Company details
6F, 18 Jihu Road, Neihu, Taipei 114
Beverage / Beverage Importers
Our ambition is to be one of the best
performing, most trusted and respected
consumer products companies in the world.
We are in a strong position to achieve this
due to our scale, the geographical diversity
of our business and our desire to
continuously improve our performance.
Our ambition is to be one of the best performing, most trusted and respected consumer products companies in the world.
We are in a strong position to achieve this due to our scale, the geographical diversity of our business and our desire to
continuously improve our performance.
Head Count
28,490 Employees
Explore opportunities with us!
Diageo is the world's leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands, including Johnnie Walker, Singleton, Baileys, and Guinness etc. Trading in approximately 180 countries, we employ over 28,000 talented people around the world. Diageo Taiwan has branch offices in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, aiming to serve our valuable clients and customers around the countrywide.
Since 2003, “THE KEEP WALKING FUND” program implemented by Diageo Taiwan annually has been encouraging the people of Taiwan to actively pursue and fulfill their dreams. Positive influences of the program are now widely recognized in Taiwan, and the insight of Keep Walking has become a part of spirit in Taiwan, prompting many people here to create their visions and persistently move towards their visions.
Since 2003, “THE KEEP WALKING FUND” program implemented by Diageo Taiwan annually has been encouraging the people of Taiwan to actively pursue and fulfill their dreams. Positive influences of the program are now widely recognized in Taiwan, and the insight of Keep Walking has become a part of spirit in Taiwan, prompting many people here to create their visions and persistently move towards their visions.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Drinking
Diageo Taiwan has implemented the social enterprise responsibility as one of the core strategies and has adhered to the concept of “carry the indigenous spirit across over the national boundaries” since we established in Taiwan in 1987. We believe enterprises ties closely to local environment because environmental improvement and business growth has complemental relationships. Hence, Diageo Taiwan has been holding various social engagement and participation, including launching the “designated driving service”, introducing a new concept to the public “not driving before drinking”, holding “Taiwan Smashed project”, “water of life project”, and Plan W (Empowering women through learning). We’ve also continued to expand our social caring scope to conveying good impacts to local communities and creating a better environment to target for building a thriving community.Diageo Taiwan’s corporate social responsibility commitment is widely recognized in Taiwan. In 2019, Diageo won the ‘Better Business Award’ by British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei; Diageo was ranked the 8th place of Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility selected by Commonwealth Magazine. In 2019 won ‘Public Construction Golden Safety Award’, which is the fist foreign company within 30 years. In 2020, Diageo was ranked the 8th place of Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility again.
Champion Inclusion and Diversity Beyond Our Business
Diageo’s ambition is fueled by our purpose and values. It drives us to create an inclusive culture where every individual can thrive and to champion inclusion and diversity in our business and in society more broadly. DIAGEO believe it is crucial to create a culture with I&D at heart. We’ve always adhered to it and focusing internally on development of employees and providing good working environments so that all colleagues can achieve their maximum potential and growth. Accordingly, in response to International Women's Day, DIAGEO Taiwan holds "I&D Week" inviting Siena, Ping, Tammy, and Tinana Master as our speaker to share the ideas of I&D, hoping that employees can give full play to their strengths and take the responsibilities of educate and cultivate talents with equal and pluralistic concepts.It’s our honor to be one of the Best Companies to Work for in Asia. Diageo values the wellbeing and development of employees by creating an environment where people respect each other and achieve their maximum potential and growth. We give employees freedom to succeed to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in the organization. We create mutually fulfilling relationships and partnerships whether we're together or apart. Dedicate this award to all our employees, it won’t make it without anyone of you.
Atul Chhaparwal, General Manager (Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau)
Professional Training and Personal Development
We have talented people working together to grow our business and nurture our brands. We are committed to their professional and personal development and ensuring that Diageo is a great place to work. Diageo Taiwan provides complete training for new recruits and have business English courses and professional knowledge courses for all employees. Besides, all colleagues can use the “My Learning Hub” online learning platform, we can learn online through mobile phones and computers anytime, anywhere. Through different trainings and courses, colleagues can receive new knowledge, improve work efficiency, and broaden employees' horizons in learning and development.Excellent Employee Benefits and Compensation
Diageo Taiwan values the wellbeing and development of employees by creating an environment where people respect each other. Diageo gives employees the freedom to succeed in order to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in the organization. In addition to regularly team building, outing and annual “Employee Keep Walking Award”, to connect employees well-together, Diageo Taiwan also provides employees travel allowances and six months family leave with full paid for both men and women. Diageo Taiwan gives employees with 30 times a year outpatient subsidy, fixed weekly massage services, and free annual health check benefits. We also have the system called "Tlk2 Employee Assistance Program" when employees encounter personal, emotional, and any problems, Tlk2 is free and confidential consultation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing methods and solution for the difficulties.People in Diageo behave as a team; they create mutually fulfilling relationships and partnerships whether we're together or apart. No matter what you are looking for on your career path, Diageo Taiwan can always surprise you.
