
Awards and Recognition:

Company details


29th Fl., Taipei Metro Tower,
No. 207, Tun Hwa S. Rd., Sec. 2,
Taipei 106, Taiwan

29th Fl., Taipei Metro Tower, No. 207, Tun Hwa S. Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei 106, Taiwan


Marine Transport


Turn U-Ming Marine into a
world-class transportation
and logistics company,
hence becoming the first
choice for customers,
employees and investors.

Turn U-Ming Marine into a world-class transportation and logistics company,
hence becoming the first choice for customers, employees and investors.

Head Count




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Company Profile

U-Ming Marine Transport Corporation formerly named as Yue Ming Transportation Co., was established in 1984 to provide marine transportation of cement, dry commodities and industrial raw materials, specializing in the trading of vessels and agency services.

We established our headquarters in Taiwan, forming 3 fully owned subsidiaries in Singapore, Hong Kong and Xiamen to extend our service to worldwide customers.

As well as expanding our investment activities through strategic alliance, we established joint ventures with our partners. While dry bulk shipping will remain as our core competency, our vision is to turn U-Ming Marine into a world-class transportation and logistics company, hence becoming the first choice for customers, employees and investors.

Work policies and practices

To be a world-class logistics supplier is our vision since the company’s establishment. With shipping as the core value, we constantly seek opportunities to cooperate with quality companies to expand our business territory and thereby achieve business diversification. In recent years, we have been developing green shipping, enhancing maritime safety and introducing digital smart management in support of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization. We make continual advancement through implementing defined sustainable management goals. At the beginning of each year, we will discuss the list of topics in conformity with “environmental” ,“social” and “governance” sustainable development with respect to the UN SDGs, topics that concern stakeholders and subject matter in relation to industrial/environmental compliance. Then we will submit the list to BOD which will vote for the feasible sustainable topics to be implemented by each department.

Employee benefits

  • While employees are our most important asset, we have established a remuneration committee which holds meetings regularly to review the wage standard of employees. In addition, we have established an employee welfare committee (EWC) and Labor-Management Meeting to plan and implement matters in relation to employee benefits.
  • Apart from organizing leisure activities, employee travels, and activities to express appreciation for employees on major festivals, we offer birthday presents (vouchers) and travel allowances for employees to balance work and health and promote friendship among them. To express care for the employee’s family, we provide scholarships for employees and their children and allowances for weddings, funerals and hospitalization.
  • We pay the salary of employees by their education attainments, experience, professional skills and personal performance. We ensure equal remuneration regardless of gender, race, religion, political affiliation, marital status and trade union and organization membership. The basic salary and remuneration of male and female base-level onshore employees were at least 1.5 times higher than Taiwan’s mandatory minimal wage. The salary and remuneration increase in Taiwan was 4.1%
  • The salary for ROC sea crews is 2.5 times higher than the standard specified in The Seafarer Act.
  • In accordance with the Labour Standards Law, the Labour Pension Act, the Crew Law, the Maritime Law, and other relevant regulations, the Company has established Employee Retirement Rules and Crew Retirement Rules. The Company's "Work Rules" stipulate employment, attendance, assessments, rewards and punishments, promotions, treatment and retirement benefits.
  • We offer ordinary sick leave better than that of the Labor Standards Act (LSA): 90 days of paid sick leave, including full pay for the first 30 days and half pay for the 31st to the 90th days. We also encourage employees to take paternity leave without pay (PLWOP), family care leave, and paternal leave to take care of their family. To encourage employees to have children, we have equipped the office with lactation facilities for female employees to feel free to breastfeed their children. We have also established the regulations for preferential nursery services with nearby kindergartens in the name of the Far Eastern Group.
  • In addition to the mandatory Labor Insurance, Employment Insurance and National Health Insurance, we arrange group insurance and accident insurance for employees to give them more protection.
  • The Company assigns suitable employees to take first-aid training courses in accordance with laws and they are qualified as first-aid personnel. In response to the laws, the Company has signed contracts with the hospital and the nursing management company to provide on-the-spot service to the medical staff every month, and provide professional assistance related to the Company’s occupational safety and consulting services on the personal physical and mental health of office colleagues.
  • The Company attaches great importance to the health of employees, and regularly conducts key health examinations and lectures on physical and mental health, and applies for the “Work-life Balance Plan of the Ministry of Labor”, so as to invest more resources in the care of physical and mental health of employees.

