
Awards and Recognition:

Company details


No. 318, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist.,
Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

No. 318, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




SYSTEX continues to lead the
integration of the data economy
ecosystem, playing the role of
an “Orchestrator", using the
power of software and data to
assist clients in enhancing their
marketing performance, and
accelerating their digital
transformation to create the
second growth curve and
become an “exponential
organization” in data economy.


SYSTEX continues to lead the integration of the data economy ecosystem, playing
the role of an “Orchestrator", using the power of software and data to assist clients
in enhancing their marketing performance, and accelerating their digital
transformation to create the second growth curve and become an “exponential
organization” in data economy.


Head Count



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SYSTEX Corporation (TWSE code: 6214) was established in 1997. We are a leading Taiwan-based IT service provider with approximately 4,000 employees, ranked among the top 100 in the Taiwan service industries.

SYSTEX has rendered professional IT services for over 30,000 enterprise and government clients. Our service area is across China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and also includes Asia, Europe and the United State. SYSTEX focuses on serving enterprise customers and has accumulated extensive domain knowledge across various industries. SYSTEX also connects ecosystem partners to lead cooperation, and to provide cross-border heterogeneous platform data integration services, and excels in smart manufacturing, smart finance, smart healthcare, smart service, and smart city. SYSTEX reported consolidated revenue of USD $237 Million in 2020.

Vision and Mission

SYSTEX is a “Data Software Company". We collect and analyze data with software, and uses computing and advanced technology tools to help companies create exponential growth. Continue to connect customers, partners, and markets, lead the data economy ecosystem, and provide customers innovative solutions that can be applied.

In addition, SYSTEX is also committed to creating a healthy and energetic working environment for its employees, responding to the UN sustainable development goals (SDG), with setting up an ESG sustainable management task force to providing green technology solutions, participating in software talent cultivation, and making the world a better place through technology and other social cooperation. The implementation of corporate social responsibility helps strengthen links with customers, and enhance the sense of achievement for employees as well. Make our employees proud while working at SYSTEX.

SYSTEX "Exponential Talent" Program

SYSTEX has launched the "Exponential Talents" program since 2019, and helps customers find the second growth curve and become an exponential enterprise, by cultivating the key talents needed within the process of digital transformation with AI for enterprises. "Exponential Talents" need to develop skills to collect, distribute, index, and label data through 5A (AP, APP, API, Appliance, Algorithm) software capabilities to help customers start adopting cloud services under the multi-cloud hybrid architecture. Those talents are the key to help our customers to monetize data and discover data insight and realize data governance.

Employee’s Health is the Key Value We Care About

To create a better working environment for employees, SYSTEX invested for the maintenance of our employees’ health. We’ve established” health consultation department” and hired a dedicated person to overlook the well-beings of our employees. SYSTEX also provides free occasional health-examinations for employees every year. There will be a long term observation plan for employees who need to be taken care of, such as overweight, or in high risk & vulnerable to certain illness. , . We also established Employee Assistance Program (EAP), by hosting lectures based on healthy lifestyle as well as professional consultations.

We’ve remodeled a professional multifunctional stadium by the end of 2020 to provide excellent environment for employees to exercise. We also arranged various physical training programs focusing on muscle building, calories burning aerobatics or yoga to courage staff to join in. Moreover, we spent over $1 million NT dollars on the promotion of exercise culture, hosting annually event like “3-on-3 basketball tournament” throughout the country. In the past 2 years, more than 792 employees have joined our exercise program.

“SYSTEX Baby Fund”

In April 2021, SYSTEX announced that it will increase the implementation of employee welfare policies, to kick off the "SYSTEX Baby Fund" program to provide subsidy for employee to raise their children. Regardless of male or female employees, as long as there are children under the age of two, each child can receive a subsidy of up to NTD 60,000. Be considerate of the risks of pregnancy and childbirth at an elder age, if a female employee over 35 years old or male employees whose spouses is over 35 years old to give birth to a child can apply for double subsidies, up to NTD 120,000, and twins can apply for a maximum subsidy of NTD 240,000. According to statistics there will be 168 babies benefit from the updated policy.
We have continuously optimized the working environment and provided more support and care to our employees. We believe this is the best investment and also fulfill our CSR as well. In addition, we increase the paid maternity leave days to 60 days, which is better than the current labor law (only 56 days maternity leave). If a pregnant woman is over the age of 35, we will provide additional paid maternity leave up to 70 days. We are the first company in Taiwan's information service industry to provide both increased paid leave and maternity subsidies for employee benefits.

We are committed to creating a friendly working environment. Since 2018, SYSTEX launched “newlywed colleague caring program”, to provide a gift box with reflection of Taiwan culture, including a golden shovel (meaning of blessing that getting pregnant soon) and two pair of chopsticks, meaning of a new family has been created. A pregnant employee will receive a gift, "Moon Pillow", which is designed to relieve the discomfort during pregnancy, and she will be taken care about the physical and mental health during her pregnancy.


精誠資訊SYSTEX Corporation (台股代號6214) 成立於1997年,是台灣資訊服務產業龍頭企業,目前員工人數約4,000名,位居台灣前一百大服務業,服務超過30,000家企業/機構客戶,涵蓋兩岸三地、亞洲以及歐美地區;精誠以行業應用為服務面向深耕產業客戶,積累紮實行業領域知識,並連結生態圈夥伴力量,提供跨界跨業異質平台數據整合服務,展現在智慧製造、智慧金融、智慧醫療、智慧服務與智慧城市等領域,2020年合併營收為新台幣237億元。


精誠以" a Data Software Company為定位,以軟體力收集、分析數據,並運用科技力演算,幫企業創造指數型成長。持續連結客戶、連結夥伴、連結市場,領導數據經濟生態圈,同時為客戶找到可落地應用的創新方案。





為提供員工良好的工作環境,確保同仁獲得就業安全與成長,精誠在促進員工身心健康的投資逐年增加,除了設置專責的「健康管理師」與「健康諮詢室」,主動關懷同仁健康,精誠員工也享有免費健康檢查,並由健康管理師針對健康檢查異常同仁(如: 體重過重、三高、高風險病史),提供健康諮詢與長期追蹤,擬訂健康促進方案、預防計畫等服務。此外也與專業顧問公司合作引進EAP(Employees Assistance Program)員工協助方案,由外部專業顧問提供員工在工作、家庭、生活等面向上的專業諮詢服務,同時也舉辦幸福家庭與健康生活系列講座等,促進員工身心健康。




