Company details
17 F., No. 277, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist.,
Taipei City 11046, Taiwan
17 F., No. 277, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11046, Taiwan
Become a global leader in developing
and manufacturing oral oncology
products and a preferred partner
in the world.
Become a global leader in developing and manufacturing oral
oncology products and a preferred partner in the world.
Head Count
Explore opportunities with us!
Founded in 1966, Lotus now is the largest pharmaceutical company in Taiwan with high-value generic products with a special focus on oral oncology for global markets. By boasting a best-in-class R&D and manufacturing platform in Asia, Lotus aims to benefit patients, its employees and stakeholders. Furthermore, Lotus can reach nearly every global market with its high value pipeline through its direct markets, currently encompassing Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, and China, or via alliances with top-tier pharma companies based on its industry-leading infrastructure certified by most of the advanced regulatory authorities around the world, including US FDA, EU EMA, Japan PDMA, China FDA, and Brazil ANVISA.
Our corporate color is yellow, which symbolizes positive beliefs, like a bright, joyful, energetic, and warm sun.
- Our core values are care, enthusiasm, and joy
- We continue to promote cross-regional teams and work closely with various business entities to pursue higher Performance.
- We are enthusiastic about building the world's leading generic pharmaceutical company jointly.
- We build brands with actions.
- We never hesitate to express our care for customers, communities, and each other.
Friendly, diversity and equal workforce
Being the Best Employer is the goal we have been working on. We got a compatible compensation system to attract and make the talents stay with us and design a variety of rewards and motivating projects to give the employees the recognition they deserve. Despite that, we also invest in and plan talent training and development programs and establish a healthy workforce with diversity and equity. And we have all kinds of benefits and activities to give our employees a work-life balance daily. We value gender equality and racial diversity. In Taiwan, 43% of females are the leadership team members, and we have 8% of employees who are foreigners and come from 11 countries with different cultural backgrounds. We foster an inclusive and respectful workplace in this little United Nations and try to help foreign colleagues to adapt to the new environment physically and mentally.We will build up the desired company culture and working atmosphere for a better and friendlier environment and give keep-growing opportunities for all the employees in the future.
Sustainable developments and communities caring
Lotus also cares for society from its product portfolio and is committed to bringing high-quality and affordable drug choices to patients. In addition to Buprenorphine/Nalloxone, a sublingual tablet for opium addiction that has been marketed in the United States and many European countries, Lamex exclusively distributes Zepzelca® (lurbinectedin), a new lung cancer drug in the Taiwan market. New cancer drug products provide more choices of new anti-cancer drugs for lung cancer patients in Taiwan and do our best to improve their lives.Lotus continues to strive to create change, not only in our work but in the communities where we operate. In Lotus, we held charity activities about the sustainable environment and society caring. We had done mountain cleanup, charity sales, and donated to help the remote area to have volunteer clinical services. In addition, we spouse the anti-addicted medicine to the assigned rehab alcohol to help the people get back to a healthy life.
Being the Best Employer has always been a key pillar in Lotus strategic STAR MAP. We will be continuously working on creating attractive working environment and performance driven culture and along with our fast evolving and growing international business.
Petar Vazharov, Chief Executive Officer
In addition, we are going to invest more in sustainable talent and development programs and establish a healthy workforce with diversity and equity. And having all kinds of benefits and activities to let our employees have a work-life balance on a daily basis.
Petar Vazharov, 總經理
Honors and recognitions
For the past two years, Lotus has successfully implemented the "dual-track growth strategy of paying equal attention to the Asia Pacific region and the export market," and its operating performance has been awarded many awards and affirmations.2019:
- Enterprise Asia: Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards for Corporate Excellence.
- Taiwan Bio Industry Organization (TBIO): Taiwan Bio Industry Organization Awards for Corporate Excellence
- Enterprise Asia: Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards for Health Promotion.
- Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE): Corporate Sustainability Report Bronze Awards.
- CommonWealth Magazine: Ranked No.3 among Top 10 Fast-growing Companies of Revenue
- Corporate Livewire: Taiwan Prestige-Pharmaceutical Company of the Year
- Enterprise Asia: Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards for Corporate Governance
美時化學製藥成立於 1966 年,是一個立足台灣、放眼國際的學名藥廠,目前為台灣營收規模最大的製藥公司,專注生產口服癌症用藥並銷售全世界。美時以亞洲地區最頂尖的研發中心與生產設備,也是台灣唯一同時獲得美國 FDA、 歐盟 EMA、日本 PDMA、中國 FDA 及巴西 ANVISA 認證的藥廠,全力以高品質、高近用性的藥物滿足未竟的醫藥需求,改善人類生活品質,致力為病患、員工與所有利害關係人創造最大利益。透過目前足跡廣布台灣、韓國、泰國、越南、新加坡、香港、馬來西亞、菲律賓、與中國的直營市場,以及與一線藥廠成為合作夥伴,美時的高價值產品得以銷售至世界各角落,是少數能進軍所有國際市場的台灣藥廠。 我們的企業代表色是黃色,象徵正面積極的信念,如同明亮、愉悅、充滿活力與溫暖的太陽- 我們的核心價值是關懷、熱忱與歡樂
- 我們不斷推廣跨區域團隊與各事業體緊密合作,追求更高績效
- 我們充滿熱忱共同打造全球領先的學名藥廠
- 我們用行動建立品牌
- 我們從不吝嗇表達對顧客、社區及彼此的關懷
友善職場 多元平等共融
永續發展 社會關懷參與
美時更從產品組合關懷社會,矢志為病患帶來高品質、平價的藥品選擇。除了已在美國及歐洲多國上市的戒鴉片癮舌下含片 Buprenorphine/Nalloxone,美時於台灣市場獨家經銷肺癌新藥 Zepzelca® (lurbinectedin),這是美時自成立以來第一項來自原廠的癌症新藥產品,為台灣的肺癌病患提供更多抗癌新藥的選擇,為改善他們的生活盡一份心力。美時持續努力地創造改變,不僅在我們的工作中,更是在我們運營範圍的社區中創造改變。每年我們都會舉辦環境永續、社會關懷參與等公益活動,例如淨山活動、慈善義賣、捐款協辦偏鄉義診、無償贊助酒癮治療藥物給全台指定酒癮戒治醫療院所,協助弱勢酒癮患者回歸人生正軌等。
美時近兩年成功執行「亞太區域與外銷市場並重雙軌成長策略」,營運實績獲頒多個獎項與肯定。- 2019 年,美時獲頒台灣生物產業發展協會之「金質獎-傑出生技產業」與 Enterprise Asia「亞太企業精神獎」。
- 2020 年,美時進一步獲得 Enterprise Asia 頒發「亞洲企業社會責任獎」與台灣永續能源研究基金會之「企業永續報告類銅獎」。同時入列天下雜誌「快速成長 100 名」企業及「2000 大製造業」。
- 2021 年,美時獲頒 Corporate Livewire「台灣地區年度最佳製藥公司獎」及AREA 亞洲企業商會「公司治理獎」。