Employee engagement

  • Organize more than 45 times of health talks and healthcare lectures, and 62 times of aerobic exercise activities. Average satisfaction survey is more than 90 points. (full score is 100)
  • We constantly expand our fleets and business territory and recruit professionals in various fields. We collaborate with colleges and universities and offer internship opportunities.
  • We create a sound environment for the career development of employees and have established an effective career competency development and training program to disseminate our culture and business philosophy. Every year, we organize and offer well-planned training activities in four dimensions: orientation training, language training, professional training and external training to achieve talent cultivation.
  • Every year all employees receive the annual performance evaluation. We provide a platform for senior and junior department officers to communicate with employees for a department to establish a top-down review and feedback mechanism to effectively assess current and future career development. To develop proprietary senior sea crews, we constantly promote young captains and chief engineers and select or externally recruit appropriate candidates for training. In addition, in response to the changes in the seaman market of different countries, we have progressive adjusted the proportion of sea crews by nationality and increased hiring Myanmar ratings and interns of Filipino officers to diversify our fleet.

Employee branding

  • In 2020, the Company again won the Gold Award for the transportation industry in the Corporate Sustainability Report category as part of the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA). This marked a clear affirmation of the efforts of U-Ming Marine.
  • FTSE Russell (the trading name of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) confirms that U-Ming Marine Transport has been independently assessed according to the FTSE4Good criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to keep holding the constituent of the FTSE4Good Index.
  • U-Ming won the "Excellent Port Operation Performance," "Excellent Industry-Academia Collaboration," "Excellent Green Shipping Development" and "Excellent Fleet Expansion" awards under the 2019 Excellent Shipping Contest by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.
  • U-Ming has collaborated with Ericsson to establish a global fleet safety management system (FSM). In 2019, other functions such as "weather data", "anchor alarm" and "dangerous vicinity display" were upgraded to improve the overall safety-related information onboard the ships thus reducing marine accidents caused by bad weather and sea conditions.
  • A total of 26 ships in the fleet have been equipped with ballast water management systems, achieving an overall completion rate of 70.27%. Scrubbers have also been installed on 7 of U-Ming’s own ships in response to the IMO 2020 sulphur regulations.
  • U-Ming also awarded the "Badge of Accredited Healthy Workplace" by the Health Promotion Administration, MOHW for promoting a friendly workplace and a smoke-free environment in 2019.



裕民航運總部設於台灣台北,並於新加坡、香港及中國等三地設有子公司、投資公司及合資公司。裕民近年來加速拓展業務,2018 年為深耕中國市場與國貿集團公司 (ITG) 成立了兩家合資公司,2019 年與台灣電力、光明海運、日商K-LINE 簽訂合作備忘錄。

