
Awards and Recognition:

Company details


2F, No. 392, Ruey Kuang Road,
Neihu, Taipei 11492, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2F, No. 392, Ruey Kuang Road, Neihu, Taipei 11492, Taiwan, R.O.C.




A World-Class Excellence Company Best Partner in Opto-Electronic,
Eco-Friendly and Intelligent Technologies

A World-Class Excellence Company
Best Partner in Opto-Electronic,
Eco-Friendly and Intelligent Technologies

Head Count



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LITE-ON Technology was the first technology company listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Founded in 1975, we have become a worldwide leading provider of optoelectronics and key electronic components. In recent years, we have shifted our focus towards the smart city industry and developed new business opportunities and products indispensable for smart life and smart cities. We are also expanding towards new industries such as: cloud computing, LED lighting, automotive, smart manufacturing, and 5G+AIoT applications. We will continue to leverage our professionalism, rich industry experience, high-quality products and services, and operation sites to become the partner of choice for global customers developing innovations and applications for smart technologies.

Employees are LITE-ON’s most important partners in achieving sustainability. All human resource policies and strategies aim to create a balanced, healthy, and happy workplace. At LITE-ON, we put people first. We make an effort to provide and maintain a workplace that pays attention to the mental and physical health of our employees. We hope that LITE-ON’s employees work together towards excellency and live happy and harmonious lives.
In order to continuously attract and recruit new generation employees, LITE-ON has promoted the Puyu Project to establish campuses in North, Central, and South Taiwan. These serve as short-term (summer internship), medium-term (industry-education cooperation), and long-term (inter-school collaboration) cooperation models to cultivate potential young talents and bridge the gap between industry and education. LITE-ON’s new recruits undergo 20 online training courses where they familiarize themselves with the company's vision, culture, and regulations. We want to facilitate the integration of new recruits into LITE-ON’s workplace and enhance their understanding of the company's culture. LITE-ON provides career development planning to all employees, who can access the company’s diverse and practical online learning courses to enhance their management and professional competences.

Furthermore, LITE-ON provides employees with rotation opportunities in different departments, regions, and functional organizations to help them accumulate in-depth industry experience, and empower their career development, and help LITE-ON build a solid foundation of highly skilled and experienced human capital.
光寶科技為台灣首家上市的電子公司,創立於1975年,為全球光電元件及電子關鍵模組之領導廠商,近年積極耕耘智慧產業,開發智慧生活、智慧城市所需的新商機與產品,並朝向雲端運算、LED照明、汽車電子、智能製造、5G、AIoT 等領域佈局,持續以專業、豐富的產業經驗、優質的產品與服務及全球營運據點,成為全球客戶發展智慧科技之創新及應用,首選的最佳夥伴。
光寶科技為台灣首家上市的電子公司,創立於1975年,為全球光電元件及電子關鍵模組之領導廠商,近年積極耕耘智慧產業,開發智慧生活、智慧城市所需的新商機與產品,並朝向雲端運算、LED照明、汽車電子、智能製造、5G、AIoT 等領域佈局,持續以專業、豐富的產業經驗、優質的產品與服務及全球營運據點,成為全球客戶發展智慧科技之創新及應用,首選的最佳夥伴。


  • 健康保障:勞健保、團保、退休金、年度健康檢查、每月安排三次國泰醫院醫生臨場服務時段、優於法令的休假制度
  • 生活補助:餐費補助、停車費補助、進修補助、婚喪/生育/子女就學補助
  • 身心平衡:三節/勞動節/生日禮金、旅遊補助、社團補助、社會參與志工假、舉辨家庭日活動、幸福講座、公司尾牙、員工運動會、歌唱大賽、耶誕午會、感恩節胖卡餐車活動…等
  • 優質環境:健身房、員工餐廳、集乳室、定期環境消毒
  • 因應特殊時期與環境需求,制定不同補助方案:COVID-19疫情期間對駐外人員的溫馨照顧 (如提高團保壽險額度、未使用的返台機票及返台假全數折現、門診檢查/住院費用申請健保與團保理賠,超過的部分由公司部分負擔…等)