
Awards and Recognition:

Company details


43F., Nanshan Plaza, No.100,
Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist.,
Taipei City 10016. Taiwan

43F., Nanshan Plaza, No.100, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 10016. Taiwan




At Viatris, we see healthcare not
as it is but as it should be. We act
courageously and are uniquely
positioned to be a source of
stability in a world of evolving
healthcare needs. We empower
people worldwide to live healthier
at every stage of life. We do so
via access, leadership and partnership.

At Viatris, we see healthcare not as it is but as it should be. We act courageously and
are uniquely positioned to be a source of stability in a world of evolving healthcare
needs. We empower people worldwide to live healthier at every stage of life. We do
so via access, leadership and partnership.

Head Count



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Viatris is a new kind of global healthcare company formed in late 2020 through the combination of Mylan and Upjohn, a legacy division of Pfizer. Viatris' mission is to empower people worldwide to live healthier at every stage of life. We do so via:
  • Access – Providing high quality, trusted medicines to patients regardless of geography or circumstance;
  • Leadership – Advancing sustainable operations and innovative solutions to improve patient health; and
  • Partnership – Leveraging our collective expertise to connect people to products and services.

Viatris is headquartered in Pittsburgh, United States and with global centers in Hyderabad, India and Shanghai, China. We bring together best-in-class scientific, manufacturing and distribution expertise with proven regulatory, medical and commercial capabilities to deliver quality medicines to patients in 165 countries and regions. Viatris' portfolio comprises more than 1,400 approved molecules across a broad range of therapeutic areas, spanning both non-communicable and infectious diseases, including best-in-class, iconic brand-name products, as well as global key brands, generic, biosimilars and over-the-counter products. Viatris has 160 employees in Taiwan and around 45,000 employees globally.

A Healthy Workplace that Supports Work-Life Balance

Employees are Viatris' most precious asset. Healthy employees are key to a successful, innovative business, so investing in workplace wellness is a major priority for Viatris. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we implemented flexible working arrangements, including remote working and flexitime, in order to protect employees' health and safety. In addition, as school summer and winter vacation were extended to curb COVID-19 spread, we provided corresponding family-care leaves for employees to strike a balance between family and work. Likewise, we regularly give out anti-epidemic supplies (face masks, hand sanitizers, etc.) to protect employee health.

Viatris values the importance of work-life balance. The company has a total of 17 employee clubs—such as camping, cookery, yoga and badminton—to encourage employees to develop personal interests. The employee welfare committee applies for funding based on activities proposed by each club on a quarterly basis, so that employees can develop hobbies, make friends and relieve stress. In addition to club activities, we also organize family days or events for Mid-Autumn Festival/Christmas, so that employees can loosen up and have a good time outside the office, as well as get closer to their loved ones. Moreover, we have an early day-off at 4:30 p.m. on Fridays, so that employees can enjoy more time with friends and family, and an afternoon tea takes place twice a week to help replenish employees. Viatris firmly believes that happy employees are the backbone of a passionate organization.

Diversified Internal Communication Channels

Viatris is committed to building a safe, positive and constructive work environment. We promote tolerance, frankness, trust and mutual respect among employees. Transparent, direct communication is a priority. Through the Quarterly Sync-Up virtual meetings, the GM and leads of all departments not only share key results but also address questions from employees directly online. In addition, the workplace suggestion box provides a channel for employees to write suggestions and comments; any involved departments respond to these one by one in the Quarterly Sync-Up meetings. Leadership teams periodically join district meetings to hear directly from employees in different region. Furthermore, we send out the internal newsletter on a regular basis to update employees on new developments in and out of the company. Viatris firmly believes that everyone's voice matters, and encourages employees to convey their thoughts and suggestions to the company in various ways. In order to facilitate horizontal communication and solidify a corporate culture that values straight talk, our offices adopt hot-desking and open spaces to increase freedom and encourage communication and teamwork between employees. In doing so, we render organizational communication more flexible and smooth, thereby creating a cooperative, open and vibrant workplace.

We are honored to accept this award recognizing Viatris as the best companies to work for in Asia. Viatris is a newly formed global pharmaceutical company. This award is testament to how much we have progressed to build a safe, positive and constructive work environment and encourage our people to unleash their full potential. It is a great encouragement for our team, and my great appreciation to our colleagues' effort to make Viatris an amazing place to work.

Brian Chang, General Manager

Corporate Culture and Talent Development

Corporate culture lies at the heart of reaching consensus and creating a common language among employees. Every year, we promote key principles and ethical standards according to organizational and talent development needs. In 2021, we are focusing on four core values: accountability, teamwork, simplicity, and growth mindset. We have planned a series of communication skills courses based on these. We will continue to promote and instill the spirit and substance of the four core values within each team, so that they take root in each employee's mind and help shape a distinctive corporate culture. We also organize the internal STAR Awards to inspire employees to pursue achievements in line with our four core values. In addition, we help employees evaluate their strengths and discover their talents through the CliftonStrengths assessment. Managers discuss assessment results with employees to find ways to bring their attributes into full play at work, as well as explore career pathways.
In terms of competency development, various training, learning and development programs are scheduled every year. Employees are free to choose among these and budgets are allocated to sponsor employees' self-learning, thereby boosting their career. Viatris' talent development program does not only focus on cultivating job-specific skills. With regard to career planning, we also arrange short-term secondments for employees to gain new abilities and accumulate a wider range of work experience and expertise, enabling them to get a broader perspective of the organization and make informed career decisions in the future.