Work policies and practices


Employee benefits

  • 員工是裕民最重要的資產,我們設有薪酬委員會,定期召開會議,檢討員工薪資水準。另外,也設有職工福利委員會,統籌推動福利事宜。並依法成立勞資會議,隨時依據法令調整公司相關規章,維護同仁權益。
  • 平時舉辦休閒活動、員工旅遊、年節慰勞等活動,並發放生日禮券及旅遊補助,使員工在工作之餘,能兼顧身心之休閒健康與促進同仁之情。為關心同仁眷屬,我們另有同仁及子女獎學金、婚喪喜慶、住院補助之福利。
  • 陸勤人員方面: 根據員工學、經歷背景、專業技能及個人績效表現以核定薪資水準。基本薪資不因性別、種族、宗教、政治立場、婚姻狀況、工會社團等有所不同。2019 年全體同仁平均薪資福利符合產業水準,台灣地區的薪酬成長比率4.1%。
  • 海勤人員方面: 基層船員標準薪資除新加坡旗等同於新加坡海員工會協議之最低工資金額外,香港旗優於所屬船旗國工會協議之1.4倍。中華民國船員則優於船員法訂定最低月薪資之2.5 倍。
  • 退休金制度依照勞動基準法、勞工退休金條例及船員法、海商法等相關法規,訂有職員退休辦法及船員退休辦法,充分保障同仁退休之權益。
  • 裕民採人性化管理制度,普通傷病假優於勞基法規定:前30 日全薪給付,31-90 日薪資折半發給。並鼓勵員工請育嬰留停、家庭照顧假、陪產假,以兼顧家庭。公司為鼓勵生育,辦公室設有哺集乳室,讓女性同仁餵哺母乳無後顧之憂。我們也以遠東集團名義與附近幼稚園合作,訂立托兒服務之優惠辦法
  • 裕民除依法辦理勞工保險、就業保險及全民健保外,並加保團體保險,內容涵蓋壽險、住院醫療險、意外保險等,提高員工保障。
  • 裕民於法令規定前已先執行特約醫護人員臨場服務,專業醫護人員每月到公司提供同仁身心健康諮詢服務,及檢視公司職安相關規定。
  • 為關懷同仁身心健康,裕民優於法令規定,提供同仁每兩年一次的員工健康檢查方案,65歲以上同仁也依法每年提供健檢補助。

Employee engagement

  • 裕民於2015年起,與大型醫院合作辦理有氧運動班及身心健康講座,至2020年止,計辦理45堂身心健康講座及62堂有氧運動課程,平均每堂講座參加人數達20人以上,平均滿意度也皆高於90分(滿分100分)。
  • 裕民持續擴充船隊及業務版圖,持續引進各領域專業人才,並與大專院校合作,提供實習機會。
  • 公司為員工之職涯發展創造良好環境,並建立有效之職涯能力發展培訓計畫,為傳承公司文化與經營理念,落實培育人才目標,每年分為四個面向 : 新人訓練、語言訓練、專業訓練、外部訓練,開辦完善的課程。其中船員每年度每人平均訓練時數達約50小時。
  • 岸勤人員每年每人皆定期接受年度績效考核,提供各部門一、二級主管與員工之間溝通之平台,藉此機會使部門建立上下檢視與回饋機制,有效評估目前與未來職涯發展。裕民為了扶植公司自有高階船員,每年持續提拔年輕船長及輪機長,遴選或對外招募適當人選並加以培訓,針對在船不同國籍船員的配置,已逐步調整比例,亦拓展緬甸籍乙級船員之僱傭,以及逐年增加菲籍甲級船員實習生比例,使得裕民船隊之船員更為多元化。

Employee branding

  • 2019 年獲選台灣永續能源研究基金會所舉辦的 2019《台灣企業永續獎》運輸業金獎殊榮。
  • 連續三年通過富時羅素(FTSE Russell)及台灣證券交易所的評鑑標準,納入《富時社會責任新興市場指數 FTSE4Good Emerging Index》及《台灣永續指數 FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index》成分股。
  • 榮獲交通部舉辦之 107 年度績優船舶運送業選拔之《營業成長績優》、《發展綠色航運績優》及《擴建船隊績優》獎。
  • 2019 年裕民升級「船隊安全管理系統(Fleet Safety Management, FSM)」。加入「天氣資訊」、「流錨警報」及「危險區域顯示」等功能,完善船聯網安全資訊並降低天氣及海象影響所導致的事故。
  • 裕民致力推動無菸環境,並推動職場健康促進工作。2019 年榮獲國民健康署「健康職場認證」健康促進標章,營造更健康安全的工作環境。