帝亞吉歐為全球酒精性飲料領導廠商,以其全球性的視野與尊重在地需求和文化,提供消費者一流的酒精飲料品牌,旗下包括約翰走路、蘇格登、貝禮詩、健力士等150個品牌與產品,產品行銷遍及全球180個營運據點。帝亞吉歐台灣分公司在台北、台中與高雄分別設有辦公室,服務全國的客戶與消費者。自2003年起,帝亞吉歐持續舉辦「KEEP WALKING夢想資助計劃」,每年以新台幣千萬元、資助一般大眾。主要是透過向一般大眾募集夢想企劃書的方式,以企業公民角度來評估其企業社會責任以及永續經營的概念,藉此評選並說明企業公民可以積極回應社會的方法。除此之外,帝亞吉歐更長期致力推廣「理性飲酒」,2000年成立「社團法人台灣酒與社會責任促進會」,並推出酒後代駕服務,協助台灣民眾落實「酒後不開車」的習慣。
成立以來,帝亞吉歐一直以「跨越國界藩籬,發揚在地精神」為經營理念,負起企業公民責任,積極參與社會公益活動的推展與社區關係經營,包括台灣SMASHED教育劇場計畫、水資源保育計畫及Plan W女性賦權計畫等,同時也深獲各界肯定。2019榮獲臺北市英僑商務協會第三屆優良企業貢獻獎「企業社會責任獎」;2019年獲得天下雜誌「CSR企業公民獎」外商企業組第8名;2019年更獲道安界奧斯卡金安獎「企業團體貢獻獎」殊榮,為30年首見的外商企業;2020年又再次榮獲天下雜誌「CSR企業公民獎」外商企業組第8名。提倡多元共融文化使員工發展長才
帝亞吉歐對內相當注重內部員工的福利與發展,並提供良好的工作條件與環境,讓所有同仁可釋放最大的潛力與成長。因此在2021年3月,帝亞吉歐配合三八婦女節舉辦為期一周充滿豐富活動與講座的「Inclusion & Diversity Week」,此次活動帶給同仁們許多外部經驗與不同領域的分享,也共同表示這樣的活動能使大家去擁抱並包容不同的想法。而帝亞吉歐更是給予員工們自由發展的空間跟平台,並且在性別平等比達到了近乎「1:1」的比例,展現出帝亞吉歐無論是在多元共融還是平權議題上的努力。多元學習課程與培訓開拓員工視野
帝亞吉歐除了給予新入職同仁最完善的基礎培訓外,也提供員工商業英語課程、部門主管領導相關課程,以及專業知識課程,所有同仁皆可透過My Learning Hub 線上學習平台,只要在有網路的地方,隨時隨地透過手機、電腦學習任何有興趣的線上課程。透過不同的培訓與課程,讓同事皆能接受新知及與時俱進,提升素質跟工作效率,並在學習與發展開拓員工的視野。優良的員工福利與津貼打造幸福企業
只有把員工福祉列為最優先的企業,才能創造出跨世代合作溝通的環境,打造穩定、創新、績效良好的企業。除了定時舉辦員工旅遊、品酩會,以及一年一度的Employee Keep Walking Award,以凝聚員工之間的向心力與情感。帝亞吉歐也給予員工旅遊津貼以及男女皆擁有的半年全薪育嬰假,讓員工在家庭與公司上擁有更強的連接。帝亞吉歐團體保險提供員工一年30次的門診補助、每週固定的視障按摩服務、以及免費的年度健康檢查福利,並且提供「Tlk2員工協助方案」,當員工遇到涉及個人、情感和工作生活方面的各類問題時,Tlk2提供每周7天、每天24小時不間斷的免費、保密的諮詢和建議,並提供資訊和方法,願同仁們都能擁有良好的身體跟心靈健康發展。帝亞吉歐無論是對外或是對內為了達到最好,不遺餘力做好企業社會責任的同時也注重員工的多元發展,提供學習培訓課程更給予絕佳的員工福利,力求打造令人稱羨的幸福企業!