Company details
36F, Taipei Metro Tower, 207,
Tun Hwa South Road, Sec. 2,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
36F, Taipei Metro Tower, 207, Tun Hwa South Road, Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
Petrohemical, Polyester, Fiber
Having innovative thinking, superior
technology and excellent managerial
skills, we aim to lead the polyester
industry and maximize the value
of our holdings in real estates and
equity investments that shall bring
happiness and prosperity to the
community where we serve.
Having innovative thinking, superior technology and excellent managerial skills,
we aim to lead the polyester industry and maximize the value of our holdings in
real estates and equity investments that shall bring happiness and prosperity to
the community where we serve.
Head Count
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Workplace policies and practices
Construct Happy WorkplaceFENC is dedicated to promoting human rights, which takes precedence in the human resources systems at our global locations. We are adamant about sharing business performance and future directions with the entire staff. We care for employees’ physical and mental health, encourage local recruitment and provide training and career development opportunities..
Foster Employee Career Planning
In the spirit of sustainable development, we value talent development and provide comprehensive training to foster professional competency at all stages. We establish project specific assessment mechanism, conduct follow ups on some training courses and administer manager survey, and require staff presentation on putting training content to practice.
Employee benefits
CompensationFrom employees’ perspective, safety, friendly environment and high quality facilities are critical support for their undivided devotion to work, but more importantly, the Company must provide comprehensive payroll and benefit policy. We have higher annual average regular earnings:Taiwan 41%;China6%;Vietnam46% ;Japan10% ;U.S. 25%
FENC established a variable payroll system that rewards individual and team performance. The Articles of Incorporations stipulates that a percentage of the Company’s net profit shall be dedicated toward employee compensation. We do not issue stock options, nor do we have company policy for deferred or vested share options. The Company does not offer signing bonus or recruitment incentives for recruiting high-level executives.
Employee Benefits
Healthful habits and stress relief help staff improve efficiency and achieve work-life balance. We provide comprehensive care that covers all facets of employees’ lives, including company trip, family day, annual physical and birthday celebrations. While doing so, we monitor turnouts to continuously
Care for Foreign Employees
FENC’s staff in Taiwan is made up of 7.5% of foreign employees, and their salary is determined in accordance with regulatory requirements. Dialogues are ongoing to make sure they are well adjusted to life in Taiwan. We hold recreational programs such as annual trips, group activities and basketball tournaments. We also conduct dormitory inspection to provide them with comfortable living environment. In addition, many of FENC’s foreign employees are from the Philippines, which is a Catholic country. Therefore, the Company holds Christmas Mass and year end appreciation banquet each year, hoping to make Taiwan their home away from home.
Employee engagement
The Company keeps ongoing dialogues with staff through multiple channels to build consensus and optimize employee performance. From time to time, we conduct employee satisfaction survey and gain insights into trends in the labor market and employees’ needs with the help of outside consultants. We have reached 84.43% in employee satisfaction survey in recent years.Pursuant to FENC Human Rights Policy, the Company holds regular labor relation meetings and signs the collective bargaining agreement each year with minutes made public. Major policy decisions are made after thorough discussions are conducted between departmental managers and the labor union, and signed into collective bargaining agreement, which offers umbrella protection over 100% of the permanent employees. Staff may express their opinions to the management through internal channels, including comment box and executive meetings. We are adamant about developing rapport with employees and avoid labor disputes. During the reporting period, there were no violations of freedom of assembly or collective bargaining agreement.
Employer branding
2019 Happy Enterprise Award1111 Job Bank, a well-known job search platform in Taiwan, hosted 2019 Happiness Enterprise Award to encourage corporations to entice top talents with employee benefits. The platform invites the public to vote for corporations that offer the happiest workplace and best benefits. FENC won the title for Consumer Category under Manufacturing Industry. The award ceremony was held at Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei on November 11th, 2019.
TTQS Silver Medaltext
Talents play a pivotal role in giving the Company its leading edge. To foster a robust talent program, the Company incorporates its core business philosophy and organizational strategies into the blueprint for training. The approaches are polished continuously for program optimization with diversified options for learning, including teleclass, online learning platform, overseas lesson by internal trainers and onsite training in Taiwan for foreign managers. All of which allow the talent program to accelerate. In 2019, we were recognized once again by Talent Quality-management System (TTQS), which demonstrates the Company’s emphasis on training quality. Meanwhile, FENC continues to develop into a learning organization, creating win-win for employees and the Company.
FENC focuses on digital transformation and internationalization strategies. In 2019, we launched two training programs "Digital Innovative Talents" and "International Talent Cultivation" to cultivate new generations in our company, and continue to create sustainable growth. And FENC won the " People Development Awards " in 2020.
Workplace policies and practices
Employee benefits
員工健康生活及壓力紓解不僅可讓員工工作與生活平衡,更能進一步提升工作效率,我們在各地舉辦員工活 動,藉由員工旅遊、家庭日、健康檢查、生日會活動等,全方位照顧同仁的食衣住行,並持續檢驗成效、進行改善、持續提升公司管理績數指標。
Employee engagement
Employer branding
幸福企業:text為鼓勵企業提供福利、吸引優秀人才,台灣知名人力招募網站 - 1111 人力銀行,2019年舉辦幸福企業大賞,邀請民眾上網投票選出心目中 幸福感最高、福利最好的企業,遠東新世紀在製造業民生消費業產業獲得幸福企業大賞獎座。