An Enduring Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

Viatris has a legacy of charitable efforts. We have a strong history of partnering with other pharmaceutical companies, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, policymakers, trade associations and alliances, industry researchers and patient advocacy groups to increase access to medicine, improve patient care and support communities. For instance, Viatris is proud to be a leader in the fight against drug-resistant TB. Through a collaboration with the not-for-profit TB Alliance, we have received regulatory approval treatment in several markets around the world and have made it available to public health programs in 150 low- and middle-income countries through the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility at a price of $2 a day. Through the pillars of access, leadership and partnership, our goal is to help ensure TB treatments are accessible to patients throughout the world, regardless of geography or circumstance. On March 13 this year, Viatris Taiwan organized the "Viatris Environment Day: Tapurun Beach Cleanup in Keelung" as a community service effort. Over 40 employees and their families participated in this activity. Around 400 kg of waste were collected. We will continue to carry out corporate social responsibility and encourage our employees to volunteer their time and talents in service to local communities.


  • 藥品可及性—為世界各地患者提供值得信賴的高品質藥物;
  • 引領—推動永續營運及創新解決方案,改善患者健康;
  • 合作—善用各方面的專業能力,建立人們與產品及服務的連結。

暉致總部位於美國匹茲堡,在印度海德拉巴和中國上海設有全球中心。我們結合了兩家公司的科學、生產和銷售專業能力,並具備成熟的法規、醫學和行銷能力,為全球超過165 個國家和地區的患者提供高品質藥物。暉致的產品共有1,400 種分子藥物,覆蓋廣泛治療領域,涵蓋非傳染性疾病和傳染性疾病,包括全球知名品牌、學名藥、品牌藥、生物相似藥和指示用藥。暉致在台灣約有160名員工,在全球則擁有約 45,000 名員工。

身為一家新成立的全球製藥公司,我們很榮幸獲得HR Asia Award的肯定 。此獎項不僅肯定我們在建立高績效導向、高投入度與具包容性之工作環境的努力,並鼓舞同仁釋放潛能的成果,同時帶給我們團隊很大的鼓勵。藉此機會,我要感謝全體同仁的付出與努力,一起齊力打造暉致優質的工作環境。

張博勝, 總經理





暉致致力於建立安全、正向和建設性的工作環境,促進同仁間的包容、誠信和相互尊重。我們非常重視透明且直接的溝通,透過每季連線直播的雙向交流大會(Quarterly Sync-Up),由總經理和各部門主管分享重要成果,同時在線上直接回覆同仁的提問;此外,同仁也可透過員工意見箱提供建議,相對應的部門會在雙向交流大會一一回覆;領導團隊也會定期至中南部辦公室參與分區會議,第一線聆聽同仁心聲。除此之外,公司還定期發行《春暉致誌》內部電子報等不同管道,讓每位同仁能更了解公司內外發生的大小事情。暉致十分重視每位同仁的意見,鼓勵同仁透過不同的管道提供自己的想法及對公司的建議。為增進公司內的橫向溝通,強化有話直說的企業文化(Straight Talk),我們的辦公環境採用不固定座位的開放式空間設計,提高自由度和鼓勵同仁溝通與團隊合作,讓組織內的溝通更靈活流暢 ,以建構一種合作、開放而又充滿活力的工作空間。


企業文化是凝聚同仁共識與共同語言的核心,每年會針對組織與人才發展需求,推動重要的行為指標。2021年針對四大核心價值:當責Accountability、團隊合作Teamwork、簡化聚焦Simplicity,成長心態Growth Mindset規劃系列的溝通訓練活動,持續在各個團隊中推動及溝通四大核心價值的精神與內涵,使其深植同仁心中,形塑出暉致獨特的企業文化。我們更舉辦公司內部的STAR Award,以正面鼓勵和表揚同仁符合四大核心價值的各種表現;此外,我們也透過蓋洛普評測協助同仁評估自身優勢,發現自己的天賦,再由主管與同仁針對評估結果討論如何讓同仁在工作上充分發揮自己的優勢和天賦,並探索職涯未來發展方向;同仁職能訓練方面,每年會規劃不同的訓練、學習與發展計畫,提供各類型的訓練供同仁自行選擇,也編列預算贊助同仁自主學習,協助同仁職涯發展。暉致的人才發展計畫中除了提供職能相關訓練課程外,在職涯發展上,我們也採行短期的職務輪調 (Secondment),提供同仁更多元的學習發展機會,讓同仁可以經由職務輪調擴展工作經驗和專長,對組織能有更廣面向的了解,有助於同仁日後的職涯規劃與發展。


暉致一向致力支持慈善公益工作,長久以來我們積極與其他製藥公司、非營利組織、政府機關、政策制訂者、產業協會和聯盟、產業研究人員、患者倡議團體合作,以加強藥品供應、改善患者健康並支援社區,例如在抗藥性結核病治療領域,暉致總部與非營利的結核病聯盟共同研發的抗藥性結核病治療藥物,透過「終結結核病夥伴關係」全球供應方案,平價供應給 150 個中低收入國家的公共衛生計畫,每天只需 $2 美元即可取得治療藥物。為實踐暉致的企業使命,我們將透過藥物可及性、引領與合作三大方針,致力幫助世界各地的結核病患者,不分地區或貧富,都能取得結核病治療的藥物。而在台灣,今年三月十三日我們針對社區服務也舉辦「Viatris 環保愛地球 - 基隆大武崙海灘淨灘活動」,我們有超過40位同仁及眷屬參與本次淨灘活動,共清出約400公斤廢棄物,我們將持續進行並加強推動企業社會責任的工作,同時也支持鼓勵同仁在工作之餘,投入時間參與社會上各類型的志工服務,以落實暉致善盡企業社會責任的精神。