhere.
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Diageo is one of the best places to work for in Taiwan
Diageo is a global company which carries a legacy of innovation by developing products that have been passed down through generations. We commenced operations in Taiwan in 1987. Our brands are enjoyed across Taiwan and include some of the world’s oldest and best loved brands.Excellent Health and Wellbeing
We are committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, and respectful organizational communication culture, helping employees develop their talents and create personal value. We also place a high priority on the well-being and physical, mental, and spiritual health of our colleagues, providing the best welfare in all aspects to create a happy workplace.1. Physical well-being:
All colleagues, regardless of gender, are entitled to 26 weeks of fully paid parental leave and adoption leave, 30 outpatient insurance claims per year, hospitalization medical insurance, flu vaccine subsidies, weekly vision-impaired massage services, free annual health check-ups, and a Celebrating life wellbeing fund that enhances employee health awareness from physical to mental aspects. Additionally, we offer sports and health-related seminars, on-site occupational health services, and the H2U online app for employees to instantly access health check reports or schedule health consultations.
2. Mental well-being:
Diageo provides employees with an annual NT$25,200 "Celebrating Life wellbeing fund," which can support psychological counseling, psychotherapy, and other services to care for employees' physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. When employees face personal, emotional, or work-life issues, the "Tlk2 Employee Assistance Program" offers free, confidential consultations and advice 24/7, enhancing employee happiness.
3. Social well-being:
Diageo holds a monthly Happy Hour event, on even-numbered months, employees can invite family and friends to the company. External bartenders are invited to create special Diageo alcoholic beverages using company products, these events aim to increase warmth and intimacy through family and friends' participation, fostering interaction and communication among colleagues.
Additionally, Diageo organizes irregular domestic and international employee conferences and trips, fully funded by the company.
Financial well-being:
Employees, their spouses, and children enjoy the following benefits, fully covered by the company:
- 100% company-paid group insurance
- Full reimbursement for self-paid vaccination costs
- Financial health masterclass series
- Annual leave policy superior to the Labor Standards Act, plus additional flexible floating leave
- Performance bonuses
- Employee discounts on alcohol purchases and product redemption allowances
- Cash gifts for three major festivals
- Travel allowance
Sustainable Talent Development
Diageo is committed to sustainable talent management. We not only provide comprehensive foundational training for new employees but also organize various learning activities to enhance the speed and agility of our staff.關於帝亞吉歐(DIAGEO)
帝亞吉歐(DIAGEO)是全球知名酒精性飲料領導企業,以全球性的視野與尊重在地需求及文化,提供消費者一流的酒精飲料品牌,包括約翰走路(Johnnie Walker)、蘇格登(The Singleton)、慕赫(Mortlach)、泰斯卡(Talisker)、思美洛(Smirnoff)、貝禮詩(Baileys)、坦奎利(Tanqueray)...等 200 種產品,行銷遍及全球 180 個營運據點,並於英國倫敦和美國紐約股票上市。優良的員工福祉打造幸福企業
我們致力打造一個多元包容、相互尊重的組織溝通文化,且幫助員工在人才發展上發揮潛力、創造個人價值。同時我們也相當重視同仁的福祉及身心靈健康,並在各項上都提供員工最佳福祉,打造幸福企業。- 生理福祉:所有同仁不分性別皆擁有26週的全薪育嬰假和全薪領養假、一年30次的門診保險理賠及住院醫療險、流感疫苗補助、每週固定的視障按摩服務、免費年度健康檢查、健康生活基金更是從身體到心靈方方面面。
- 心理福祉:帝亞吉歐提供員工每年新台幣25,200「健康生活基金」,可支持心理諮詢、心理治療等項目照顧員工的身心靈;當員工遇到個人、情感和工作生活方面的問題時,「Tlk2員工協助方案」提供全年無休的免費保密諮詢和建議,提升員工的幸福感。
- 社交福祉:帝亞吉歐固定每月舉辦一場歡樂時光,雙數月也開放員工邀請家人、朋友至公司,並邀請外部調酒師使用公司產品調製專屬帝亞吉歐的酒精飲品,旨在通過家人、朋友的共同參與,促進同事之間的互動和交流。 同時帝亞吉歐也提供由公司100%付費的不定期國內外員工大會暨旅遊,為員工提供一個放鬆身心、拓展視野的機會,營造一個積極向上的企業文化。
- 財務福祉:員工本人、配偶及子女,享100%公司付費團體保險、疫苗注射自費費用全額負擔、財務健康大師系列講堂、優於勞基法的年休假制度和額外的彈性浮動假期、退休金提撥及離職金制度、績效獎金、員工優惠購酒與商品兌換津貼、三節禮金、生日禮金、旅遊津貼補助等福利。