Company details
12F., No. 51, Sec. 4, Zhongyang Rd.,
Tucheng Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan
12F., No. 51, Sec. 4, Zhongyang Rd., Tucheng Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan
Medical Device
World Class Developer and
Manufacturer of Medical Devices.
World Class Developer and Manufacturer of Medical Devices.
Head Count
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New Deantronics is a medical device developer and manufacturer founded in south San Francisco, California in 1985 with engineering and manufacturing operations in Taiwan and United States. Offering solutions to the medical device industry globally, our spectrum of services include design, development, manufacturing, packaging, sterilization and various support services such as, regulatory.
Comprehensive Talent Management
Talented individuals are crucial for our success. We offer diverse training, including E-learning, and support self-study to unlock potential, enrich our talent pool, and enhance team performance and operations. We prioritize talent retention with clear job titles, promotion criteria, and a dual-track career path. Annual evaluations help us understand colleagues' career goals and create tailored development plans.Promote Work Life Balance to Our Employees
We prioritize work-life balance and have a Welfare Committee for bonuses, subsidies, and gifts. We extend care to colleagues' families, with special projects for them, including Family Day. We organize summer camps for employees' kids and festive activities for all colleagues, including foreign staff in Taiwan. We offer extra vacation days and flexible working hours for colleagues to manage their schedules. After work, colleagues can form independent interest groups, whether sports, coffee, or E-Sports, to pursue their passions and enrich their lives at New Deantronics.Protecting Workers' Health
New Deantronics prioritizes employees' holistic well-being through four major aspects: "Knowledge," "Exercise," "Diet," and "Management." We organize health seminars, promote activities like walking and weight loss contests, and provide daily nutritious meals to enhance employee health and happiness. Our health management system allows employees to access personal health data and schedule appointments with occupational health physicians. Additionally, our 24/7 Employee Assistance Program covers psychological, legal, financial, and work-related issues to support employees' well-being.Quality Comes From Caring
With New Deantronics’ mission of caring for people, product and place, we understand that every action we take impacts the future of our employees, our business, our communities and our planet. We put people first, guided by ESG priorities.At New Deantronics, our mission is "Caring." We extend this care to people, our products, and the planet. We value life and use innovative medical materials to alleviate suffering. We prioritize employees and partners, ensuring a comfortable work environment and high-quality benefits. Additionally, we are committed to long-term philanthropy for the common good and society's prosperity.
Ivon Liu, CEO
1985 年New Deantronics, Ltd. 成立於南舊金山,以醫療電燒耗材為主力市場。服務標竿企業客戶,進而於1987年回台成立大瓏企業,致力深耕醫療器材於台灣生產製造。秉持著「品質」第一的經營理念,嚴格落實品質政策,陸續通過FDA、GMP、ISO13485、MDSAP、CE Mark等多國品質系統認證;從使用者角度,市場需求,傾聽客戶聲音,提供研發設計且具競爭力的客製化產品,提升產品附加價值,遵循國際的專業產品驗證,提供產品消毒滅菌,一條龍的服務,成為客戶全方位的策略夥伴與唯一供應商。
秉持著「關懷」的企業使命,大瓏關懷人、關懷事物、關懷地球,明白我們所採取的每一項策略與行動,都會影響著我們的員工、供應商、客戶以及整個社會與環境。我們重視員工,為其打造適才適所、安心幸福的職場環境,發展健全人才培育制度與職涯發展,並積極參與社會公益。面對全球永續的關鍵議題,我們審慎以待,確保公司治理、均衡利益、環境保育並回饋社會,達到企業永續經營。Employee’s Testimonial
- I've been with Big Vision for 27 years, seeing the company evolve and expand. Our facilities have grown, and our benefits are top-notch. Our supervisors are friendly and caring, and I've even had the chance to volunteer with the company to help those in need.
(Sing Rong Wu, Operator) - The company prioritizes product quality, especially in the precision-demanding medical equipment industry. This commitment has earned recognition from top global medical equipment manufacturers, and I'm proud to be part of the company's team!
(Linda Lin, Production Line Leader) - I loved working here not only this company's generosity but also because of the love language they showed by "sharing and caring" their every colleague. I found the company's teamwork and it made me realize that I am not working only for myself but for the whole company and the customers who are expecting the good products we serve.
(JAVIER APPLE JEAN PANGANIBAN, Quality Control Inspector) - New Deantronics is a great place to work, it cares about and supports its employees while also challenging them to grow. I am glad that the company tries to meet employees' financial, mental, physical, and emotional needs. The trust that my leader gave me is something I will always treasure
. (MADERAZO AMERIE RAMOS, Quality Control Inspector) - Offering diverse welfare benefits to all employees, regardless of nationality, promotes work-life balance. Engaging in ongoing charitable activities is meaningful and reflects the company's mission of caring for others.
(Jessie Lin, R&D Mechanical Design Engineer)
- 我在大瓏上班已滿27年,看到公司不斷的在改變和成長創新,拓展廠房,福利制度也很好,主管們都很親切的關懷員工,也讓我有機會跟公司一起去當志工關懷弱勢族群。
(吳幸容 營運處作業員) - 公司很注重產品的品質,因為我們是醫療器材產業,更不能馬虎,也因此讓我們的產品獲得世界醫材大廠的肯定,我以身為公司的員工為榮!
(林妍蓁 營運處產線組長) - 我很喜歡大瓏,不僅是因為公司對員工的照顧,而是在這裡的每位同事,我都能從他們身上感受到"sharing and caring"的精神。在團隊裡,我不僅是為自己工作,還是為了整個公司以及期待我們優良產品的客戶。
(吉安 品質管理處品檢員) - 大瓏是一間很棒的公司,它關心、支持員工並帶領大家成長。我很高興公司總是盡力滿足員工薪酬及身心靈的需求,我也很珍惜主管對我的信任。
(艾蜜莉 品質管理處品檢員) - 不分國籍的提供員工各項福利措施,讓我們工作與生活能夠平衡。持續參與的公益活動很有意義,幫助他人也呼應了公司關懷的使命。
(林佳玟 研發處工程師)